march lambs 2010 come on ladies

PineappleHead - Good luck with that drive! The only way I'd do a drive that long now that Ronan is older is through the night, I think. He's good in the car now for even a drive of a couple hours, but I think we'd have to make far too many stops during the day with him getting restless and/or needing feeding!

MiissMuffet - That's a really cute sleeping bag. We graduated Ronan onto using them as well at 7 weeks because I can't keep a blanket over him for love nor money! I couldn't find anything nearly as nice as yours though without having to pay a fortune for one. They just aren't as popular over here, I guess. :shrug:

mummydee - I have a flannel cotton one (0.7 tog rated for between 72-78F degrees) that I use in the summer that's just perfect. Good luck with the weigh in, too! Let us know how he goes.

mummy_em - I know how you feel about being so busy these days! Who knew babies were so much work? :haha: :rofl: Enjoy the time with Ella! Like you said, they grow so fast.

vegasbaby - That's exactly what I'm excited about as well. I just hope Ronan will be interested in hanging out in the kitchen and helping his mummy! My mum used to have one day a week where she would bake and we were always in there getting into things and 'helping.' We would help out with cooking and food prep at other times too!

Erised - Well that's sort of good news that she settled herself unintentionally in the beginning of the evening. I think there's definitely a point when they get old enough that you can tell that they're ready for it. Most of the time now, I think Ronan actually gets annoyed and has a harder time of things if I try to 'help' him get to sleep rather than just sitting back and letting him get on with it. Hopefully your nights just keep on getting better from hereon out.

lynnikins - Poor Nate (and you getting chucked up on). I hope the time flies until you can get some rest and that both boys take nice long sleeps so you can too! Good luck tomorrow with the weigh in and getting EJ's jabs.
Thanks hive. TBH I'm not worried about Zander in the drive. he loves the car way too much. I'm worried about my nephew... my BIL's kid. :dohh: we shall see.

Zander's first tooth is poking through. it seems like he's been teething FOREVER and now I can actually feel the top part of the tooth!! :dance: No wonder he's been waking up screaming at night. I didn't know what to think cause he hasn't had a temp or anything. Can babies get congested while teething?? He seems more snotty than normal. Like he's always been snotty but it's like more. and still clear, so IDK.
Great weight mummydee!
Gabriel has been a nightmare about sleeping today. We've had to pull out all the tricks from when he was a newborn. I hope this doesn't last too long.
Hi everyone, we have been having a couple hellish days. I think I mentioned my fiance has a 7 year old daughter which he shares the custody for with his ex. Things have been amicable between all of us for the past 4 years but no she has new live in boyfriend who got physical with her on the weekend. The neighbour rushed into the home because the daughter was screaming for help. Lots of bad things happened and lots of alcohol was involved. Bottom line is she will not kick him out because she keeps saying how he would never do anything to the kid,he is such a good person,he promised never to drink again...bla bla bla. Well my fiance spent the past couple of days on the phone with the police and child services. His ex told the neighbour about an oustanding warrany for assault too! We feel devastated by what happened. The worst case wil be he has to go to court and get temporary sole guardianship...but obviously he does not want to take her away from her mom. Big big mess here...

Sam is been doing well,very chatty the past few days.Same messed up sleeping pattern but we are hanging in there. He'll get a good long sleep eventually!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Oh julchen, that sounds awful :hugs:

Great weight Dee./Roman

I'm awake. It's 4am. Have been awake since 1am. Hello 4 month sleep regression :cry:

I'm already in a foul mood, I'm going to be an orge tomorrow. Is it unfair to keep elbowing OH because he's snoring?
julchen that does sound awful. i hope his ex sees sense and gets rid of that loser...

hive - i have always had this image of baking and cooking with my kids, and as dh is such a good cook it would be like a family tradition. i've heard of that my daddy cooks guy! thanks for the link.

ph - yay for a tooth finally and good luck with the long drive. i dont know about congestion but mouths and noses are all connected so it would make some sense.

mdee - congrats what a great weight! I haven't had Flora weighed in about 6 weeks but I'm guessing she's maybe 12 and a half pounds or so now.

