march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Baby Tacit Michael was born on 24th March 5 days late!

Baby Tacit Michael was born on 24th March 5 days late!


Your baby was born on my due date :) My little girl turned up a week early though, I had her on the 17th instead. Congradulations :) x
aw, Ella's growin up Fast huh?

Lord knows how much Zander weighs now, all I know is 2 weeks ago he was 11 lbs! :saywhat:

Here's his most recent picture from Monday- being a happy Sweet boy :cloud9:


  • Happy Zander.jpg
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hi girls....

Roman Richard John Primett was born on Wednesday 7th April 2010 at 2.23pm
He had a head circ of 35cms, was 54.5cms long and weighed 8lbs 5oz (not 8lbs 8oz as previously thought!)

sorry its taken so long to get on, we've had a really rough time of it and ended up in hospital for 5 days post delivery - its a very long story so I wont bore you with the details, but basically I had an infection during labour, he turned to face sideways and got stuck and then pood inside me!

labour took about 1hrs in total, 8 of which were at the hospital and 1hr 38 pushing - Roman ended up being an instrumental delivery (kiwi/ventouse) and I had a second degree tear. I had gas and air, an original epidural - which wore off when I was pushing - followed by a secondary epidural in theatre. I had the best midwife ever though!

Romans infection level was tested the day after he was born and found to be very high (32, usually it should be around 5) so he had to be started on antibiotics twice a day. he also wasnt really feeding and he didnt poo for the first 48ish hours.

Everything is okay now though and we finally came home late monday night!

Here is a couple of quick pics for you!
Ahh congratulations hunni! He's gorgeous. Glad your home and he's all fine. How does Livvie like her little brother, the pic of them both is soooo cute. Well done xxxx
Congrats Mummydee, Roman is gorgeous! I love the name aswell, Roman was on our list of names!

I haven't been in here in a while,my MIL arrived from Canada on Monday which ha been good so far, it is noce to have another pair of hands around for help.

I also had my 6 week check up today, amazingly I have lost 20kgs! I have no idea how! I am breastfeeding but still..that is crazy! My Dr couldn't believe it, no fear though as I needed to loose wight before I was pregnant and now I am basically back to my pre pregnancy weight, hopefully BF'ing will shift a few more lbs/kgs as I was unhappy with my weight.

Wren is doing great, would love to know how much che weighs now so will have to take her in soon,she is having a monster nap after having a rough night/morning

hope you are all well!
Congrats mummydee on little Roman! I'm glad he is home now and hope you're both recovering well.

Emskins- great news well done! I am amazed how fast I have lost weight, I didn't have that much to lose to get to pre-preg weight, but also wanted to lose a bit more as I was more than I wanted to be beforehand. Fingers crossed BFing will do the rest, I am already a kilo under pre-preg weight.

I took Flora to be weighed today and she has now put weight back on and is a little bit beyond birthweight, so she's 3.040 kilos (3.015 at birth, went down to 2.8 kg). :happydance: So she's still pretty dinky but she's feeding really well and I'm pleased she's growing.

Here's a pic of my little pixie :baby:
im going to get on the scales later when i get my bath,
Aww congradulations mummydee, roman is gorgeous :) bet your glad to be home after all that. x
yeah dee i was keeping track of you via facebook, it must be nice to be home now though, i was going mad after 2 nights in hospital on the ward so i can only imagine how nice it is to get into your own bed,
Hello all...

Well, my little man, Rafferty Charles, entered the world exactly 2 wks late on 5th April @ 9pm weighing a whopping 9lb 4oz!!!:baby: No wonder I'm now in soooo much pain down there ( 2 2nd degree tears both internal and external...OUCH!!):cry:

I found the whole labour very traumatic and finally had the epidural after a gruelling 12 hrs. Being induced brought the contractions on too thick and fast leaving hardly any time to breathe in between.

I've been v dazed and confused since coming home and didn't sleep at all for 5 nites on the trot due to adreniline. Soooo exhausted now but finding it really difficult to sleep even when baby does. My brain just won't stop. Any1 else find this??

Love 2 all other new mummies :hugs:
its normal for things to get ontop of you in the first week hun, have you go someone who can just come and help out a bit to give you a break?
Jeeeeez Max has put on 1lb in 8 days. What am I feeding him?!

Congrats Hattie
i was due march 6th but baby decided she wanted to be a feb baby and arrived at home on feb 19th.
as she was so early my birth pool hadn't arrived and i didn;t even realise i was in labour for a good few hours, thinking it was far too early and the funny pain i had was just braxton hicks contractions, lol! mw just made it to house in time as i was 7cms dilated before they got here and she was on her way out about an hour after they arrived. was not as planned but still really pleased i had her at home and was really nice as i was able to chill on sofa with baby while drinking tea and eating snickers!!
she weighed a healthy 7lb 2, after much worry from mw she was small and i was constantly monitored for her growth!!
hope you and your LO's are all doing well!!
Wow Chele that's an amazing gain, go Max go! :D :dance:

Well, autumn has definitely started's so cold in the mornings :wacko:'s going to be stressful making sure Lachlan is warm enough when winter comes, I'm scared I'm going to either under or over heat him!

He's quite happy at the moment, just dozing in his bouncer tucked up in a blankie - he looks so cute and content :D

He went for his hearing test at the hospital the other day because he had too much gunk in his ears from birth when they initially tried testing him - anywho, he passed with flying colours so I was stoked about that...started crying halfway through but smart mummy remembered to pack his dummy and all was well again ;)

I've got the midwife today so will be interesting to see what he weighs now - Weds last week he weighed 4040g (about 8lb9oz) compared to his 3480g (7lb11oz) birth weight. He hasn't been feeding for as long as he used to, and some of his clothes look baggier (think it's just in my mind though hehe) so I hope to god he hasn't lost anything!

How is everybody else and their LOs doing?

As for me - I'm such a grumpy guts, I called the dog control people on our neighbours this morning because I'm sick to death of their dog barking and howling all the time. He's doing it at the moment, it's really loud and it sucks especially when I'm trying to sleep when Lachlan does because the bugger will always start up then and it means I have no hope! :nope: I told my mum and she said that maybe the owners can't control it when they're at work but I know that's not the case - the wanker barks at 12 at night :wacko: Understandably I want to break its neck.
So somebody's going to come out today and assess the situation, and give the owner a warning then give me a call back. Keep ya posted...
I don't mean to be so snotty about it, but it happens all the time and I have a short fuse as it is :lol:

I understand. There used to be a dog down the street from me that would bark all day long and drove me crazy!
I understand. There used to be a dog down the street from me that would bark all day long and drove me crazy!

Down the street would be even worse cause you wouldn't know quite what house it was coming from incase you wanted to complain about it :wacko:
:hugs: x This property is next door, but not on the same street as us IYKWIM. We're on a back section. But we finally found out the street number...yusss :happydance:
RWhite- we got the hearing test done when I was in the hospital for the week. She passed with flying colours too!!

I woke up at 1am this morning feeling crap! my body is all achy and sore and i was so cold, and i couldnt sleep, so i took some panadol and codiene, and i have a whopper of a headache. thought i was getting the flu, xept i dont have a sore throat or anything, but i feel kinda sick too. Also my right boob is really sore has been for a couple days. really really sore this morning Its hard to hold Ella. Lucky i already had doctor appointment booked for this afternoon to go over my meds and she checked me out and i have a ruddy BREAST INFECTION gaaaahhhh!!! Plus my boob is all red i never noticed that b4. so glad its the weekend and OH will be home to help us. I feel so so terrible i just want to jump in bed and never get up!!!

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