March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Wriggly babies!! Great news on the extra hour though Lozza! :thumbup:

Love the bake off!

I need to see these 90's meringue desses lads!

Well I'm hoping that today won't be any worse than the past two days. They have been really really dreadful. :(

Going to the cinema tonight and leaving D with my brother and sil. Good luck to them! We shouldnt really be going out considering how unsettled and screamy she has been but I can hardly tell Al that we can't do anything for his birthday, and I do t thu k it's occurred to him that we shouldn't. Sigh. Wish us luck!
Aggghhhh, I'm so tired and fed up that I pressed back and it lost my big reply.

On my dad, he's still in hospital, now has a case of graft versus host disease so needs to be monitored carefully. All a bit stressful.

Essentially, Loo, bummer, I don't know what to say apart from commiserations. Can you wear D out today so she's begging for sleep by the time you go? If there's a playgroup or rent-a-toddler to knacker her brain out your relatives stand a chance. Happy birthday Al.

Going way back, yes, we have the bobbing on/off 5 minute feeds....but also the 40 minute ones though these are lazy and sleepy where she nods off between nibbles. They generally happen late morning and the bedtime one.

Work. Meh, I feel for you all. My situation changed in February forcing a career rethink....essentially looking to get back into academia which I will in January, alongside becoming a councillor. The whole thing has been quite stressful as it meant going to work early, attending meetings and finding a childminder fast. Now, I quite enjoy the times in a month I go to a meeting solo....some of you mentioned being bored. As much as I adore E, I like some quiet time alone where I get to feel marginally competent in something else. I do appreciate though that the council work is more able to fit around E and for that I'm grateful and I don't share the same creeping dread some of you do.

Dresses and weddings, well my dress was a grey and pewter leaf patterned dress I had bought from the Next Outlet for a ball. It was just a simple bias cut shift dress. MrC wore a loose suit and a skate shirt. We got married in the presence of friends in 2000, for about £65, half of which went on the rings (silver). My parents bought us a night at the Palace Hotel (we later that year went to Thailand which we joked was the honeymoon) and mum bought my flowers (black lilies and red roses). It never crossed my mind to look for a white dress. So, I guess do what makes you feel beautiful.

E finally did another Dolly after all this sleep regression. Not that I felt the benefit as I went to bed fed up after a fall out with MrC. On the plus side, E has started to babble in the past two days, blowing raspberries and really using her tongue to form dada, mamama, bluegh type sounds. It's fascinating.
MsC, I'm sorry to hear that your dad is still in hospital. I'm still thinking lots of positive thoughts for him. xx

Love that E is making noises. D does it too and it warms my heart so much. It really is the best sound (along with giggles).

Thinking about taking D swimming this usually does the trick.

HV this morning. Fx for a good weigh in for her!
Missy I've finally got round to watching your carrot video. Hilarious. I love the "don't like it, not ready" at the end!! Hope you hve more success next time!

Just got Z weighed, he's only put on 4 oz in 3 weeks so is now closer to the 25% line, boo. I've explained about his excessive pooing and the struggle it seems to be for him to poo so they've suggested the GP. He pooed 8 times yesterday in 18 hours and had been 4 times by 10am this morning! However they were amazed at his ability to stand up and almost crawl so suspect that's why he's not gaining weight, he's burning the food off. Bit gutted though as the last 3 weeks are the first 3 weeks he's had any formula and it's his worst weight gain ever! Don't think I'll bother giving him any more!
ugh...i hate baby growth weight woes. big :hugs: to you all who have non-fatty babies. Lozza I honestly can't believe how much Z reminds me of a baby at my under 1 group called Billy - he crawled at 6months and looks identical to Z - he's crazy but brilliant as an 8month old. Non-stop. He had similar sleeping issues but food/crawling at 5-6months really sorted things out for him. He's going to be into EVERYTHING though!!!
Loo - hope you and OH (DH to be!!!! :dance:) have a lovely night out tonight... did i tell you how impressed i am with you and your BFing - I know its been a tough rough old ride with it but you've done amazingly well to get to this far. Any decision you make re feeding with combi/FF you know you have done brilliantly and D is developing soooo well - her giggled literally nearly made me cry. Well OK they did make me have a little weep - I just know how precious those giggles must be for you both after a few tough months.