Seity and Cocoa - sorry about the bad sleep! Its in the post for me too. Thankfully I had a much better night last night and she woke to feed at 12:20 and 5:20 (after going to bed at 7). There were 2 other waking which were resolved by dummy, put on side, and a bit of patting (and some farting). I have decided to try doing this kind of thing at certain wakings because I don't think she necessarily needs to feed every waking and last night proved it. Anyway so I feel refreshed but I'm sure it wont last!!

Oh and cocoa - yes its OK, I nudge my OH all the time when he snores - which is only if he's had a few drinks really. He never gets mad at me I don't think he really even notices. Try pushing him onto his side he might snore less on his side. I hope your day improves hun! :hugs:
yep it seems despite the reflux he is still gaining plenty of weight and has crept up to the 75th centile now :)

Julchen - that sounds like an absolute nightmare hon, my thought are with your finaces daughter what a terrible situation for her to be in :(

Becki - sorry about the lack of sleep! was M just quiet but awake or was she a proper little whinger? I get like you too about lack of kip - DH kept we awake the other morning cos he kept nudging me with his foot in his sleep - so I coshed him over the head with the pillow and pretended I did it in my sleep! It put me in such a bad mood tho! In the words of Shrek "I'm an OGRE"!!

GL - Flora sounds soooo teeny! I have always had "chunky" babies when they get to 3/4 months old... in fact, I'll have to post a pic of Liv at Romans age cos they look so alike!

Seity - hope Gabriel sleeps better today!

PH - yes babies can get congested when teething... its cos of all the extra drool they produce I think. I remember Livvie seeming like she had a constant cold (and a sore chin and bottom!) when she was teething - she was a hellish teether :( hope Zander's pops through quite quickly now you can see it

Lynn - good luck with WI and jabs today!

MM - did your AF arrive hon?

It does make me chuckle - I cant usually get Roman to sleep for love nor money from like 11ish onwards, but he woke up at 630am this morning, had a feed and he has just zonked out under his baby gym! He's only been awake 2 hours! I darent move him now though cos he'll wake up!
cocoa, I push DH all the time when he snores, he barely notices. I hope you can get some sleep soon!!

julchen, I really hope yall can get things sorted! that sounds like just a huge mess. :/ I'll be thinking bout ya.
well i walked all the way down to the HV today to be told the clinic isnt happening this week so will have to beg at the doctors to get him weighed, i really want him weighed this week not next week as hes been weighed every 4wks since birth, the bf clinic is still on but because he slept till 8 then his first feed was early so his second feed was too lol as he missed his "topup/morning tea" feed so will be an interesting day the last time he did this then he completely dropped a feed from the day and didnt wake that night either so i dont know we will play it by ear lol, its going to really annoy DH as EJ's feeds wont be at their regular times lol,
PH: That is so exciting about Zander's tooth!

Jul: That is sad news. I am sorry that your family is having to go through all this, especially your OH's daughter.

Cocoa: Totally fair. My OH snores quite a bit and never feels me elbowing him. I will say that it was so bad last week (after he had had a few for my b-day) that nothing would make him stop and I had to go sleep in the other room. Grrr.

Seity: Sorry you are having more trouble than usual with Gabriel's sleep.

Lynn: I hope you can get EJ weighed. If you are like me you like to be able to honestly fill in the pages of the baby book.
julchen - What a mess. I'll never understand people who keep losers like that around. I hope things get sorted quickly and for the best.

OMG! So after all that fuss and bother, when I finally got him to sleep he slept from 9:30-5:30 and after I fed him he went back to sleep till 7:30! I couldn't believe it when I woke at 5:30. I kept thinking he must have awoken at 3:30 as usual and I just couldn't remember it.
Seity- Thats great that Gabriel slept so well last night, hopefully he will keep that up
Pineapplehead- Yay for Zander getting his first tooth!

Mummydee- My little brother said to me yesterday "He looks like a Roman, you should have named him Roman Richard instead of Connor Richard" I was like but then me and mummydee would have kids with same name and that would get confusing. He looked at me puzzled and said whos mummydee. :haha:
Seity- Thats great that Gabriel slept so well last night, hopefully he will keep that up
Pineapplehead- Yay for Zander getting his first tooth!

