march lambs 2010 come on ladies

mummydee - what a gorgeous picture!!!
greenlady - i love the video!! she is so cute!! she'll have the bouncing figured out in no time!

I am pretty excited myself, went to get bridesmaid dresses for our november wedding in Mexico. We found some beautiful dresses after just one hour and they were on sale for 70 bucks. We also looked at some wedding bands and I found the one that would go perfectly with my engagement ring.

Does anyone is starting to have trouble changing their LO because they are not laying still anymore? Sam has gotten so quick with rolling over the past few days that now he won't stay on his back anymore. Crazy! He is such an agile little guy. Thanks to Kel ( I think it was you to put Connor in the bathtub?), we tried the bathtub. Did that before but with a little chaise thingy where he would lay on and only wee bit of water. This time I put him flat on his back and used a bit more water. It took a bit for him to figure out how fantastic you can kick and splash in the water - but then he could not get enough of it.

I did the most stupid thing yesterday and I blame it on the sleep deprivation! After shopping I strapped Sam's car seat in and closed the f'in door on my own thumb! Excuse my french :blush: My friend was laughing so hard...bless her....:haha: Took me a while to catch my breath and get over the fact I actually did that to myself. Now the nail is all blue and I hope it will have grown out till the wedding.

I hope everyone is having a fab weekend :flower:
Dee - lovely pic, Roman is getting so big!

GL - Flora is adorable! We haven't got the space for a jumperoo either so I mentioned a bouncer to OH but he poo-pooed the idea because it would damage the doorframe (him & his dad built our house with the sole purpose of selling it - we have to live with magnolia walls, no pictures and a magnolia nursery until we sell :-()

It clamps above the architrave, I don't think it would do any damage and I highly doubt any potential buyers would see any marks. I think you should try and talk him round, I can see it getting lots of use around here.

Boo for magnolia!
I'm going to try and talk him round tonight. M loves standing up and us bouncing her on our laps, so I think she'd love one.
GL - Love the video! Flora is adorable
Julchen- So glad that Sam enjoyed splashing around in the tub!

We added a new step into our bedtime routine. I got him a toothbrush, and we are now brushing everynight. He doesn't have teeth yet but its getting him used to the idea of having the toothbrush in his mouth everyday.
Kel - that's a really good idea! I used to love cleaning my teeth as a kid because I loved the milk toothpaste!

OH has relented - I'm getting a door bouncer :dance:
ooh love the toothbrush idea... you can get these plasticky type things like finger ends that go over the tips of your fingers with rough surfaces on that are good for teething too - you pop them on and let your LO chew to their hearts content!

sorry that was kinda off on a tangent!

Becki - yeh for the door bouncer!!

Does any one elses LO not really sleep in the daytime?
Dee - M sleeps quite a bit. She can only go about 1hr 15m to 2hr maximum awake before she needs a nap (not that she wants a nap, I usually have to force her to sleep or she gets worsexand worse until she screams)
MM: Wow, I can't believe that Ella has slept through from the beginning. You are super lucky. I feel very fortunate that Charlotte has slept through since week 6/7. Those first few weeks were so awful that I swore I would never have any more. I've since changed my mind.

JJ: Isn't it adorable when they fall asleep while playing? Sort of like a wind-up toy that runs out of juice, so much energy at first then they just slow down and next thing you know they are out.

Erised: My LO can reach the floor in her jumperoo, but I still put a pillow under her so she can get more bounce (plus the pillow is softer than our tile floors).

MDee: Looks like you all had a great time (especially Olivia).

GL: Flora looks so cute in her door bouncer. My MIL bought one off of her next door neighbors who were having a yard sale so that Charlotte could use it while we were in town. My husband went to adjust it while Charlotte was in it and the tether (I guess that's what you call it) broke. The thing was so old that it had dry rotted :shock:! We looked and it had been manufactured in 1999! Thankfully we found this out while holding Charlotte or it could have been bad news. BTW I am not sharing this with you to scare you as yours appears new and fine. I'm sure the one my MIL bought was great 11 years ago! It was too bad it didn't work because Charlotte loves to bounce and there was no way I was going to buy her a second jumperoo to keep at grandma's house 600 miles away.