MsC - I'm thinking of you and your pappa hun...positivity coming your way xxxx

Oh god...its time...its BBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :munch:
Its all sooooo quiet on here now...sad but lovely to.share photos etc on fb

Mscrow....:hugs: sending love and positive thoughts for your dad

Lozza and Loo....both your babies are perfect....and gaining weight. It doesnt matter how much...they are healthy.and.happy...thats all the matters x
Don't you jut hate those nights where the first wake up is 11pm? Only been 90 minutes.
Waula - the HVs warned me today I'll have my hands full as they all gathered round to watch him try and crawl! He's so nearly there, he can move but it's not that stable. I though I'd have a bit longer before I had to be worrie about him moving about!

Have got a GP appt tomorrow as I want him checked out. I know he's gained weight but he's fallen off his line and still has issues passing wind or pooing. He really has to try and it upsets him. Plus today he's pooed 9 times in 12 hours - that's not normal. He's got a really sore bum today which he's never had before - I think that's why he's trembling & tense wen I change him the last couple of days :-(

MsC - continued :hugs: to you & family xx
MrsC - thinking of you and your Dad, hope he is on the mend soon :hugs:

Yay for date night Loo - what's one of those anyway!!! chance of OH asking me for a date :coffee:

Lozza - Z is very alert, well compared to my lazy lump anyway! might be a good thing if you only have one because I think he will be a little whirlwind! tried J on his tummy again before and although he's got the arms of Popeye he still can't push himself up very well, never mind rolling :rofl: so sounds plausible that Z is a very energetic baby, that with the excessive dirty nappies must surely be having an effect on his weight gain, so def doesn't mean he isn't getting enough.

That amount of dirty nappies doesn't sound right though so I would def be pushing for further investigation and don't be fobbed off with 'see how it goes' 'babies poo a lot'. I've had to REALLY stand my ground and at times be down right rude to get things progressed were the kids have been involved :winkwink:
So quiet here.... I agree, Mitch, that it is really nice to share pics on FB!!! However, this will remain my ranting space because there's something comforting about bitching under the anonymity of a user name rather than my real name. :shrug:

Ms. C- Sending you lots of hugs. By the way... my brother has Graft versus Host. He's had it for 19 years now. (We did a bone marrow transplant in 1993.) Anyway, it certainly creates some challenges for him, but it can be manageable with the right treatment plan and right circumstances. :hugs:
Lozza, I really hope you get an answer for the nappy issue as I agree, it's not right and you shouldn't get fobbed off.

On weight gain, if it's any compensation, E has been climbing to the 50th centile but her gain this month seemed less hence why I think the HV's are less concerned Loo and Lozza. Maybe at 5 months the gain is slower?

Out of curiosity, we tried E with a little bit of avocado, mashed up on the tip of my finger. She thought it was the bee's knees so I better read the BLW book the library got in, have also ordered the Weaning Made Easy book. Feeling a bit clueless but think she's not far from ready. E can mostly sit up unaided, has an interest in food, isn't spitting it back out and can pincer hold food, albeit badly at the moment. I'm not going wild though, just might try her with little tastes.

WT, thanks of telling me about your brother, it's heartening to hear it can be dealt with long term.

Crap night's sleep. E seems to be doing loads of mental development so sleeping is all over the place. Up at 11:30-12am, 2:30-3:00 and 5:45-6:40. I really should have stayed in bed but got up at 6:50 for breakfast.

I missed the whole setting up of the facebook group. What was the reason? It's a useful space to have but I'm sad this thread has become secondary. It contains a lot of history.
:wave: Hi lads! just popping over for FB as i haven't been here for a while and missed it! Having a read back so may take some time :)
I agree, it's a shame about this thread as it means an awful lot to me, and has got me through some tough times. I suppose people were finding it tough to keep up with both bnb and fb, and also the fact that we can post privately on fb. I don't like how it orders the page though. Feels very unorganised!

MsC, get the weaning books read! I've bought one this week on blw, and have a few traditional weaning recipe books out from the library. A bit of holiday reading!

Lozza, I am super impressed with Z's development. He really is a star. Don't let your gp fob you off. xx

Gill, date night was super! I got a two hour nap and still fought the end of the film!

