March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Thanks or sharing guys. I am still where it doesn't seem like things will be normal again but at least the only thing that sometimes hurts when I sit is my tailbone. Which is annoying but also makes me laugh since I was sure I would mess that up snowboarding. D has decided she needs to talk herself to sleep today so she's currently talking very loud before her nap right now, better then crying and screaming though.

Good luck tomorrow Emera, with all the yummy things you mention it sounds like you will do fine.

Mitch - glad he is doing a bit better

I think it's a great time to start Christmas shopping. I have been making lists in my head for people. Really should have written some of them down since I have forgotten a few. I can't wait until it is time to make Christmas cookies!
Ahhh bless you SS - everyone has such different personal stories - fingers crossed that your recovery speeds up for you -if possible xx
L&L - wont do your OH any harm in taking L for a few hours - doesn't make you any less of a mum... Hope you are able to talk through so that both parties are happy x
Emera - eeeek - fingers crossed for tomorrow for you! Sounds Ace!

I know that M is too young to know or care - but am really thankful we are away for xmas... where kids are involved- I normally LOVE IT - but knowing we are away - I'm seriously in a can't be bothered attitude about everything..... eeek! does that make me miserable?
LandL I hope things are looking a little better this week? If not that you are both talking and that you're not alone on this, you shouldn't be.

Good luck today Emera! Not that you need it judging by the cinnamon whirls. Please post some to me.

SillyS, I'm so sorry you have had such a lasting impact from the birth, I hope you've had good follow up in case some things can be made easier?

Mitch, hope MrM takes it easy, you both may well get to the party but it will also take a while to heal. One of my stitches, done five months ago, finally fell out yesterday. The scar across my tummy bottom is painful. Things take time.

Waula, hear you on the quiet day. E has been waking early for her night feed, 1am which means she has then been waking by early, which for me is 6am. I've been dragging her into if bed, just can't face getting up.

Just as she drifted back off at 7, MrC woke her back up hacking away with his bloody cough. Sick of this. I have a snuffle again and can't do it today. She's sat at the table, in front of me, screeching. I feel like walking off and leaving her there. The past few weeks have been hard. Don't think I can take much more.
Good luck today Emera!

SS, I'm so sorry to read about your after effects. You should really try and speak to someone, the lads are right. That, and time I guess :hugs:

L&L, I'm sorry to hear about you and oh too. You are doing all the right things though and I'm really confident that seeing someone together will help you both. xxx

As for us. Not much had changed. House is all in the solicitors hands now so keeping my fingers crossed. We have booked somewhere for our wedding celebration meal and I'm having some sample cupcakes delivered from a small local cupcakery. We have ordered lemon, chocolate, and carrot flavour. We asked if she could do Ammaretto flavour too but she said she's tried alcoholic ones before and she was never happy with the flavour/texture so I guess we should take her advice. Very excited about the cake though!

D is now rolling from her back to her front. Very amusing until its the middle of the night and she can't turn back over. *sigh*
MsC - :hugs: I have moments where I think I can't do this any more, he's started moaning to try and keep himself awake when I'm trying to get him to sleep and it really grates. Shouldn't say this but i can totally see how people shake their babies out of sheer frustration. I never would but I can now understand it. We just have to remember it won't last forever - must be harder for you trying to juggle work as well.

Silly - thanks for sharing :hugs: hope as the others say you have a follow up appointment to check everything's healing as it should.

Loo - could they do an ameretto (scuse the spelling?) icing? Or filling? Or try another cupcake supplier if you really want it - have you tried cake that on the A6?

Still sleepless nights here which DH is now blaming on blw saying he's hungry. I pointed out in my sleepy state this morning that he's been the same for the last 7 months even with huge bottles of formula and ebm before bed. Anyway, he fed him weetabix this morning from a spoon. There's as much mess on the highchair as usual! This is all because a) he's not sleeping, b) he didn't put any weight on at the last weigh in and c) his friend who has 2 boys told him blw is a load of rubbish as babies aren't capable of "leading" anything. I've pointed out Ed isnt the oracle and I also have friends who have successfully done blw. Grrrrrr.

And the inlaws left yesterday after 2 days. They make me laugh really (and get a bit annoyed). I know they don't see Z that often (compared to their other grandchildren they have twice a week) but at one point Z was trying to crawl towards me and mil was holding the bottom of his tshirt so he couldn't get to me away from her!!!

Then yesterday they took Z in the morning while I had a lie in til 10. He woke at 6.15 yesterday (not good) so was ready to sleep by 8. DH left for work then and told me mil had rocked him to sleep. I went down at 10.15 not having heard anything and thought hooray, great sleep. Oh no. That sleep had lasted 5 minutes, they played for a bit, put him
In the buggy but he started to cry so they took him out (apparently not to wake me, but also they said because they were going at lunch and wanted to see him), played some more then rocked him to sleep at 9.55 - in the light with the tv on - he lasted 20 minutes in mil arms. When I went in he was roasting! And had double bags under his eyes. Anyway, I fed him and after lunch took him for a walk - his eyes were rolling round in his head even sat upright with no snooze shade on. I've not seen him do that since really young, he was shattered and slept for the next 2 hours. His dad was saying ooh he really doesn't sleep for long does he - well not in your arms with the lights on no. He's spent 48 hours basically being held whereas I hardly ever cuddle him as he loves crawling round and standing up by himself.

