March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Laura - if I had read that 10 mins ago I might have carried on! I lasted an hour - he wasn't even lying down though. Just fed him and he's asleep pretty quick, just need a successful transfer back to the cot now. I'll try again ins couple of weeks. Thanks though.
I'm really sorry. I know how horrible it feels and I had the advantage that A couldn't stand up!

I'm glad he's asleep for you now though.

Lozza :hugs: sounds traumatic. Please lower the cot, just hearing about it scares me!
Roh used to stand in his cot chatting or crying or shouting, and eventually would sort of slump down and fall asleep in a pile.
A cold isn't ideal for starting, but I was the same and found 1000 excuses not to start! :hugs:
Make sure you are really happy with the overall strategy of what you want to achieve before you start. And make sure you are doing something that will work with Z. For example with Roh I had to do straight CIO because my going back in to him then leaving again upset him way more than me just leaving him. So although I had viewed CIO as a pretty harsh way to sleep train it was actually kinder in that situation. With F, she escalates and escalates the longer she's left, so going in to her and rubbing her back a bit is waaay better than leaving her to cry. They are all so different, what works for one doesn't for another, so try and find a way that works for Z, and for you! If an hours crying is going to break your heart, you maybe need to try something different that you are going to be able to cope with. Big :hugs: though I know how awful it is to start with, I tried and caved a few times with Roh before I properly did sleep training. :hugs:
So sorry Lozza. Glad he's asleep now. Obviously I have no tips as my kid is equally opposed to sleep.
She's sitting here now and has been awake for 6 (!!!!) hours straight.... SO tired but won't sleep....
Lozza, what a bummer, I'm so sorry. That was a lot to take alone, can you try again when N is about so you can share it? E can do what Z did, wakes up after 3 minutes and be totally restless. I refuse to feed her again and if worst comes to the worst, MrC goes in and sways with her as the angry cries turn to very tired ones. Then she falls asleep.

Thinking of you Bluebird and hope you get the all clear very soon!

Those banana muffins look AMAZING and so simple too, shall give the recipe a try over the weekend. Has it been added to the FB document?

Ugh, its 3:30 and E is falling asleep again. Woke up hungry. Last night she went from 7:30-6! Squeezed another hour after a short feed. Thought she'd be smiley but was on a short fuse all day. Think I'd rather take one wake up and a happier baby.

I know I meant to reply to more but my brain is dead.

Oh poo....Christ...Waula, Emera, I'd be needing a gin after your days.
Lozza sounds grim :-( i kind of agree with health visitor tp be honest (for once!). Def not the kind of thing to be doing on your own though. In fact probably better if N does it to be honest as he wont associate him with being fed. I kind of ended up like Emera i literally just had to leave her. She was arpund 14months at the time, maybe slightly older but it involved standing, trying to climb out of cot, shouting Mummy, choking herself, tantrumming etc. Horrendous. If you're not ready leave it for a few days and try again. I actually had a friend come and sit with me. That helped a lot as she stopped me from caving in. It took a few days but we got there in the end. Ultimately you don't have to do anything, i suppose it depends if you can survive and happy with the sleep you are getting. Xxxx
He did 4 hours after all that, so no different to normal! Instead it just means I didn't go to bed til 1am so missed out on a couple of hours sleep! He's happy and smily this morning though which at least proves to me an hours crying didn't completely traumatise him! I'll have a chat with n when he's home tonight.
Lozza...big hugs...sorry it is so laura says i am sure if you persevere with N there too....perhaps start it over a weekend when you are both home. I am sure you will break it soon x x

Sick sick a dog....diahorrea and vomiting since 4am....Mia slept as usual but not good at all. Think.i ate something a bit dodgy lst night...hoping its that and not a bug. Sods law stu has gone this morning for his operation :-( I dont know how i am going to cope...dont judge me coukd be throw loads of toys at her....jumperoo and baby tv. Feel sick but havent been since 7am. Hoping cleared out.

Missy sounds like my induction....drip in at 11:30pm...out popped Mia at 4:40am...midwife was well shocked. Said when.the drip.went in.she estimated about midday birth following day....she wasnt hanging around ha ha x
Suffice to say that i shall not be making the Christmas cake til i.feel much better next week!!!!

You ladies have any good recipes...tried and tested to.share...otherwise i was just going to.lookyhrough my.books/internet x Ta
Argh, just lost a whole post, annoying!!

Mitch, Delia's Christmas cake recipe is great, made it a few times :thumbup:

Hope you are feeling a bit better, its rubbish looking after babies when you're ill, but sadly we don't get to take unplanned days off! :hugs: Rest up as much as you can xx

MsC i added banana muffins to the fb file. Will be making some as soon as my bananas are ripe!

Lozza :hugs: I find it amazing, but somehow even when they are toddlers they totally brush off and forget about massive screaming sessions/tantrums almost as soon as they finish them! The only people who seem to remember them and become traumatised are we parents!

