march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Vegas- Being a fellow Floridian I know how much it sucks to not have AC here. So glad you got someone to come out to fix it for you. We also had a night out planned for tonight but my DH cancelled it because we have too much going this weekend. We are hoping to go out next weekend too.

So far I haven't had any problems with Connor being clingy, but I think thats because he goes to so many different places during the week that he has become used to being passed around. I wish I had one steady person to watch him everyday. During a 5 day work week he is watched by 4 different people.

Connor must be reading these posts with me, and realizing that he has been too good of a sleeper, because he was up at 5am today. :shrug:
Wanted to write a positive post and not just one about lack of sleep. Gabriel has definitely been growing as I think his feet are starting to reach the box I put under his Jumparoo much better. He's really been jumping and turning and using the different items in it a lot more. He's also reached the foot fetish milestone. He's currently on the playmat grabbing his feet and trying to put them in his mouth.
Edit added a picture:


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Seity - fab news! I find it amazing how they grow so quickly - every minute of everyday they are making new cells to build their bones, organs, skin etc. No wonder they're a bit unpredictable sometimes

M is currently cooing at the TV while happily chomping on her hands. I took her out to the local carnival earlier and she had a grump-on with everyone we saw/spoke to. I'm glad she's happier for me!

Sorry to hear you didn't get your night out Vegas. I'd be the grumpiest person in the world if I had to deal with that kind of heat
Seity he is adorable!

Vegas sorry about your lack of night out. I'm visiting forum friends (from a diff forum I have been on since I was pg with Livvie) in Birmingham on Saturday and I cant wait!!

Also having a girls night out next month, badly needed!!
Vegas, glad to hear you got your ac going again, I know what its like to have it hot and have the ac die. Hopefully you will get the night out soon though.

Kel-hope Connors sleep gets better!

Seity-how cute! Mika still hasn't discovered his feet, but he is slightly obsessed with mine...

He was napping earlier and spent a good 20 minutes whimpering, I don't know if he was having a bad dream or what. I tried wrapping his blanket differently, thinking that being swaddled would help him feel more secure. He kept whimpering. Then that turned into a proper little wail. He sounded so pitiful I had to go pick him up. So we slept on the couch for a wihle. he has stopped whimpering now so he is sleeping on the couch.

I just hate hearing him cry in his sleep!
JJ: Sorry to hear that Chase has been clingy and upset lately. As Cocoa mentioned we are going through the same thing. It is most embarrassing when they won't be friendly with relatives and good friends. You know how sweet they can be so why won't they do it for others.

Ahh isn't it just hun, today within a few mins of his nan or grandad picking him up he started screaming :cry:

Thats a shame you never got your night out hun, hopefully you will have your night out next weekend.
goodmorning ladies!!!!
im sooo sorry i havent been on for ages, moved house and computer is still at old house (14hours away) so im in an internet cafe!
someone really needs to update me lol
jesse is great, hes so chubby - 9.4kg - about 20 pounds lol
hes adorable, he smiles and laughs non stop now, he'll laugh at anything. i have a video on facebook if anyone wants to add me. Kris Ah-Quay.
I really miss coming on here :(
hes also rolling over all the time. i cant lay him down while hes awake without him rolling over, so thats getting frustrating lol especially when i try change him
hes sleeping well, pretty much every night lol he sleep from 7.30-4 or hew did 8-5 the other day. so im happy.
im loving being a mum, his giggles and laughs make everything worthwile :)
getting married in just over 2 months so thats stressful.
anyway can someone pleasssse update me on everyone ? thanks
tiger :hugs:
Kel: Conner seems like such a well socialized little guy. I've got to work on that more with my LO.

Seity: So cute with his feet. It is so amazing to see them progress and discover new things. Just this evening we were watching Charlotte in her exersaucer (which she has had since before the jumperoo) and noted how she really plays with all the toys now and gets so excited. I totally understand now why my mom would get so weepy as her children got older. Thank goodness for photos and video!