Mummydee- My little brother said to me yesterday "He looks like a Roman, you should have named him Roman Richard instead of Connor Richard" I was like but then me and mummydee would have kids with same name and that would get confusing. He looked at me puzzled and said whos mummydee. :haha:

:rofl: I say stuff like this all the time. :D :haha:

Seity, hooray for a great sleep!! :yipee:

We didn't do so well last night. After him fighting sleep for 3 hours we finally got him to sleep at 11 and then he woke up at 5, so I had to give him some more baby orajel and a 2 oz bottle. he was back asleep by 6:30 and woke back up at 9. and of course now you'd never know his tooth was bothering him cause he's sitting here on my lap just talking up a storm :rofl: his new favorite babbles are "ayyyyy dadadadada" DH and I know he doesn't understand he's saying dada, yet but it still melts our hearts hearing him talk.
:rofl: "He looked at me puzzled and said whos mummydee. " - Kel

PH - Is it sad that I would consider that a good night? Congrats on the tooth.

I told my husband that this was the happiest day of my life. Actually getting my first good night's sleep in 4 1/2 months... better than the day he was born because that wasn't all that fun.
Seity - Great news on the sleep. M's sleep is driving me slowly insane, but if I bring her into our bed she's at least quiet and awake.

I'm so impatient with her at the mo. She is impossible to keep entertained, whinges constantly - I only get about 10 minutes of happy faces from her a day! She's a proper crankypants. Grrr

A woman was cooing over her today in a waiting room and asked how old she was, her face dropped when I said 'just under 4 months' and she said 'crikey, she's doing well though!' What a polite way of saying 'your kid is huge!' :haha:

ETA - all I ever do is moan on this thread! :blush:
Sorry girls x
Seity- Thats great that Gabriel slept so well last night, hopefully he will keep that up
Pineapplehead- Yay for Zander getting his first tooth!

Mummydee- My little brother said to me yesterday "He looks like a Roman, you should have named him Roman Richard instead of Connor Richard" I was like but then me and mummydee would have kids with same name and that would get confusing. He looked at me puzzled and said whos mummydee. :haha:

:haha: that is the funniest thing I have heard in weeks!!! I do that too tho, refer to online people as "real" people - DH just gives me a look and lets me get on with it LOL! How strange that your brother came up with "Roman" though, as far as names go its pretty darn unusual! :thumbup:
Becki - I was wearing Roman in the sling in Asda last week and the checkout oompaloompa asked me how old he was - I said just over 3 months and she said "oh isnt he a big boy"! I said well actually he is perfectly average in his weight and length, its just the fact I am only 5ft2 means he looks massive on me!!
Thanks everyone. It is indeed a huge mess! The things that we are worried about, aside from her being witness to the incident is what kind of message does she get out of it. That is it ok to fight like that and to just say sorry and move on as if nothing happened? Her mom explained to her that it happened because he was drunk. So what is she going to make out of that? What if she sees her Dad drinking a beer next she going to think deep down if he has another one he will be like that with me. No matter what...for child being witness to family violence is a form of child abuse. Well the ball currently is still fiance has decided for now not take her away from her mom as we don't know what kind of trauma that will impose on her. My fiance's brother is their neighbour and the entire complex where they live knows about it, so there is lots of people keeping an eye out. Anything odd and she is out of there. CHild services will still show up and talk to everyone as well as the mother of his daugther in Ontario(who is currently visiting there for the summer holidays) is being informed. So we'll see what happens with that. We have her tomorrow and see how things go. Her mom seriously says she has not been affected by any of this?! I just wish someone would have called the police right there and then.

Sam had another weird night...i put him down at 8pm, he woke at 8.30pm tried everything to resettle him - no luck. He finally went down again at 10pm and then was up at night from 2.30-4.30am then went into bed with and is currently (9am) still sleeping. I dont mind if he wakes overnight but not for 2 hours of awake time....wish I could do something to speed this 4 months sleep deprivation along.
Holy smokes. We just had giant hail come down! It's frelling near the end of July, WTF! Around .5 - 1 cm in diameter from the looks of it.

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