F totally pigged out at brekkie (on cinnamon, apple and double cream porridge, yum!) and then demanded a feed, so is now currently vomming everywhere because she's overflowing! :dohh:

Really annoyed with OH, he wanted to burn some old fence panels, which i wanted to recycle with the wood recycling project here, so we had a disagreement about it. Anyway i went out and when i got back he was having a bonfire in the garden (this was a few weeks ago). I was angry, as the smoke etc sets my asthma off, and the wastefulness of it offends me. So this morning we got a complaint letter from the council about the fire, where one of the neighbours has obviously complained. :dohh: Joy, have phoned the council and had a chat in the hope of avoiding the substantial fine we've been threatened with. Needless to say though i'm fuming. At least he won't be able to do it again as i can wave the letter in his face!!! :growlmad:
Naughty OH emera... :( I think there should be a lot of letter waving at him!!! Although I'd have probably burnt them on our log burner :dohh: when is F next having her weigh in? Fingers crossed she's gained loads - that brekkie sounds yum!
Mitch hope you're feeling ok xxx
Lozza you feeling ok today? I know he had an awake period in the night (!) but did he do 3hrs then 4?! That sounds like a bit of an improvement anyway :) I know my DH would be useless at any form of sleep training - he hates him crying. So I sympathise with N not being up for 2 weeks of it. But I don't think you can do it by yourself either! Big :hugs: xx
Christmas cake - not made one since I was about 8...tempted! I really fancy creamy mushrooms on toast for lunch - hoping n likes it too...
Had bit of a fall out with DH this morning, nothing serious - just lack of bedroom action...bit sad. Think we're in need of some us time but with my tooth/n teething cold night wakings/his new job it's just been a bit long. :(
Delia...fab...going to google that when back in action

What a pain...i would be fuming at hubby!! Dod you know it was against rules to burn them? I would plead ignorance...hope you avoid fine x

Having a cup of tea...all i am willing to.risk at the moment. Have a headache...think its from dehydration...sipping water all morning

I hear you on the bedroom action...we havent had any since before Stu got kidney was painful...stinging.afterwards...its not condusive not since August for us. I am hoping after the op today and recovery period we might get back on track
Same here Mitch. Stingy. But it's really not good for us pair. DH gets very sensitive about it... :( We need a night out for the pair of us but with N being a knobber all night it's hard to go and enjoy/relax knowing someone else will be struggling with him. Hmmmm. He did a Mr Citymouse on me last night and passed up as he wanted to watch red dwarf instead :cry: :nope: makes it sound terrible but actually it's very much usually me saying no...
Poor N...being a knobber:haha:. Will he not take a bottle of ebm from anyone else for his dream feed...put him down usual time and get back after that feed...after 11?? He usually goes another 3-4 hours after that? It is difficult...we are having.only our second night out togethr next Saturday...was hoping SIL would have her overnight so.we could have a lie in etc but not possible. A friend is sitting.round here but only.til 11:30pm.

Obviously Stus situation has enforced a dtd break but even.before that it wasnt regular....which it should be with M being a great just get into.a rutt and difficult As long as you.are still talking...getting hugs kisses and cudfles will come (thats what i tell myself ha ha)

On another point i.havent puked or pooped again (havent eat either) so.hoping this was food related. Hadnt heard from hubby.for a while so phoned hospital and hes had the op, he us in soe discomfort (no shit!!!) and having an enforced sleep. Should be discharge later this afternoon:happydance:
Hi ladies,
I know I'm don't post on here at all anymore but having a bad time of it and i didn't want to post on FB as thats a happy place.

Alex and I are having a break from each other (again) while i see someone about my depression and try to sort mself out. Liv's been going betweem the two of us, which is horrible and sucks but theres no otherway around it. Shes been with him all week :cry: but comes back tomorrow.
I had my first councilling session this morning which was hard but went well and Alex and i are having some sessions together as well but not for another two weeks.
Feeling pretty crappy about it all and like i've failed Liv by not being able to make everything work out and by being ill. It has now ben diagnoised as PD on top of my other metal health issues so hopefully they can help me with that.
Love you ladies and even though I've not mentioned it just having you all around these last few weeks has been amazing!
L&L, huge :hugs: None of this is your fault, and you haven't failed Livy at all. Look how much you care about how she feels and how hard you are trying to make everything work! To be able to work so hard at being a fab Mum on top of your illness is flipping amazing. Be gentle with yourself, you are doing great, and getting the help you need to overcome the problems in your life. Livy needs her Daddy too, so whilst her going between you isn't ideal, at the moment its not a bad thing as it gives you time and space to work on your recovery. Thinking of you hun xxxx

Mitch, i apologised with the council and explained that OH wasn't aware it was bothering anyone, or that there was a problem with doing it. Stubborn as he is with me, he'd never be intentionally anti-social! I think its really sad that whoever complained didn't come and ring on the door and ask us to put the fire out. We would have done it right away if we'd known it was bothering anyone (well, apart from it bothering me, obviously, OH doesn't care about that!! :dohh:). I think they are fine with it as long as we don't do it again. :blush:

Hope the tea stays down! :hugs:

Waula, ~N being a knobber! :haha: bless him!