MD: Looks like you've changed your profile photo. Beautiful photo. Hope you have better luck with your night out than I did.

Blonde: Wonder what's bothering Mika? Teething maybe?

So despite not being quite bikini ready (are you ever) we braved the community pool this afternoon. I thought Charlotte would like the water since she loves her baths. Wrong! She was OK at first and then started to scream. She was fine out of the water and liked looking at everyone, but she wanted nothing to do with the water. I know it wasn't the temperature as it was as warm as bathwater (so much for cooling off). Regardless of our not so happy swimmer I think we will keep trying.
Hi Tiger :wave:

Ummmmm I'm not sure I can sum everything up! How are the plans going for your wedding?

Had a good nights sleep!! :dance:
Went to bed at 8 and for up at 8. She stirred for food at 11, 3, 3:30, 5:30 & 7 but she was in bed with me so neither of us really woke up. Feel in such a good mood!

Vegas - how weird about the pool! I should really get organised and take M swimming.
vegas i wont be bikini ready for years yet lol , aint going to stop me swiming, the more you take them the quicker they get used to it and enjoy it, we didnt take Nate for ages and now he has issues with swiming we really have to take him more
JJ- i hope he grows out of it he will eventually hun I just hope its soon :hugs:

vegas- Sorry you didnt get your night out :hugs: Thank goodness the guy was able to come out on a Saterday night! :thumbup:
I want to take Ella swimming soon but I wasn't sure when they are old enough is the chlorine safe? I can't wait to buy wee baby togs with like frilly bits around the waste :haha:

Seity- i hope Gabriel has a better sleep tonight!! that doesn't sound like much fun :( Seems like the heat is really getting to your babies over there! It's chilly over here.
So cute about him grabbing his feet. Ella is yet to do that.

MummyDee- Is Roman taking his feeds any better today?

Lynn- moving-house paperwork is stressful I'm not looking foward to doing that in the next few months

BnK- Sometimes Ella crys in her sleep she will have a sudden outburst and her bottom lips out and everything it's heartbreaking!

Cocoa- :dance: yay for good sleep!!!

Tiger- i don't know if i can sum everyone up- just a few teeth, feet grabbing, rolling and alsorts that our growing babies are now learning to do now. :)

Ella's still not rolling. She hasn't found her feet yet either. She stretches her arms out and follows them with her eyes though and so we put little toys on them :) She was 16lb6oz (7.44kg) at her weigh on Wednesday. Go me! :smug:

We looked after my friends baby tonight for a couple of hours while they went to a funeral thing. She is 2 days younger than Ella and she was ok at the beginning but screamed blue murder for the last hour. She was in such a state she was crying so hard she would start coughing then throw up. Apparently she was still like that on the way home and they put her in bed straight away and she was fast asleep poor bub mustve been so tired. Theyve had a hard time these last couple of days with a family member dying. I got some good photos of the girls together though :)
hey ladies, havent been on here in a while, life is busy!

Wren hasn't poo'd in 5 days now, I am waiting for an almighty explosion to come! She is suffering with poo cramps at night and has been waking sometimes aas oftern as every 20 mins, the only way I can gte her back to sleep in by feeding her, needless to say we are both a little tired to say the least! I hope she poo's soon!

The agency still hasn;t rented our place out, we must have shown the falt to about 20 people, I am not kidding, I have a feeloing the agency are dicking us arouynd as you are telling me that not one of these people wasn;t suitable!

It has been mega hot here and we finally caved and bought a little air con unit, the best thing about it was it was 60% off! OH is bringing it home today

Wren is busy chewinbg her fingers, sucking her thumb, playing with her feet and making fun noises these days! Lost of fun

Sorry I haven;t been able to comment on everyone but glad to see things are going well!
Hi Tiger. Sounds like Jesse is doing very very well.

