March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

2 hours 15 mins and she is finally asleep! In our bed of course, but asleep!

I am still wide awake though.
Loo - I'm not sure a newborn insert would work, he likes being able to wriggle and wouldn't sleep on his back. Sorry for your rough night.

However, I'm pleased to report we just did6.40/9, 10-2.30 &3.15-7.05 all in his own cot!!!!! Proof that it can be done even after most nights of being in with me! For possibly the first time ever he's woken up not crying, I can just hear him cooing on the monitor for the last 15 mins, love to know what he's up to, DH about to go and get him! Oh, he's playin with his teddy bear and smiling!!! Result!
Official best night ever :happydance:
Crikey Mouse, your mother in law sounds.....delightful. I don't know how you've survived, or G for that matter. I suppose being in a hotel will at least ameliorate the worst of it but I'm guessing she'll still hang out during the day?

Lozza, HURRAH! That sounds like a bloody awesome night, I'm so glad you have finally had a decent one, and that he's woken up in such good form. I wouldn't dare to say tonight will be the same but little steps.

Loo, I commiserate, I think we're having a similar time. Since being away at my parents, E's sleep has been all over the place. Last night was a similarly shitty one with her waking at 12:20, 2:10 and 4:00. I had to get up at 7 but she was already waking. I'm at my wits end and exhausted. At least E is coing and having a rollicking time rather than crying though, I'm really sorry. It does sound like you managed things better last night? It's a bummer you couldn't get to sleep though.

I couldn't either. Resentful that MrC was snoring last night and not waking up to help with E we've had a big argument this morning. Great start to a holiday. He's buggered off out the house.
Loo....a mixed night then...sounds like it started off well then went a bit downhill. Hope you have managed to get back to sleep x x

Lozza...yeah for a good night x

Mouse...boooo for the MIL. Unfortunately my parents live 150 miles away, dad getting on a bit do they stay with us when they visit...luckily no.longer than 3 nights usually. My tirn to visit them soon....need to sort something out

Today i am trying to manipulate M's naps...i love her 11:30-1pm ish nap usually.but its mum and under 1's group today and guess what time it is...yep 11:30-1!!!! Doh. We shall see if she can be manipulated:haha:

Tomorrow i am dropping M off at SILs for a few hours:happydance:.....probably dtop her 11am and leave her til 3pm.....going into Guildford to meet a friend for lunch, pick up a small gazebo for garden (bbq sunday...loads of babies needing shade as its gonna crossef) and get a bra fitting at M&S. M has killed my boobs....i could start a bra shop with.the range of sizes i have from pre-preg, preg, nursing and now...god knows what size i am. Not a clue
yay Lozza - really pleased for long bloody last! Maybe he heard you had a paed appt??!

Loo - betterish night...but still not great...hope you managed to drop off...and quite funny about Al giving chilled milk (in a not very funny way) xxx
Lozza, so friigging pleased for you!!! Well done Z!!

MsC, I hope you have a nice holiday (once MrC has stopped throwing his toys out of the pram).

Gah. Got distracted by a bad feed and forgot what I wanted to say.
Lozza, yay, amazing night!

Mouse, booo for MIL!

Loo, sounds like progress of sorts? At least she did re-settle for a bit, so there is hope xx

We had a bad night. F was pretty good actually, woke at 9pm, 1am, 4am, so quite bareable. Roh woke up at 12am though, which is unusual and just kept saying "sad, sad" over and over when I asked what's wrong. He went back to sleep but then woke again at 1.30am and was saying the same thing. When I picked him up he was shaking so badly and he just threw his arms round my neck and wouldn't let go! He was really frightened about something. I tried to put him back in bed, but he just wouldn't let go of my neck, so after 30 mins I brought him back to our bed, which never usually works, but he cuddled up really close and went right to sleep. Cue a really uncomfortable night for me squished between F and Roh! :dohh:
When OH asked what happened last night to Roh this morning he went all sniff and hugged OH and wouldn't let go for ages again. I've no idea what's scared him so much, it must have been a dream I guess. Poor thing. :(
boo for bad nights :( but She will get there Loo. And poor Roh :hugs:

Yay for good night Lozza!

