march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I guess if Gabriel was waking at night a bunch for no reason, I'd probably want to try a few things as well. He's only ever awoken for food and goes back to sleep once he's eaten. So, he might wake 3-4 times a night, but it's just because he's hungry.
Erised-Mika still sleeps swaddled some nights. Sometimes he just can't get into a deep sleep without it, but he always goes down in his crib awake. If he starts screaming and does it for more than about five minutes I swaddle him and he usually falls asleep without another peep. Some nights he goes down with no swaddle and sleeps great.

We got rid of the swaddle a few weeks ago, but started using again during the four month sleep regression because otherwise he wouldn't settle well. Now if I do swaddle him I usually unswaddle after he is asleep and leave the blanket under him but tucked tight against the mattress because otherwise he gets it around his face.

I would recommend losing either feeding to sleep or the swaddle, but not both at one time iykwim.
Erised.... first of all thank you! and as for the sling....

its from - strangely olivia's teacher is pregnant too and asked me if she could try it today - she loved it. Its sooooo secure and snug and its just one piece of slightly stretchy washable fabric! I couldnt recommend it highly enough!
M watches me eat but I'm not considering giving her food until much nearer to 6 months. She still seems too young (definitely not too small! Lol) for food yet. I wanna keep her a baby :haha:
Erised: Charlotte never really fed to sleep (Oh, how I wish she had been that easy). We did find that swaddling made all the difference to us. We swaddled up until about three weeks ago when she I noticed that she was getting her arms loose every night. At that point we realized she didn't need her arms at her side to sleep and moved her into her sleep sack. We had tried to let her sleep without her swaddle at about three months and although she went to sleep OK she woke herself up a few hours later (and required swaddling and a feed which she never needs a feed at night).

Seity: Great news about your sleep last night.

Cocoa: Once she gets that hang of that bouncer she is going to love it. Also, that is great news about your friend.
hive, whats sleep? lol ive had the first set of veiwings today and got more tomorrow but will try to have them only every other day from now, we get the keys sometime this week and move next week and then have till the 8th to have this place ready for handover.

dm2 ej is in 6-9/9-12 month clothes
Cocoa - I love it, she's just hanging there chilling, Flora's the same a bit sort of dumbstruck by it. Like vegas says once she gets the hang of it she'll be happy as larry in there.

HC our bouncer is in the hall next to the front door and the bathroom. We have a long narrow flat and the kitchen living is all one room so no doorways excepted bedroom doors and the one between the bedrooms and living room. I don't think she cares as long as she can see us (we're always in the kitchen anyway).

Intersting discussion about weaning, I want to give BLW a go, but as stupid as it sounds I also like the thought of cooking all different purees for Flora. DH is a chef and we're very foody at home and I just imagined myself cooking batches of baby food... but anyway as someone else said probably I'll do a bit of a combo. Not yet though.

And sleep. Grr well I guess I should diarise week 19! (she came practically on her due date). Emksins I hope things get easier for you and you feel less like a zombie soon.

Re getting her to sleep, she has always been very good at bed time, I just take her into the bedroom, deliberately close the curtains while she's watching and feed her in the quiet. She always has a dummy after feeding which is recommended for reflux babies anyway (I do worry that she's a little addicted to it but that's another story), and hold her upright for a while, and then I just put her in her basket on her side and even if she's still awake she just knows bedtime and it's always fine. Sometimes a few tears but not for long really. In the night mostly she just feeds and goes back to sleep and doesn't even need the dummy.

Daytime used to be much harder, but recently she has been really excellent at napping (albeit about 45-1 hour max). I actually have to credit cocoa for this one, but as soon as I see she's tired I take her through, close the curtains (not as dark as bedtime though) and I put her in her moses basket on her side with a muslin over her eyes. With her dummy and a quick pat on the back and she just goes to sleep!! The muslin trick works a treat so thanks cocoa for that one :thumbup: However she often wakes and cries with it still over her face which I don't like. But anyway I lay it so there's plenty of breathing space and always really thin light breathable muslin. Sometimes she actually reache up and pulls it down over her eyes even further!