Waula, thanks for the lovely thing you said about D's video. Her happy times seem so few and far between, but I need to remember that she does have them, and when she does, they completely rock my world :cloud9:

Anyway, I have a little sleep SOS to post.

I am completely losing the plot, and I hate that it's making me like this, so ideally I would like to know that I'm not the only one going through this, and possibly have some solutions.

D has always slept great as you know. She regularly pulled a dolly, and there were only occasional blips.

When we got back from holiday we moved her into her own room. She has been falling asleep fine, but when she wakes, that is either it for the night, or she takes 3 hours to get her settled again, and it's often into our bed. These waking times are on the whole 4ish, but have been as early as 1, which is far to early to start the day. We have tried feeding her, leaving her to self settle, comforting her in the crib, comforting her in our arms, repeat repeat repeat for hours and hours until Al and I are at wits end, and out her in the bed with us.

It's the last thing we want to do, mainly because we know she has figured out how to get what she wants and she won't bloody stop until she has it.

Then the days are just as bad. She is refusing to nap, and is becoming hysterical she is so over stimulated and overtired. She has gone super clingy with me, and will only be with Al for playing time.

It's so blooming tough, and over the past week I think I have cried more than she has. I have completely lost a grip on the situation, and that saddens and embarrasses me to admit it.

My HV suggested trying methods to help her self settle, and we agree that is what is needed, but the exercises she has taught us (don't rock her to sleep at night, but settle her in her crib) will mean that she is wake for even longer each night thus making her more overtired. I'm so unsure.

I don't know what to do. I'm feeling so tired I can't think properly right now. Some help or advice would be great.

Thank you in advance. xxxxx
:hugs: loo. I'm sorry things have gotten so hard. We're sharing some of your problems. O has gone from sleeping from 7-6 to waking up every hour from about 12 and it being morning time at about 4. We cant work out why she's waking and have tried everything like you. We've been trying to get her to self settle for bed for a few weeks and its hard. Some nights take hours while others she's asleep straight away. But it hasn't changed her never doing it at night. :shrug: i'd hoped and am still hoping it will just pass but it is so hard living on such little sleep. O thankfully naps during the day to give me a break though so it must be impossible for you! I wish i could help and give advise but i dont have any. im sorry. Your not alone in the sleepless nights though, or in finding it hard!
To add Livy sleeps on me for her day time naps so i have now (as in two minutes ago) decided i am not going to let her sleep on me at all for the next few days. And yes i am going to be ripping my hair out but it might help right? I'm currently trying and failing to get her to nap in her cot. Doesn't help that next door is drilling
loo, i don't have any suggestions especiallya she has previously slept quick well. the only things i can suggest are strong routine, nice and quiet at night if she wakes (ie not turning on the lights and no talking to her etc) but i am sure you have already tried these.

they say sleep breeds sleep so perhaps try to work on daytime naps too?

and controversial but have you tried just letting her cry?
As you'd expect I have zero advice Loo, but plenty of sympathy!

Worst night for a while here too, so ba I don't even know what happened!

GP has however agreed to refer me to a paediatrician. He didn't even examine Z which was fine with me as im glad he recognised he wouldn't really hve any answers. Agreed it sounds like an absorption issue though.

And is rather post here than FB, jut because it's easier to read!

DH working from home today so we're going to pop to a couple of nurseries ad hopefully then I can make a decision as I really need to get his name down!
Loo- Whenever you get the answer to your sleep SOS, please share because it's exactly what the boys do. :( I suppose the only difference is that they are really great self-settlers when they go to sleep at the beginning of the night. I follow all the so-called rules. No rocking. No holding them until they're asleep. No feeding them to sleep. Etc. I put them in their own beds with their eyes open, and they go to sleep quickly and easily. So why does this not work at 4 a.m.???? And actually, 4 a.m. is not so bad... it's when they do it at 1 a.m. that really kills the night. :wacko:

Regarding this page... like I said yesterday, this is will remain my ranting space, and I think the format is better for long posts/calls for support. To me, the FB page is more for fun stuff, pics and quickies. It does take awhile to figure out how to read it though since it moves things to the top every time they're posted on. It's getting easier with each passing day. But I never want to lose this page. It really has been a Godsend to me. I heart my March Mamas. :hugs:
MrsC - sounds like E is ready for a bit of something :winkwink: someone gave me Annabel Karmel's book Baby and Toddler Meal Planner which has a lot of really good recipes.