Hope your naps have worked out mitch!!
Poor Roh! :hugs::hugs: I hope he has a better night tonight. :cry:

Indy just escaped and danced into the main road that we live on. Thank god all the traffic stopped and people got out of their cars to help catch her. Gah! I dread to think what could have happened. :cry:

I lost 2lbs at fat camp this week, so that's 7st 1lb!! I was so chuft until my Mums next door neighbour said 'well its not really 7st is it? More like 5 because of Dharma" what a bitch!! That's one of those 'think it, don't say it' things isn't it!?!? Bah!

I remembered what it was I wanted to ask this morning......

Mitch, your boobs! What has happened to them since you stopped bf? My left boob has always been slightly bigger than my right, but not noticeably. However since bf, it's bloody bonkersly different. I'm hoping desperately that it will return to the nearly the same size as the other as when I tried a bra on the other day, I just looked silly. One boob was all jubbly, and the other looked, well, just a bit sad and pathetic! Please tell me that they return to normal?

Speaking of which, I have made the decision to start switching to ff today. I have defrosted some emb for the 4pm feed, and see how we get on doing that for a few days. It's not how I wanted it to happen, but it's turning me into a wreck, and I need to think about the bigger picture. Im sad at the moment about it, but more the loss of closeness rather than anything else. I love our feeding time so much, but she is unhappy with bf, so I can't be selfish any more. :cry:
Lozza- Much better night!! :happydance: Don't you just love when they wake up cooing in bed. I'm always torn by the desire to sit and listen to them and the desire to go get them.

Emera- Hugs to Roh. DS1 used to have awful night terrors. They would break my heart, but he never seemed to remember them in the morning.

Ms.C- Why is it that our men have to pour salt in the sleepless wound by snoring? Seriously! Is it not enough that they get to sleep? Do they have to mock us with their snores too? :growlmad:

Mitch- I try not to even look at my boobs. I get out of the shower, dry them off and put them in the bra. Poor shriveled up sacks of boob.

Mouse- Sorry that you (and G) are stuck with your MIL for a few more days. But look at the positive side, it could be worse. You could have Loo's MIL! Or her neighbor for that matter. ;)

Loo- DH and I have a go-to reply when people say rude, mean things that are obvious. It's too funny not to share:

Many years ago, I was volunteering at a Special Olympics event in the town where I lived. (Mostly teenage competitors). After one of the track events, the sweet young man who came in 2nd was so overwhelmed with the excitement of getting his medal that he stuck his finger in the air and started cheerfully chanting, "I'm number one! I'm number one!" The kid next to him tried to rain on his parade by pointing out the obvious, "you came in second." Without missing a beat, the 2nd place champion turned to his fellow athlete and calmly replied, "shut up, horse face." It was brilliant. He was so confident and self-assured that nobody was going to affect his mood by pointing out the obvious.
Double post.... forgot to mention... the boys did soooooo much better last night because I went straight to the bottle when they woke up. I didn't even bother trying to get them back to sleep.

7:30-3:30 (A couple of paci trips, but I never had to get him out of bed);
3:30 (drank 2 ounces to quench his thirst and went right back to sleep);
3:35-5:30 (woke up babbling and ready to play).

7:30-4:00 (no paci trips!!)
4:00 (drank 2 ounces to quench his thirst and went right back to sleep);
4:35-6:00 (woke up babbling and ready to play)
Loo, try not to be too sad. The "happy mum, happy baby" thing applies here more than anywhere. Its all well and good having the closeness, but if you are so strung out you can hardly think, then is it really worth it? Plus I can vouch that I've had just as lovely close snuggles whilst ff Roh as I did bf him. :hugs:

F just started trying to commando crawl again and Roh looked and said "oh Frayrah where you going", and then went and lay on the floor next to her and said "go like this" and started demonstrating how to crawl! Cute! :) he then tried to climb on her shoutng "ride the Frayrah horse!" But hey, its the thought that counts, right? :haha:
Wt...'shiveled up sacks of boob' it!!! Loo this pretty much sums it up.