I am going to bed quite soon I think try to get a bit of sleep before she wakes, but lately she has been waking right around the time I go to bed :wacko:
Glad her sleep is improving GL!

M has 'regressed' a bit! Her naps are a bit better, but the past couple of days she's been waking an hour after bed time, we resettle her, wakes for food 2-3 hours later, wakes again for food 2-3 hours later and doesn't sleep well after that second feeding (usually 4-5am) Not sure if she's having the 4 month one a bit early (15 weeks tomorrow but was over a week late, so technically 16 weeks I suppose, in terms of development)

I've had to go up twice to resettle her tonight since 8pm. She's asleep on our bed now. I think it's comfier than her crib :haha:
Cocoa - finally got a chance to watch the video, now I'm home from work, M looks so cute all confused and spinning about. I'm sure she'll figure it out and be bouncing in no time.
vegasbaby - How adorable is Charlotte in those pics? You must have so much fun playing with styling all of that hair she already has. Ronan doesn't look nearly so pretty in the pictures of him chowing into a banana. I'll have to get them up sometime soon! I will definitely let you know how we go with the doidy cup! I have high hopes. :haha:

Erised - We went cold turkey on swaddling at the same time as we started putting Ronan into his own cot and getting him to self settle. He likes sleeping on his side too during the night and really didn't like being confined in a swaddle. Anyway, a couple of things that may help with getting her to settle without nursing that have worked for me...

In the beginning, I would nurse Ronan until he was soooo close to sleeping that he could barely keep his eyes open then I would sit him up to burp him and talk to him, telling him a nonsense little story in the same tones that I read stories to him. It didn't have to make sense and was sometimes just about the things we did during the day, or would do tomorrow, etc. I'd keep talking the whole way through even if his head was nodding and his eyes were closing, and then put him over my shoulder still talking until putting him down in his cot. The goal was to gradually keep him more awake and alert in that interval between feed and sleep by incorporating a story time. Now we actually sit and read from books after he's done nursing!

The second thing you may want to try if you don't already use one is to introduce a comforter of some sort with your scent on it. We have a Cuski in red ( that Ronan loves on when he's settling to sleep. He will also be happy with a burp cloth to snuggle into for naps too.

CocoaOne - Great news for your friend! I hope her pregnancy is smooth and trouble free. M looks like she's having a good time chilling out in her bouncer even if she hasn't quite figured out the whole bounce part of it yet!

Seity - Ronan definitely wasn't even remotely ready for solids even a few weeks ago, and even now and for the next few weeks/months because we're doing BLW, I know that he's ready to start playing with and handling food even if not a lot, if any ends up going down.

Great news on Gabriel's marathon sleep, too! You must have felt so refreshed getting such a nice long stretch yourself.

lynnikins - Hopefully the time flies and you get to settle into the new place soon (and get more sleep)!

greenlady - :rofl: I'm actually looking forward to NOT having to make up batches of purees. I'm really excited about the idea of exploring different foods and recipes and cooking meals that all of us can eat together as a family. For a lot of babies, the steamed food sticks don't last long before they are just eating exactly the same as everyone else at meal times. One of my current favorite BLW-related sites is: I can't wait until Ronan is old enough to be in the kitchen cooking with me like that!
oh my goodness... I'm absent for a few days and I miss 5 pages worth of conversations :dohh: I'll have to catch up with everyone tomorrow when IF (if being the big factor here) I have time after work. We're driving up to New Jersey on Friday to see DH's dad and that family. we'll be there for 8 days total. I'm excited but dreading the drive.... 13 hour drive and that's without stopping!!! :help: I'll let you all know how it goes. The only reason we're driving is so we have a car of our own while we're there and we won't have to rely on relatives. :)
well i got a good 7 hours sleep last night it doesnt feel like a drop in the ocean of sleep deprevation i have, my anemia is getting to be an issue causing excessive tiredness i cant shake off i need to get a blood test done tomorrow while i have EJ at the doctors to get his jabs,its not even half 9 and i feel so ready for bed, defo gonna try to get a nap when DH is home this afternoon
cocoa- M is so good at bouncing! El just swings, with a few hops here and there.

Cheers for all the info on the BLW :friends: It sounds quite neat.

