March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Poor MsC and family. I'll text her now.

I fed D on take off and landing and she was fine. In fact, the cabin pressure affected us more than her. She slept all the way there and was a bit fussy on the way home, but has been catching up on sleep this morning.

You're all doing shred? You're all frigging nuts! I'm going to start a Davina kick boxing one which I love though. I only put on 2.5lbs on holiday. I LOVE breast feeding!!!

FT, our hotel was super. Really really great, but the surrounding area was a dump, so we didn't leave the resort. I guess it depends what you want from a holiday. We just wanted relaxing and chill out, not exploring, so it couldn't have been better. There will defo be some photos on fb once I've deleted the fat ones!!! :rofl:
Oooh. D has obviously been sleeping in a cot whilst we have been away so tonight we are going to try her in her own room. It seems like a good time as her routine will be disrupted anyway, but I'm still scared!
well done thats a tiny weight gain for a holiday!!! your too good :) and thanks for plane info.

cant wait for my holiday now :dance:

do u think breastfeeding is still helping us lose weight? if so then weight loss is soooo much harder now. Before when i would diet i would lose 2lbs a week easy. and thats what im doing now... WITH the help of breastfeeding! :dohh:

mitch - G has fallen asleep AGAIN :shrug: he is usually like clockwork :shrug: so i dont know now if this is his usual 2 hour nap but an hour early... or an extra nap? Its annoying as i usually do stuff if its the 2 hour one :)
Right, ordered the shred, i must be crazy! :wacko:

F reeeeally needs to stop fighting sleep so much! She's gone off now, but seriously, why the screaming and pitched battle to get there?!?

Right, knitting calls!

Oh, and welcome back Loo, glad the holiday was good! :)
Happy, Monday! I've finally caught up on all the pages I missed over the weekend.

Ms.C- E is such an angel. It's no wonder she's the sweet shining spot in all of your lives at the moment. :hugs:

Kaz- Thanks for the travel tips!!

Regarding trips... We will be taking a massive trip in November. First, we'll fly from Atlanta to Brussels. After visiting for a few days, we'll leave the boys with SIL/BIL so that DH and I can head to Tanzania for a week. Then we'll head back to Brussels for a few more days before coming home. It's going to be very interesting to take such a long trip with the boys. Babies require so much stuff.... and we'll have two of the space-sucking critters. :wacko: Plus, Brussels is a whole lot colder than Atlanta, so we'll have to consider bulkier, warmer clothes.

FT- You burn more calories while BF, so it's generally easier to lose the "baby weight" if you're BF. However, BF makes dieting and exercise more difficult, so that probably explains why you feel like it's harder to get toned right now. The reality is that before babies entered our lives, it was no big deal to drop down to a low calorie diet for a bit and workout really hard to lose weight. However, with babies in our lives.... time, motivation and energy are all scarce commodities.

Loo- Welcome home, dear. We missed you. :flower:

AFM.... I got my hair cut this weekend. It's nothing super crazy or dramatic, but she did cut off about 7 inches. Maybe I'll post (and then remove) a quick pic in a few minutes.

Also, I'm convinced that the boys are waking up to eat at night out of habit rather than hunger. I have suspected it for a couple weeks now. I asked one of my girlfriends when her son started STTN and she said not until he was 12 months. But she thought it could have been a lot sooner, if she'd realized he was just waking up out of habit. She started giving him a little drink of water at night, and within 2 weeks, he'd dropped the habit and slept through.

So last night, I experimented. P woke up at 2:30 to eat like he does every single night. Instead of giving him a full bottle, I gave him 2 ounces. He took it and went right back to sleep. Same thing with K at 4:30. This morning, they both woke up happy and smiling -- neither of them in a rush to get bottles, and when I did feed them this morning, they wouldn't even take the full bottle. To me this confirms that it's more about habit/comfort than hunger.
Wt - interesting about the habit. I might try an ounce of water if he wakes at night. I know his isn't habit yet as its a different time every night but will remember that.
Enjoy Brussels! I've never been but suspect its full of Belgian chocolates and Belgian beers, two of my favourite things! It's also only a short hop on Eurostar to London, bring the twins over!

Ft - there's no way I could diet bf, I feel permanently hungry! No shred for me, I'm happy to wait til he's sleeping better and I have the energy to run.

Loo - glad you had a good holiday and D behaved! Hopin you've bought the heat back with you, meant to be nice this week!

Watching the showjumping, GB could actually get a medal, here's hoping! We've picked such a great year to have off (weather excepting). Paralympics next then unfortunately daytime tv returns. I'll have to get out more!

Talking of Olympics, leaving Z for 11 hrs on Sunday to go and watch. First time I've left him, eek! Will I need to pump?
Just a little pointer lads...big poos and jumperoos (ooh I'm a poet!) do not a pretty picture make... :sick: :haha: :sick:
Nicnak...we had a big up the back of nappy poop on M's first time in jumperoo:haha:

Right rant time laddies....i was almost in tears...i dont know how i held it together this afternoon. Went to pickup the photos from the waterproof disposable camera we bought at center parcs for M's first time in the pool. Well.went to Jessops and out they come with this mangled string of negatives which had got damaged in their faulty machine. I was all ready to kick off when to add more pain she said that actually the camera had only had two photos on it anyway.....sooooo it was obviously a faulty camera AND their machine had mangled the wholething. They reckon they can get the two shots off....but they are soooo lucky!!!! Kodak are going to get a very nasty letter from me....Jessops say they will write a note me....but i am fuming. Luckily my SIL had taken a few but all the good ones of M, me and hub y were on the disposable one. I am soooo unlucky am i with photos.and how lucky are Jessops....IF the camera had worked they would have ruined the lot!!!!!!