To be honest my right boob was always bigger and still looks the same in size difference to the left one....but omg the breast tissue has diminished somewhat.....not so full and pert is the only way to describe. Will let you know size tomorrow but to be far i have probably been wearing the wrong size for a while doh:dohh:

I have heard its common after birth whethr you bf or not:shrug:

Emera....poor roh x x x

Oh and loo...totally with you on.the bf to ff switch...but happy mum =happy and M are just as close with FF and i feel much more free if that makes sense. Hope it goes well for you....D takes a bottle well so you should be ok x
I mean seriously Loo - you have lost the weight of a small adult, that is THE MOST AWESOME ACHIEVEMENT EVER!!! Don't let that bitch rain on your parade!!!

As for the switch, please don't think you won't have the closeness. If it's just me and J sitting in the house feeding I snuggle him right in as close to my boob as possible and kiss and stroke him while I'm feeding him. I haven't felt less close to him than I did the girls through FF. I honestly think this is the right decision for you and D and although I know you might be upset for a few days I think you will see a new chapter opening and hopefully a more settled little girl and a less stressed Mummy and that surely has got to be a good thing :hugs::hugs:

Lozza and WT - :thumbup: for much better nights!!!
OH and for what it's worth I had a boob job after BF for 8 months because it completely wrecked my boobs, I went from a B before to probably -AAAAA after :shock: I seriously had no breast tissue left at all, just a nipple and a flap of skin. My GP referred me they were that bad and I had mine done on the NHS :thumbup:
loo, i think ff will be just great hunni xxx

also ignore the bitch about weight loss. infact, i may add my pregnancy weight onto my ticker; as a loss is a loss! lol

gahhhhhh stupid head full of cold. i cant remember anything else. gaaaaaaaaaaah.

oh and mitch, i hear u on diff bra sizes. i went from a 32 back to 34 to 36 - and back down again. nightmare!
"Shut up, horse face!" I love that... can I use it in real life?

Loo, I think when we are BFing we tend to use bottles to give ourselves a little extra freedom for a moment, so we don't pay quite as much attention to the baby, etc. But if you make the switch you can treat your formula feeds as if they're bonding time instead of just having a chance to think about something else for a second while the baby's on the bottle... does that make sense? Like, I think moms who FF from the start use the bottle feeds for bonding the same way BF women use the boob... so when you transition to bottles you just need to make sure to keep the bonding element.

Not sure if that made sense at all.

Thanks for all the MIL sympathy. So true I'm at least one tick above Loo. Although this morning I got G all nice and relaxed and set her in the swing to try for a nap, and MIL went and sat right in front of her and started chatting away! :dohh: I swear, if the woman stopped talking her head would probably explode from all the crazy thoughts bouncing around.

Finally I had to stick my head around the corner and say, "It's probably best if you don't talk to her right now." I felt bad but come on! The baby needs a nap!

And she's probably confused because sometimes I sit in front of the swing, but the difference is, I just sit there and read or whatever and let the baby look at me. I don't chat her up like a town hall meeting. I mean jeebus!

Get it together, horse face!
Mouse, I use "shut up, horse face" in real life all the time. (Mostly to DH.)

Glow- You got your flappy nipples fixed on the government's dime? Damn, I wish we had universal healthcare. :haha:

Loo- I agree what everyone has said about FF. I snuggle my boys right up against my body when I'm feeding them. Sometimes it's a sweet bonding moment. And sometimes, I'm distracted and want them to hurry up. In other words... just like BF. :thumbup: Plus, if you don't have to struggle with her so much by FF, you'll be able to enjoy the bonding aspect of it more. Like I said before, it got so bad with P that there was zero bonding going on when I nursed him. So it was actually a huge relief to switch him.
How rude !!!! Loo you have done amazing - cant believe you were able to do it pregnant and then keep it up - so hats off to you lovely


We are having a terrible time her - im stressed to the eyeballs and im trying not to

This is the third day of E not taking her milk - she is super grumpy and so so sad today - she is fighting and scratching when im trying to give her her milk and then gets to the stage where she plain refuses

She has had 20 oz today and im not sure if thats enough or not

To top it we had a crap night and im setting myself for another tonight xx

ps sorry for the self indulgent post

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