march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I was thinking about u today DM2 was wondering where u had got to! :D
I'm glad to hear things r going well, it sounds like Hunter is a real wriggler :dance:

aww thanks for thinking of me :D and yes he certainly is!

anyone else going through the 4 month sleep regression and growth spurt? Plus teething (no sign of the teeth breaking but he has been teething for a bit now) he can be a real nightmare some days (i hate to say that because he is also so so sweet with big dimples when he isnt being a "nightmare")
Also- sorry if it has been talked about but what size clothes is your LO in? Hunter was in newborn til he was 2 months (i dont know why because he was such a weight at birth) and now we are just changing to 3-6 month clothes, the sleepsuits are always the first to need sizing up! My mom describes him as "lean" which apparantly is long and skinny :haha:
I didn't realise there was another growth spurt at 4 months. Wren has been waking every 1.5hrs in the night since Wed..I am exhausted!! She hadn;t been sleeping well at night already but this is taking it to a new level! I am thinking of giving her baby rice if it continues as I am a walking zombie right now.

She has also been really fussy on the boob,often refusing it which is causing me no end of stress as it is averaging 34degrees here and she did dehydrate to a worrying degree one day last week. The best time to get her to feed is just after she wakes, I have also started to give her electrolites to help keep her hydrated but I have to do this with a syringe as she won;t take it from a bottle and it usually ends in a massive screaming meltdown....
yeah there is one around 19 weeks (based on a 40 week pregnancy so for hunter it is 17 week growth spurt) the sleep regression coincides with it. i'll post the link... *toddles off to find it* I wouldnt do the baby rice thing because if shes on a growth spurt(and it sounds like a classic growth spurt with the waking and the fussiness), she needs to feed so you make more milk for her :hugs: i wont last forever
oh no sleep regression???!!! Ro has only just started sleeping thru properly! Mind you, should have a few weeks, Roman is 15 weeks on Wednesday (but he was 10 days late?!) xx
MiissMuffet - DM2 summed it up, but the basic premise to it is that you don't spoon feed your LO at all. Anything that goes in their mouths us put there themselves, even spoons and mushy foods. In the beginning they advise offering them finger foods for easier handling. The concept is that they learn to manage and to chew and swallow their food faster this way and the earlier (from around 6 months) they start handling food the better as their gag reflex, which keeps them from choking, is further forward in their mouths so food doesn't make it far enough back before they bring it forward to either spit out or chew some more if it is too big to manage.

There are some really interesting theories behind it too, such as the notion that they better learn to regulate their own appetite and eating habits, taking only so much as they need, thus laying the foundation for healthy eating habits and reducing the risk of obesity later in life. There have also been studies done that show that as long as babies and toddlers are offered a balanced variety of foods in front of them, that they will naturally take what they nutritionally require, so even if all they range to eat for a week is fish and strawberries, that's ok!

The mantra during the first year is that food is for fun and that the bulk of their nutritional requirements should still be met by milk.

I would highly recommend reading Rapley's book, even if you choose to wean traditionally by spoon feeding purees as the information about offering finger foods is well worth it.

DM2 - good to hear from you! It sounds like Hunter is doing great. Ronan is long and lean too. He's in 6-9 for sleepsuits and 3-6 for most everything else. He has some 6-9 shorts and trousers for length but they are baggy around the waist usually so keep slipping down! :dohh:

Emskins -sorry to hear you're having such a hard time with Wren right now. I agree with DM2 though about the baby rice, if she's fussing or waking at night for feeds then she needs more milk, not a full rummy of empty calories. Ronan started feeding poorly during the day around the same age too and there are days he's so distractable that he just wants to watch the dog, or find daddy because he can hear him, or try and get his mitts on the tv remote or my phone. I can't even drink from a bottle of water or eat while he's feeding anymore because he's just fascinated and wants to watch. I often end up going up into the nursery to feed him during the day because it's cool, dark and quiet in there!

mummydee -if you're lucky, it won't affect Roman, or at least not too badly. I think Ronan being able to self settle and to settle back to sleep on his own made it more bearable for us. I dread to think how awful it would have been for me if i was having to get up to settle him every time he stirred rather than just when he genuinely needed a feed!
Oh yeah, and that book mentioned in DM2's link about sleep regression called The Wonder Weeks, I highly recommend it! :thumbup:
hivechild- he looks just like you from what i have seen of you!!
yeah tw is looked upon as the old way of doing things and there are reasons why they used to wean that way. the reasons are that babies were weaned at 3-4 months because their mums milk would dry up because they were told to feed on a schedule not on demand and since a 3-4 month old cant manage proper solids and cant feed themselves, they pureed food and fed them, it isnt necessary to spoon feed a 6 month old and weaning isnt needed before 6 months in this day and age. The WHO reccomends weaning at 6 months.