Lozza - great news about being referred :thumbup:

Loo - mmmmmm wish I knew what to suggest. Maybe the waking up could be for various reasons, the change from holiday, teething or maybe weaning is on the horizon. They do say that if a baby that previously slept well and starts waking it's time to consider weaning. That's a bit tough because she's still quite small, I know they say 6 months now but remember everything is a guideline. I'm surprised the HV didn't mention it :shrug:
At this stage if you are so upset anything is worth a try......right?

At the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and Dharma and Al. It really doesn't matter what the books say, or what we say, or HV says.
It doesn't have to be anything hardcore and in a month or so she'll be at the stage were you can combine with BLW, which in my honest opinion is part of weaning anyway, they've just made it sound more swanky :wacko:
I definately think that it is great idea to keep this page going for rants, 'serious' advice and keep FB for general chat and embarrassing photo sharing :thumbup:

Loo.....As you know M is a great sleeper so I should be able to offer some advice I guess....but sometimes I think it is just the luck of the draw. Some things to consider maybe???

A good routine....are you putting her down the same time every night? (or trying to). Are you looking out for her signals...if she is getting overtired perhaps you are missing them? Rubbing eyes, yawning and sucking her thumb are M's but I typically put her down (naps) when I see two out of the three and no later. Do you bath, massage (have you tried), sing a particular tune so she associates with sleep?
Is she hungry and therefore waking up? I know it is usually the first thing we think.....and I know you are starting to think about moving to combi/FF....perhaps introduce one bottle a day. I introduced the first one at lunchtime just in case it upset her belly or something before bed. It was around this time she started to STTN consistently. If you are not ready for FF (and I am not pushing the issue) have you tried a bottle of ebm as last feed so you know she is getting a good amount. M's last bottle is 8oz FF and she drains the lot.
Do you have blackout blinds in her room? Totally recommend. M doesnt need/want a mobile/projector thing (although we have) but perhaps something like this....night time association.

Sometimes during the day M just wants to be put down for a nap and will not fall asleep on me.....being rocked or anything (sad but most the time now) and wants to be put down....blanket laid over her (more association than warmer) and left. She sometimes whinges/moans and sometimes cries but if I have timed it right, she will go off within 2 minutes. Perhaps she doesnt need to be rocked?? And maybe the timing and placing down is all she needs?

I really hope you are not p*ssed off with this reply as I am guessing you have tried all of this and I am teaching you to suck eggs. I am just trying to think of everything we have done/do with M....but unfortunately I cannot pinpoint one thing which has made a difference. At night I think starting her at 6 weeks with a routine and bed at 7pm (or as near to with her fighting), the first FF bottle at lunchtime and her own room really helped us.

Also weaning may need to be considered....maybe just a little porridge to start with and see what happens.

Dont forget you are going to have the perfect toddler after this....and I will be stuck with the nightmare child :haha:

Hope things get better for are doing a great job x x x
Oh Loo... I don't know what to say hun. If its started since you came home from holiday and put her in her own room then how about putting her back in with you? She's a sensitive little soul and maybe it's just a bit much for her in her own room yet? Please don't feel pressured into having her in her own room just because a fe of us in here have done.
It's so hard to advise - they're all so different... Re letting her cry - such a personal one isn't it...n doesn't cry unless something is the matter (burp/hunger normally) so I wouldn't want to leave him crying at this stage but you know D best and she won't remember any of this - its traumatising you way more than her!!!
My neighbour with the shouty little girl had a meltdown with the CC - didn't work for her after trying for 3 weeks but she found leaving as some of her worn clothing in the basket/cot really helped. I'm so sorry your sanity of having a Dolly has gone, I'm sure it's temporary...please sleep when she does... Lots of love xxx

Ps I really really don't want to lose this thread either. It's been invaluable to me over the past year. I agree the fun stuff on fb but proper stuff over here still.

Thanks lads for being all ace. Xxx

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