It can be really tricky when you get in a habit of not dtd. The longer it goes on the harder it is to get back on the horse so to speak. OH and i have had big gaps in the past, and they can be a bit damaging to the old relationship. At one point we had to set a "date" night once a week, because we were just finding reasons to not get round to it. It helped alot to get us back into dtd more often, even thought it was a bit proscribed to start with. If you set a date to do it, its harder to put it off as you feel more compelled to stick to it!
We were having a serious lull after F arrived, but in the last month or so its really stepped back up to normal levels, although i could do without OH waking me up in the middle of the night for it, which he keeps doing! I feel like "ffs, why does everyone want me to be awake in the middle of the night?!?!" :haha:

About to make Cinnamon Danish Pastries, or rather start to, they should be ready tomorrow morning, i think. I made some last week, but the recipe wasn't very good. Hoping this one is better. Its got about a lb of butter in it, so it should be!! ;)
Mitch- So sorry you're feeling ill. What a horrible day for that. :hugs: I hope you and Stu are both feeling better soon.

L&L- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: My heart breaks for you, honey. Obviously we don't know all the details of your situation, so perhaps I shouldn't give out advice, but I just want to make sure that Alex is taking his fair share of responsibility in this. You are a beautiful and loving person, and a terrific mother to your sweet baby. You deserve to be loved in a way that feeds your self-confidence, not the other way around. I keep hearing you talk about your illness being the cause of the difficulties. But unless you've turned into a stark raving b***ch, there is no way I can imagine this being all about you. Relationships are complicated. Fact. So, although I am really impressed with your maturity in taking control of your own issues, I don't want you to heap blame on yourself. This is not your "fault."

Lozza- Massive hugs on your rough night. And if you need to take some time before trying again, I think that's completely fine. :hugs: I echo what Emera said regarding CIO. We're essentially done with sleep training, but every once in awhile (maybe once every 2 weeks) one baby or the other will have an off night. (I figure that's pretty good since I have double the baby to contend with. :dohh:) Anyway, when we originally started sleep training, I was able to go in every few minutes to reassure them. However, now that they're a bit older (and more mobile), I find that I can only go in once. I give them a paci and walk out. If that works (and it usually does), great. However, if they're having an off night, I have to resort to CIO because repeatedly going in the room only makes it worse and leads to hour+ of crying until I give in and use a bottle compared to a single bout of crying for 10-15 minutes and we're all back to sleep. As for distracting yourself during the crying... I suggest going to a completely different part of the house where you can still hear the crying, but it's not quite as ear piercing. Then play a game on your phone (I play Sudoku) because it will require your brain to concentrate on something other than the crying. Although it's still tough, 15 minutes doesn't seem quite so excruciating if you're not wholly focused on the screaming. :shrug:

As for Christmas.... my DH is a big old Scrooge! So any festiveness at my house will be put on and appreciated by me and DS1, but poo pooed by DH.
L&L - massive hugs :hugs: I think you're doing a fab job with Livy, she always looks so happy in your photos and she's coming on brilliantly. I'm really looking forward to her and Z meeting in November, I think they'll make a lovely couple!! Really hope everything works out for all of you xx

We've only DTD once since Z was born - I've not sorted out contraception and as we're still on separate beds it's a bit difficult! To be honest I'm not that fussed but I'm surprised we haven't fallen out over it. Hope you and DH sort it out Waula!

Thanks for all the sleep advice guys. He's really not taking much milk in the day so I'm not surprised he's hungry at night. I need to work on switching that round. An it's not because of food cos he's not eating much yet either!

Took him to a soft play warehouse place this morning, it was fab!! I assumed they were more for walking age toddlers but they had loads of toys so I could have taken him months ago. It's free til he's 7 months too! That's next week but it's only £1 after that so hardly breaking the bank! Think I'll take he inlaws there on Monday - more space for us to play and there's an ok cafe. Seriously though, there are some people who shouldn't be parents. :dohh:

Mitch hope you're feeling better and M has been easy for you today. If I was you is have resorted to the tv - anything so I could stay horizontal on the sofa!
L& sorry honey...but i echo the other have not failed O at all...the opposite in fact you have started to.tackle the issues head on, got diagnosed and seen someone about it all AND you are being amazing about sharing O so both of you get you see her. It must be tough being without her so it shows what an amazingly strong person you are at putting her first....over everything. It will be an fab reunion tomorrow....i really hope you get things sorted between you and OH all look so happy together. I agree with wt...please dont take this as all your fault...OH needs to share some responsibility for what is happening. Big virtual hugs.....real ones from everyone next month:happydance:

Right had to read and run to pick up hubby from hospital. Apparently it feels like he has been hit repeatedly in guts and nuts:haha:....shouldnt laugh. I still feel.rotten and was going to attempt some food but NOT when i have to spend an hour in the car thank you!!!!! M didnt have much lunch....wondering if shes a bit under the weather....but she sounds fine with the squaeling in jumperoo:happydance:. Oh and yes i admit baby TV has been on a little more frequently today :blush:
All is quiet on here??!!!:thumbup:...thought i may have be last night after M was out of sorts and didnt much milk/food yesterday but no....she went through:blush: was your night with Z? X x

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