We don't swaddle anymore we use a sleeping bag thing, its great coz she can have her arms free, how she likes them, and she won't kick off the blankets. :thumbup:
we've got a sleeping bag for Roman but he hasnt been in it yet as its been a bit too hot! he kicked his thin blanket off last night! wriggle bum!
getting him weighed in an hour, he was 13'11 3 weeks ago so cant wait to see how much he's put on now!
(creeps in slowly):blush: hi ladies not been on in a while i hope every one is ok and all babies are well Ella is growing up so fast nearly out of her new born clothes now and fully in to 0-3 she was weighed 2 weeks ago an d was 11lb 30z sorry i have not been in girls i mannage to grab the odd few mins on face book here and there but i have been so busy and my life is about to become a lot more manic with the summer holidays fast aproaching lol hugs to all xx:hugs:
GL and Hive: What I am excited about, regardless of weaning technique used, is providing the food for my LO as opposed to buying jars of food. Though I will say I remember Gerber's jarred apricots being particularly good. What I really want is for Charlotte to be old enough to help out in the kitchen. Our neighbors brought over some cupcakes this weekend that their 2.5 year old daughter helped decorate. So sweet.

PH: Good luck on your long drive to NJ. I'm curious how often you will need to stop to take care of Zander. We are considering driving to see our parents for Thanksgiving, but we are not sure how the baby will do in the car for that long.

Lynn: Sorry about your anemia. It is tiring enough being a parent (and moving).

MM: Ella looks adorable in her sleeping bag.

MDee: Let us know how the weigh in goes. It is amazing how fast they grow and change.
:wave: Hi mummy_em - These LO's keep us busy. Always nice to hear from everyone, even if it isn't that often. Sounds like Ella is doing well.

PH -Good luck with the drive. We did a 13 hour drive NY to NC when Gabriel was 10 weeks old. It was just the 3 of us though and Gabriel basically slept the whole trip. Hopefully the 2 yr old will sleep for a lot of it.

Lynn - Anemia on top of new baby sleep deprivation! Oh my, I'm tired enough without adding that in as well. :hugs:

Good luck with the weigh in mummydee!
lynnikins - good luck with the blood test, hope things will improve and you'll feel better soon

hivechild - Thank you!! I will definitely take on some of those tips when trying properly. For now we'll just try to get her to sleep un-swaddled. Last night went ok, though the un-swaddling and not feeding to sleep happened to go together. Didn't want it to, after reading what some of you ladies had said on here I decided to just keep feeding to sleep for now, but she just wouldn't. Swaddling has always been her sleep cue, so she would not fall asleep - not even on the boob. It took just over an hour of going up and comfort her when she'd start crying, but in the end she just laid and moaned for a little bit then dropped off to sleep. During the night she did feed to sleep though.

Tonight she was up at 11.30, 3.30, 6.30 and ended up in our bed at 7.30 as she'd been awake for an hour and my DH was getting slightly annoyed as he really wanted at least an hour of sleep. In our bed she fell asleep pretty much right away and stayed out of it until 10.
well i called the doctors and i have to see the gp before they will do a blood test grrr so got to wait at least till thursday, thank goodness DH is parttime at the moment so home till early thursday afternoon,
Nate powerchucked on me about 15min before EJ's lunchtime feed so both me and Nate needed bathing and EJ feeding all at once then i had to clean the desk and carpet and chair and sort out a very scared Nathaniel as well as a very cranky EJ caus he had been made to wait for his feed till i had cleaned up Nate, and Nate has been running a Tempeture this afternoon although its come down with some calprofen so not too worried and hes had a little bit to drink but i think there will be no food till tomorrow unless he really really wants some of mine and DH's dinner, i think its just caus im in trackies and one of DH's shirts ( more clothes than normal ) that means im hot but im not feeling great myself although not nausous thank goodness, EJ is cranky though and im tired caus i havent had my nap this afternoon :( so its going to be a long 2 1/2 hours till both boys are in bed again and i can rest
glad to hear that others of you are well and good luck Dee with the weigh in i have to get EJ weighed tomorrow when he has his jabs and if Nates not better will be booking him a doctors appointment too

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