Seity: Good use of the husband.

Jul: Ouch! Hope your thumb recovers quickly. Also, great news about the dresses and wedding band.

Kel: Bathtime in the big tub was a success. She kicked and splashed and had a great time. Thanks!
Ooh, I like the toothbrush too! Might start doing that.

Cocoa-what's milk toothpaste? Is that a UK thing? I loved brushing my teeth because i had to use a flouride rinse every night and it tasted good.

Dee-Mika has decided he doesn't want to nap but we have to make him. He used to only be able to go for about an hour and a half between naps but now he makes it about two hours.

We went out with FIL for lunch today and omg its HOT outside. One sign I saw said 103F (39C). Freaking miserable. Plus with the lack of wind and the humidity the heat index (I don't know if weather stations in other parts of the world do a heat index, basically what the equivalent dry heat would be) for today is 110F. Yesterday one of the mesonets in northeastern OK had a heat index of 121F (49C)! Usually we don't go out in the daytime but since we were out for lunch we went shopping and in the car ride there and back Mika got way too hot and cranky, by the time we got home (the a/c decided not to work) he was bright red and sweaty, I felt so bad for the little man.

I hope everyone elses LOs are handling the heat ok! We are going to stay inside the rest of the day, lol.
I hated brushing my teeth as a kid. Toothpaste only came in mint flavor and I hate mint. I think I only ever brushed right before going to the dentist up until around age 13.
Gabriel doesn't sleep much. He often goes 4-5 hours before napping.
We get the milk toothpaste. I dont think i'm gonna introduce brushing until she gets some teeth though. Still working on her opening her mouth for the spoon :haha:

Dee- Ella has about 2 naps in the day. I'm lucky if she does a whole hour.

Cocoa- yay for the door bouncer. I'm slowly getting more trusting of it. I'm scared its gonna pop off!
Connor fights to go to sleep for all his daytime naps, but always takes at least one 2-3 hour nap.

We had pictures done today! There are soo many but here are a few of my favorites. Sorry for the pic overload!


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Ooh Kel those are adorable! Mika spent his first night away from OH and I Friday and spent the day Saturday with my aunt and my sister and my grandma. My aunt took him and had pictures made, we should get them the first week of August. I can't wait to see them. They are his first professional pictures since he was born becuase we just don't have the money to get any made.

I realized today that I have absolutely zero pictures of OH, Mika and I together. I only have like three with me and Mika because I'm the one holding the camera if I am home and OH takes pictures when I'm not home.
Kel- the pics r great! i love the black and white one with the coloured pics down the side :)

bnk- How was your 1st night away from Mika?

I used to be a photographer for pixi foto (professional baby and family photos) so i really can't see myself taking Ella in and paying for photos when I used to do them. silly as that sounds, but they just cost so much!!
MM- it was lonely. He sleeps through the night (usually about 12 hours at a time) but I'm used to just knowing he is in the next room. And it felt weird to not hear him talking in his sleep! I checked on him when I went up to bed out of habit and tried to go check on him when I woke up... OH said the day was just as bad. Quiet and lonely.
jj-rabbit - Chase looks so cute bouncing around in his jumperoo and then falling asleep! Ronan never falls asleep when he's playing like that.

julchen_79 - I hope your nights get better with sleep. It's bad enough when Ronan is having a bad night of things, but it's downright frustrating when he's sleeping like a champ and I'm awake and staring at the ceiling half the night!

Glad to hear you got so lucky on the bridesmaid dress shopping and finding a ring so easily! I hated doing wedding shopping and did most of everything (including buying my dress!) online.