But TW is still the most popular option despite the facts. I am not judging, just answering the question :hugs:
thanks ladies, just ordered the wonder weeks book from Amazon!
wow lots has been happening here in the last couple of days ive been beyond busy here with clearning the house out for viewings and its way better than it was this time on friday but isnt perfect but will do, on bother Nathaniel has just tipped the whole toy box on the floor an hour and a half before the agents are arriving and we havent done lunch yet, i have to change both boys nappies and cover them in sun cream and set up the garden as we will be out there during the viewings and andthen i'll give Nate his lunch out there, had to get up early this morning and make a superhuman effort to get the spare room tidy and all the childrens clothing bagged and put into the wardrobe and had to take some stuff to the storage on the way to drop DH at work caus we ran out of time to come back here and for him to take the car so i now am stuck having to go get him this evening right between EJ's evening feeds :dohh:
I am so putting both boys to bed as soon as we get home with DH tonight and having dinner and going to bed myself
MM - No doubt there are some who frown upon TW, and people who frown on BLW too! Me personally, I don't give a hoot how anyone else weans their child. They do what works for them! I'm just hoping BLW works for us!

I think outside of the internet, and these forums in particular, you'll be hard pressed to find someone else doing BLW at this point, despite its apparent rise in popularity as a weaning method. No one I've talked to around where I live has a clue about it and not even Ronan's pediatrician had heard of it, however he was very receptive to the idea when we discussed it at his last visit (I printed out the brochure on Rapley's website to take with me). His pediatrician's stance was, 'as long as you don't let him choke, it's all good.'

Lynnikins - How much longer do you have to get everything done? You must be sleeping like the dead these days!
Kel: Those photos are adorable. I think the only way any of us are ever going to get photos with the whole family is to have them done professionally.

Blonde: Glad to hear that you and your OH had some alone time even if it was lonely. My MIL is coming to town to watch Charlotte for a few days this fall while DH and I go on a little vacation for our anniversary. I am not sure how I am going to feel about leaving her for a few days.

Hive: Please let us know how Ronan does with the doidy cup. I want to get one, but I am not sure if it is going to be a hit or a complete disaster.

DM2: Sounds like Hunter is doing great with all of the rolling and trying to crawl.

I think we are going through that 19 week developmental leap. For the first time in months my perfect little sleeper woke at 1am last night. Fortunately she fell back asleep before I could even get to her (about two minutes after she started to cry she fell back asleep). She has been a lot fussier lately and very clingy (though it is kind of nice that she wants to be held for a change). On the other hand she is starting to roll over on a regular basis. She rolled for the first time around week 16 and then only a handful of times since. This weekend it was roll, roll, roll. She even rolled for her daddy :happydance:

Also, does anyone else feel bad for their LO with the teething? My poor LO drools all the time, has the reddest little cheeks, and must be gnawing on something at all times. Where is this darn tooth already?!

So I broke down and gave Charlotte a bit of banana this weekend. She loved it! I was planning on waiting until she reached six months, but here we are at five. Still I plan on taking it real slow.


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We are doing what my family has traditionally always done which is a mix of finger foods and purees. Mika loves gnawing on baby carrots, which he obviously doesn't actually eat, he has also had a bit of banana and several purees. Really we allow him to suck/chew on/eat anything milk/soy free that he's not going to choke himself on(and obviously health appropriate, not junk food but fruits/veggies, etc), the theory being that he learns to taste lots of different things. We did get one of the mesh feeder bags, and I have to say that he isn't too crazy about it. He would rather just chew on the fruit itself, which means mommy has to watch him like a hawk!

He actually eats more formula when he has solids than when he doesn't. :shrug:

Vegasbaby-hope you enjoy your vacation! I'm sure Charlotte will do great!
DM2-Mika is in 6-9 months, with a couple 12 month outfits thrown in for good measure, lol.
MM - That's a fantastic night sleep for Ella! Hope you too managed to catch some sleep so you were all well rested Sunday =)

MummyDee - Glad you had a good time at Chessington, and even more so that Olivia enjoyed herself. Both your kiddies are absolutely gorgeous, and love the wrap you're using with Roman. Is it comfortable to wear, and can I ask where you got it from? I'm thinking about buying a new one for Eleanor. Hope Roman will keep having great nights sleep.

