L&L, huge
None of this is your fault, and you haven't failed Livy at all. Look how much you care about how she feels and how hard you are trying to make everything work! To be able to work so hard at being a fab Mum on top of your illness is flipping amazing. Be gentle with yourself, you are doing great, and getting the help you need to overcome the problems in your life. Livy needs her Daddy too, so whilst her going between you isn't ideal, at the moment its not a bad thing as it gives you time and space to work on your recovery. Thinking of you hun xxxx
Mitch, i apologised with the council and explained that OH wasn't aware it was bothering anyone, or that there was a problem with doing it. Stubborn as he is with me, he'd never be intentionally anti-social! I think its really sad that whoever complained didn't come and ring on the door and ask us to put the fire out. We would have done it right away if we'd known it was bothering anyone (well, apart from it bothering me, obviously, OH doesn't care about that!!
). I think they are fine with it as long as we don't do it again.
Hope the tea stays down!
Waula, ~N being a knobber!
bless him!
It can be really tricky when you get in a habit of not dtd. The longer it goes on the harder it is to get back on the horse so to speak. OH and i have had big gaps in the past, and they can be a bit damaging to the old relationship. At one point we had to set a "date" night once a week, because we were just finding reasons to not get round to it. It helped alot to get us back into dtd more often, even thought it was a bit proscribed to start with. If you set a date to do it, its harder to put it off as you feel more compelled to stick to it!
We were having a serious lull after F arrived, but in the last month or so its really stepped back up to normal levels, although i could do without OH waking me up in the middle of the night for it, which he keeps doing! I feel like "ffs, why does everyone want me to be awake in the middle of the night?!?!"
About to make Cinnamon Danish Pastries, or rather start to, they should be ready tomorrow morning, i think. I made some last week, but the recipe wasn't very good. Hoping this one is better. Its got about a lb of butter in it, so it should be!!