As for wiggly baby during diaper changes...yes! I have to strap him in and even then give him something to keep him distracted. It rarely works, though! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your finger, too. Ouch! I hope the nail grows out for you too, otherwise you'll just have to get a nice manicure and have them painted. :mrgreen:

MiissMuffet - Re: Waking for feeds...While it can be a sign they're ready for weaning, at this age I'd say not...there is a growth spurt, coupled with a developmental leap around 3 months, followed by another one into the 4th month that can really do a number on their sleep (thus the infamous 4 month sleep regression), and can also affect their appetite too (for better or worse). If little miss is waking for a feed during the night, I'd be inclined to feed her more. Of course, there's nothing saying not to wean if you really think she is ready but you will probably find that just increasing her feeds and riding out the rough patch is all that's needed and she'll settle back down in good time...see the end of this post for my own rollercoaster ride!

Erised - I actually had to raise the jumperoo for Ronan to level 2 because he was jarring his legs bouncing on level 1!

mummydee - Looks like you had a fab time there! Great pic and yay for Roman having a good night's sleep.

As for daytime sleep, Ronan has his days but in general he usually gets 3-4 hours of naps in and goes down for a nap every 1.5-2 hours or so at this stage. He usually does one, maybe two short naps of 35-40 minutes but he will get in one good nap of at least 2 hours most days as well. It took work, though and I've found that he just won't nap well anymore if we're out and about so I try to get at least one good nap a day at home in his cot.

greenlady - Flora looks adorable bouncing around there. I think Ronan would actually really like a door bouncer. Maybe I'll have to get one even though the only place I could hang it is the doorway into the kitchen!

kel127 - What a great idea on the teeth brushing. The more Ronan grows and does, the harder it is getting to fit everything into the day! Also, I love the pics. Where did you get them done? Connor looks so cute!

CocoaOne - Woot on getting a door bouncer! :mrgreen:

Seity - There have been days I've been tempted to boot hubby out of bed when Ronan's awake and I know he's not needing a feed...this morning was definitely one of those days.

BnK - I don't envy you the summer heat at all! We had temperatures in the high 30's and into the 40's growing up too and didn't have air conditioning, either. :wacko: I don't know how my mother managed with 4 kids.

I can only imagine how quiet and empty it felt without him there. I'm not sure I could do it yet myself.

Can't wait to see the pics of him too! I would like to get some professional ones of Ronan done rather than me doing them all the time. Maybe I'd actually get a few with both of us together for once. :haha:


Well, I think we've come out the other end of the whole tumultuous 4 month sleep regression period! We were pretty lucky all things considered, since some LO's go through weeks and weeks on end whereas Ronan had a week and a half of early wakings and one extra feed a night right around 21 weeks. The developmental leap that causes the whole cranky, clingy, messed up sleep and feeding occurs around 19 weeks based on due date and he was 2 weeks early so it happened pretty well bang on.

He's gone back to sleeping much better (knock on wood) the past few days, and I'm starting to really notice the changes in him. He's so much more aware and alert of his surroundings in a way that's hard to explain in words, and there's less flailing when he reaches for things. There have even been a few times when he's passed an object from one hand to the other, albeit clumsily still! Every day his coordination seems to improve and his movements are much smoother. Seeing him manipulate his toys is interesting, too and he will happily sit in his jumperoo just trying to figure out all the bits and bobs.He's doing a lot more rolling about, too (both ways), and loves standing up as well. I keep trying to get him to spend more time sitting unsupported to work on his balance but as soon as he sits up, he pushes and flings himself back trying to stand! :dohh:

We're gearing up toward getting into the BLW thing too. He's successfully passed the banana test several times now (with proof in his nappies the next morning!) but I'm not sure *I* am ready yet! :blush: We're going to take it slow anyway for the next few weeks and just start to give him fruit and veg sticks to play with and gnaw on if he wants to every so often until he gets closer to 6 months. He's still quite happy just chewing on his spoons for now anyway so I don't think he will miss not being given actual food! Of course if he starts having hissy fits about not being able to get at our plates, I may have to offer a little more frequently.