Lynn: I think you are right about taking her more often. It is just so hard getting everything together and heading out to the pool. Our Vegas house has a pool and I am so used to having everything right there. Also, it would be so much easier because we could try it out every day for a bit and if she didn't like it then it would be no big deal because within thirty seconds she could be back inside. I really want her to like the water as I loved it so much when I was a child.

MM: As far as I know it is safe to take them. I've seen a lot of posts on BnB about people taking their LOs to waterbabies classes. Also, Charlotte's swimsuits are hand-me-downs from a friend and I know she took her daughter swimming all the time.

Do your think your friend's baby was upset because she was in an unfamiliar setting or just because her parents weren't around? Just curious since I am worried this is how Charlotte will react to a sitter. How did the babies get along together? Did they even take notice of one another?

Em: Sending poo vibes Wren's way :haha:. Hope you get your place rented out so that you can stop showing it. Looks like you got a great deal on the AC, hope it works well for you.
We haven't been swimming yet. Our local YMCA they have to be 6 months before you can take them. I was back in my bikini at 10 weeks although the top was a tad on the small side at the time, probably fits again now.

Had a nice break in the weather, rain came through and didn't just make it worse by adding to the humidity. I now suspect it's actually a growth spurt were in the middle of because he woke every 2 hours last night and he was a hungry boy.

Em - also sending poo vibes, nothing quite like a baby that needs a poo really badly.
Hunter is cutting his 2nd tooth in 5 days! I cant beleive this! I had just gotten used to the idea that he would have a cute one-tooth smile instead of a cute toothless smile, and he will now never have a one-tooth smile! The first tooth is still growing and now this one is too! SLOW DOWN!!!
MM - he is still taking ages for a feed but he has had 5 bottles today quite evenly spaced so I cant grumble! he had his last one at 830pm tho so am preparing myself for an early start!

Think R is starting the parent preference thing - or rather mummy preference. I have left him with daddy quite a bit today as had stuff to get on with, and he has been a right rattybag for DH but as soon as I'm near him he is happy again!!
just having a wee read through, hunter has been obsessed with his feet for weeks :lol: it makes for interesting nappy changes! He is sitting really well now, nearly an entire minute before he gets interested in something and lunges, i still need to be right there with him! LAst night, we finally had a good night! the 4 month sleep regression/growth spurt mixed with cutting teeth has meant i have a very very grumpy/fussy boy but last night he slept well and wasnt fussy :)
Hi Tiger. Sounds like Jesse is doing very very well.

Lynn: I think you are right about taking her more often. It is just so hard getting everything together and heading out to the pool. Our Vegas house has a pool and I am so used to having everything right there. Also, it would be so much easier because we could try it out every day for a bit and if she didn't like it then it would be no big deal because within thirty seconds she could be back inside. I really want her to like the water as I loved it so much when I was a child.

MM: As far as I know it is safe to take them. I've seen a lot of posts on BnB about people taking their LOs to waterbabies classes. Also, Charlotte's swimsuits are hand-me-downs from a friend and I know she took her daughter swimming all the time.

Do your think your friend's baby was upset because she was in an unfamiliar setting or just because her parents weren't around? Just curious since I am worried this is how Charlotte will react to a sitter. How did the babies get along together? Did they even take notice of one another?

Em: Sending poo vibes Wren's way :haha:. Hope you get your place rented out so that you can stop showing it. Looks like you got a great deal on the AC, hope it works well for you.

Funy, this baby's name is Charlotte too :haha: (Charlie)

It wasn't unfamilia for her coz her mum brings her over all the time. Ella and her were even holding hands :) I think she gets like that even with her parents when she is tired. Apparently she screamed all the way home and didnt settle till they put her to bed and she fell asleep straight away.
Seity: The first time I wore a bikini after LO was born I was still nursing and for the first time ever I liked how I filled out the top of a bikini. Now I am deflated, but the rest of me has shrunk a bit too so I am not going to complain.

DM2: Wow two teeth. Very exciting.

MM: Did you get a photo of the babies holding hands? Sounds adorable.

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