Will obvioualy get a full refund then we will see what Kodak have to say for themselves.....bloody idiots:cry:
WT, waking at night does get a habit, yeah, I remember Roh suddenly started doing it when he was ill, and then kept waking for like 2 months until I realised I was helping him perpetuate the habit.
Up to 6 months its recommended they have at least one night feed if they are waking. So I'm careful to only offer one night feed to F, even though feeding is much easier. The rest of the time, I use a dummy and settle her with that.
Lozza, the pattern you said you had last night, was it 9-1-5? Anyway, that sounds about spot on as far as feeds go overnight. Maybe I'd try to stretch the 5am one to 6am if it was worth the hour of settling! I find if I feed F anymore than once overnight (generally its 8-3-6, or 6-11-5 or similar) then she feeds really badly in the day, and it can turn in to a vicious cycle. I just wish that she'd stop waking between feeds. She usually only wakes 2 times other than feeds, but that still means my sleep is disturbed 4/5 times a night. :sleep: I think the reason is because she gets a feed, she's in the habit of waking anyway. Once she's 6 months then I plan to stop feeding her at night at all except during illnesses. Hopefully she'll give up the wakings when she realises she's not gong to get fed!

We were thinking of going to Holland for a week in september, but now realised that we have 3 passports to sort out, as I'm the only one with a valid passport. It makes the trip way too expensive with the passports factored in :( saying that, just got a tax credit notice saying I've been underpaid £300 from last year, so might be able to afford it after all! :)
Lozza, 11 hours? You will want to pump! You could just hand express down the loo sort of thing if that's the only practical option, but 11 hours without feeding, it will get VERY painful after 8 hours, trust me!

Mitch, argh, I'd have hit the roof! :hugs: You really aren't having much photo luck recently! :hugs: hopefully the 2 pictures you can rescue are good 'uns and you get a decent apology from Kodak (although aren't they going bust??)!!
They will bloody go bust when i have finished with them....crap products do not buy!!!!!!
Mitch, I'm so gutted for you. :hugs: btw, happy 20 weeks for Mia!

WT, come to the uk! I would totally come and see you! xxx

D is being a monkey and WILL NOT nap. She is beyond exhausted. Now I am going to try and keep her awake until bath time at 7, but I can see a struggle on our hands not least because of putting her to sleep in her bedroom. Fun fun fun!

Right. I want to do my kick boxing. You lads are putting me to shame!
Gold!!!! Woo!!!!
:hi: loo lovely to have you back :) good luck with putting D in the cot... X
Lozza I've sent the part-time STTN fairy off up to feed is definitely more manageable :)
Emera you must be knackered hun!!
Bouncing poonamis happen here too. Grim.
N had chunk of cucumber and banana today. He loves it but gets so mad if it slips out of his hands...very noisy and screamy!!!!
Got a huge lasagne for tea...yum...our neighbours are coming over with their 8week old...but I may have ovecatered...cooked enough for 12!!!
Lozza defo take pump hun or you'll pop!
WT love the idea of a week in Tanzania!!! It'll be awesome!!!! And I can't imagine the stuff you'd need for twins for a week. I haven't told you for a while but I think you're a wonder woman. X
Mitch. Gutted and furious for you

loo welcome home! We missed you!

Emera, go you! Shred is pure evil.

I'm sitting here crying as oh has just gone again. Two whole weeks. :-( Awful. I'm going to be in the Guildford area next Tuesday I think if anyone is around. And Friday the 17th...
Sorry. Crap post
welcome back loo, glad you had a good holiday - it sounds fab! don't know what you missed because time seems to pass at a funny rate on here

mitch, i am so sorry the photos didn't work. crappy kodak. really hope the ones that are salvaged are the good ones.

nic - any news on the house or is hub making the offer tomorrow?

i made my offer, estate agent seems to support me and even told me that he has told the vendor it is too expensive. i still think my offer will be rejected as it is too low and the vendor is not in a rush to sell. fingers crossed and we should here something by the end of the week.

hugs to missey for being at home on her own.

ive been to work today, felt good again but i had R with me, wonder what it will be like when i leave him at nursery?
Ahh, balls!
Hate those days when I wait all day for OH to come home because I miss him then he comes home, and within 5 mins he has screamed at Roh and really upset him, and been a total arse to me in with the bargain, then stomped off saying he's tired and is having a nap! :grr:
That's fine hun, you have a nice rest whilst I bathe and get both kids to bed, and chuck the nice dinner I was making you in the bin before I give in to my compulsion to shove it where the sun don't shine! Gaah, men are so lame sometimes! :dohh:
They really really are Emera! Grrr.

I struggle so much keeping t up later than 6pm. Even with great naps. The jumperoo is helping a bit.
Missy, to be honest I think F would crash at 6pm ish given half a chance, but she'll have to cope with the routine!

Missy, :hugs: sorry you're missing OH already!
Sorry to emera for naughty OH and hugs to missy for absent OH :( you mentioned something about award/nominstead he totally cool and famous??! :hugs:
Managed N's naps better today so cruising to bath/feed/bed at reasonable time rather than sneaky 6pm nap and bed at 8.30!! I find jumperoo and dog walk invaluable for delaying naps...
Oh and Mitch.... Furious.
And cuppie...yay for good day at work...did R feed ok? X

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