I also got his doidy cup in the mail this week so I'm going to start teaching him to drink from that! I think that's a little adventure we may have to embark on outdoors and stripped down to his nappy. :haha:

Anyway, it's getting to that hour where I should get my hiney to bed!
Kel - gorgeous pics, cant believe how much hair connor has!!!

Hive - Ronan is doing fabby, glad you are starting to get a bit more sleep. Good luck with the doidy cup - we had one for Olivia and it worked pretty well :)

BnK - hope you can get some nice pics of all of you together. I dont think we actually have one pic of the 4 of us so must sort that out at some point!

Roman just does not really sleep in the daytime - he has a nap after he has his morning milk (which he is currently having now... usually 30min if on his back, or an hour if I lay him on his tummy!), he might have 10/15mins in the car later on the school run, and sometimes he has half an hour when Olivia is in preschool but he definitely has no more than 3 hours in the daytime. He gets sooo overtired and ratty by early evening, but he just will not sleep properly in the daytime no matter what I do. Last night I fed him at 730pm, he took a full 7oz, then an hour later he was overtired, screamed til I gave him another bottle, he took 3oz then conked out! mind you he slept til 615am so I wont grumble!!
HC- That does make sense. Ella is back to sleeping through till about 6-7 in the morning. i wouldn't say her waking up was a "rough patch" as such, I just put her in bed with me and fed her no dramas.

Ella is started to grab onto toys more porpously rather than just accidently. She still isn't rolling or anything yet though.

The BLW sounds intersesting but i'm not quite sure how it works. Can you please tell me about it? x
Hey Hunter isnt on the first page! 17th March :D 15 days late :wacko:

I never keep up with this thread! :dohh: I am rubbish! ithink i noticed somebody mentioned a door bouncer... for us it is the only thing that he enjoys for any length of time, he has loved it for about a month. When he is on our lap he stands and bounces up and down and it is hell on the arms but he just stands and goes mental and squeels with excitement. So we put him in the bouncer these days and he enjoys being able to do the three things he loves, standing, bouncing and blowing raspberries! :lol: He does it for aaaaaaaaaaaaaages! :lol:

missmuffet: BLW is when you give them handle shaped food and let them explore it at 6 months, there are sooooooo many benefits. I dont wanna start an argument but WHO reccommends weaning at 6 months but the law hasnt changed so babyfood companies still sell it as 4months+, babies digestive systems aren't ready for proper food at that age. Breastmilk (or formula) is the only nutrients they need, it contains much more nutrients than baby food can offer so it is best that your baby not fill up on not notritious foods. There is some good info on what BLW is
Hunter is at a stage (he has been at for weeks) that he refuses to be on his back so he promptly rolls to his tummy then he tries to crawl :lol: Then he tires himself in his futile efforts and cries, he doesnt want to roll back on his back, he wants me to pick him up or roll him on his back for him (where he starts the cycle over again). This was getting VERY annoying but lately he is remembering to turn himself back over BEFORE he gets too frustrated. I put him on a blanket on the floor now because he kept rolling off his playmat activity gym thing but yesterday he rolled and rolled and managed to still end up on the floor :rolleyes:

He is rubbish at sleeping though, but we co-sleep so it doesnt keep me up running around the house so I dont mind. he cat naps during the day on me or in a sling as he is very much a mummys boy :lol: So I have nothing to add to the nap or sleeping conversation, I just do what he wants, he has formed a loose schedule kind of. But the only time i get to do housework or anything is when he is in his door bouncer since i cant leave him on the floor alone and he naps on me. Sometimes i do stuff with him in the sling while he sleeps if he doesnt wake up the second i put him in it like he is doing lately.

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