Lozza, inlaws,
what can you do? Hilarious that your MIL was trying to stop him crawling to you!
The whole hunger thing, hmm, i genuinely agree Waula that being full and sttn is not necessarily linked. The more i feed F the more she tends to be disturbed in the night, especially the first half! So she slept through for 10 hours for those 4 nights in a row and is now back to just as bad as before. Nothing at all has changed, or had changed, either with how much she was eating/drinking, or her sleeping situation.
There is no rhyme or reason to it that i can detect!!
I knew this time would come, and i knew it wouldn't be long. OH has started grumbling about F being in our room. He did this last time at pretty much the same point.
It was all very well with Roh, we just put him in his room, but now he wants F out and is saying ridiculous things, like "lets put the cot in the kitchen, or the sitting room"
He's such a bumhole, it does my head in. I mean, what difference does it make to him??? He has always gotten right into bed and gone straight to sleep at night, always. So now its no different, and he doesn't get up or wake up in the night.... the only single thing that will be affected if we move F is that i'll get fuck all sleep!!!
Anyway, his new plan, after i point blank refused to let him put the cot in the kitchen (idiot!!) is that we put the cot in Roh's room and have them in together. I strongly suspect that the only thing that will result from this is that we will have 2 children awake through the night rather than 1. Anyway, i've agreed to try it. If by some magic F starts sleeping through, and doesn't wake Roh up, then great, however, if it all goes tits, i'm going to wake OH every time they get me up, and see how long his clever plan lasts!
Of course he could always pull his finger out and do the jobs round the house that need doing so we can flipping move house.......
Sorry, i'm a bit miffed!