Greenlady - Flora's sleeping pattern sounds very similar to Eleanor's, unfortunately. Yes, it is me that usually goes to bed around 3am. I'm trying very hard to change my ways as with Eleanor getting up early now it just does not work. I now try to go to bed around 11, which means I usually drop off to sleep around 2 but do get a couple of hours rest. Heck, she had me so worn down earlier this week I actually ended up fast asleep at 8.30, oddly enough Eleanor slept through that night until 2.30 so I got 6 hours of straight sleep! Loved it.

Flora bounces in the same way as Moo! One foot at a time =D

Julchen - Ouch! Hope your finger is doing better.

Kel - Love all the photos you had done! Especially the one of Connor next to the blocks, it's gorgeous =)

Hivechild - I'm so glad to hear that there most likely will be an end to the crap nights sleep and early morning. Happy you're over it and have a well sleeping baby back. He sounds like he's coming on heaps and bounds, can't wait to hear how the BLW will go for you!! Eleanor has already started to pinch our dinner, but just to play with. She doesn't really manage to hold it properly yet and ends up just squishing it rather than getting it to her mouth. It's a start, and I won't stop her. She's still got a month and a half until she'll be getting her own food though.

DM2 - Eleanor was in newborn for the first 2 months, but we've started her in 3-6 months clothes about 2 weeks ago. Some fit quite nicely, others are still massive. She does still fit most of her 0-3 months as well though.

vegasbaby - bless Charlotte, she's got quite a bit of hair! Glad she enjoyed her banana =)

Eleanor is still not sleeping great, not sure if it's the 19 week sleep regression or not. She has been waking up this frequently for weeks now, but she used to go back down after a feed until into early afternoon, now she won't go down after 8 in the morning unless it's in our bed where we usually manage to get another hour of sleep or so. She's fighting her naps as well, and a good fighter she is! She screams blue murder if she doesn't get the boob when she wants to nap and I just can't get her calmed down as she knows I've got her food. Ever so thankful for my MIL being around this afternoon, wasn't having a lot of fun. After her nap (40 minutes, which is looong for her) she's in a brilliant mood now, just in her Jumperoo watching 3rd & bird and Timmy Time. It's just on in the background so she can watch it if she wants, but she's mostly just busy with the toys on the jumperoo =)

She also did her first poo in a week today, she's become very very irregular. Boy does it smell when she waits that long. Wouldn't surprise me if that was another reason for her screaming earlier today.

How does everyone get their little one to sleep? At the moment Eleanor is still swaddled as she usually wakes quickly without her swaddle, but the last few nights I've noticed she likes to sleep on her side. She also gets fed to sleep, for some naps and always at night time. Want to get out of this, hence why we had a very upset child earlier today as I didn't give in on the boob. Gonna be fun tonight, first night without swaddle and want to try to have her half awake when she goes to bed. Any tips ladies?
Charlotte is so cute!!

I'm so excited - my best friend just came over and announced that she's 9 weeks pregnant!! She didn't think she'd have kids because she's had lots of problems with endometriosis, but it hasn't taken her that long to concieve NTNP. :dance: There will probably be 11 months between our babies. So excited!
Cocoa - Wonderful news for your friend.

Erised - I always feed and rock my LO to sleep. Sometimes he just drops off on his own while being held, but if he doesn't then its boob or bottle till he drops off. He used to fight naps a lot, but it's gotten much better as he's gotten older. I have no desire to stop feeding him to sleep. I figure he'll get there on his own when he's ready.

Kel - Very nice pictures. Connor with the blocks is very cute. I'm not a fan of professional pictures for myself because I prefer natural photos compared to posed ones. Just a personal preference. Bonus side is that it saves us having to pay for them.

Am I the only one who's not even considering offering solid food yet? I don't feel like Gabriel is ready yet. I read the BLW and it seems very logical. I'm sure we'll do a mix of finger foods and purees once he loses the tongue thrust reflex and sits on his own.

After two days of almost no sleep day or night, Gabriel slept from 9-3 last night. I was so exhausted that I went to sleep not long after he did. That's the best sleep I've had since he was born!
Seity, I'm not planning on doing any food apart from the boob until she's 6 months. Eleanor sits on my lap when I have my dinner though, and the last 2 days she's pulled bread and pasta off my plate (in the same way that she'll pull my phone, the plate and anything else of my desk if she knows we're using it) and I'm not stopping her. She doesn't know it's food and she doesn't really try and eat it, just puts it in her mouth like everything else goes in her mouth. She won't get a meal or anything until 6 months, BLW way.

I want to try and get Eleanor to drop off to sleep without the boob because I think this might be the reason why she's waking up at least 3 or 4 times in the night. She doesn't know how to settle herself, and it does get very tiring. Perhaps I should just keep up with the feeding to sleep and hope that she'll learn to sleep through anyway? :s ... Really don't know what to do, but the swaddle goes!

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