This is a pointless rant and I know it was only one day but anyway. Feel slightly better for writing that!! No responses required!!!
Happy 7 months Z!!!! :cake:

Lozza... I was wondering how you were getting on with the inlaws. I'd have lost my mind if I'd have had the inlaws for more than a meal!!!!! :wacko: good job for coping with them!!! :flower:
Re: sleeping - from everything written on here, the stuff that I've read and from hearing from friends, I honestly don't believe being full necessarily = sleepy baby. And...Z is one billion times more active than N and so I think at this stage surely that weight gain is even more unreliable as they're all so different now. We had a meet up with my NCT buddies yesterday, out of the 7 of them (March/April bubbas) no-one is crawling, N is the only one sitting up, all the others are rolling like demons and one is walking like mad in a walker. 5/7 are sleeping through, N still has 1-2 feeds o/n and one is up 2-3 times and will not nap in the day time at all. I know Z's sleeping (or lack thereof!) is obviously affecting you both and I know you're confident in what you're doing with bf/blw but your DH sounds like mine and it's sometimes the least helpful thing/timing...I'll never forget him a few months back suggesting that N's sickyness was probably down to BFing - proper confidence knock. Just big :hugs: really because I think you're doing an amazing job. Re BLW - I tried to do a bit of reading up about it before starting and tbh there is no evidence to suggest its more than opinion (is there ever!!) but it makes sense in my head and suits N so that's good enough for me. But I also think for us there's defo nothing wrong with using a spoon alongside. I always give N a spoon to play with and he will sometimes open his mouth like a little chick and take things on a spoon - it certainly hasn't affected his self feeding ability. :shrug:
Any more thoughts on a bit of night time sleep training?? Whats your DH thoughts on the matter?? Big hugs hun xxxx
This is why i hate leaving M with anyone other than hubby (with list of instructions)...we know their signals and timings and even one day would be a nightmare :-(

Happy 7 months to Z x x
Sleep traing is on hold til I'm back from a 5 day visit to my parents next week. My friend has suggested a gradual retreat method so might look at that first.

Im sticking with the blw anyway, and the bf for now, at least until he has top teeth! I will try spoon feeding the odd thing, like weetabix and yoghurt just because the mess is bad enough from the spoon never mind self feeding that stuff! He does find his mouth with the spoon but then throws it about afterwards! By the state of what's coming out the other end I'm happy he's eating enough. Just got the date thru for a 32 week check up they do here so that's a week on Monday and will be a good time to reweigh and talk to HV.
Sounds like a good plan Lozza... :thumbup: I don't know how you do yoghurt/weetabix without a spoon (and a guiding hand!!!!!) to be honest - especially not for breakfast. I don't care by tea time but breakfast is a bit much for flinging yoghurt about... xxx
Lozza, inlaws, :dohh: what can you do? Hilarious that your MIL was trying to stop him crawling to you! :haha:

The whole hunger thing, hmm, i genuinely agree Waula that being full and sttn is not necessarily linked. The more i feed F the more she tends to be disturbed in the night, especially the first half! So she slept through for 10 hours for those 4 nights in a row and is now back to just as bad as before. Nothing at all has changed, or had changed, either with how much she was eating/drinking, or her sleeping situation. :shrug: There is no rhyme or reason to it that i can detect!!

I knew this time would come, and i knew it wouldn't be long. OH has started grumbling about F being in our room. He did this last time at pretty much the same point. :nope: It was all very well with Roh, we just put him in his room, but now he wants F out and is saying ridiculous things, like "lets put the cot in the kitchen, or the sitting room" :dohh: He's such a bumhole, it does my head in. I mean, what difference does it make to him??? He has always gotten right into bed and gone straight to sleep at night, always. So now its no different, and he doesn't get up or wake up in the night.... the only single thing that will be affected if we move F is that i'll get fuck all sleep!!! :growlmad: Anyway, his new plan, after i point blank refused to let him put the cot in the kitchen (idiot!!) is that we put the cot in Roh's room and have them in together. I strongly suspect that the only thing that will result from this is that we will have 2 children awake through the night rather than 1. Anyway, i've agreed to try it. If by some magic F starts sleeping through, and doesn't wake Roh up, then great, however, if it all goes tits, i'm going to wake OH every time they get me up, and see how long his clever plan lasts!

Of course he could always pull his finger out and do the jobs round the house that need doing so we can flipping move house....... :dohh:

Sorry, i'm a bit miffed! :growlmad:
I dont blame you for being miffed.emera...i would be!!! Who puts a baby in.the kitchen ffs:haha:....hope it works out with her and Roh in same room x x
emera i'm also miffed on your behalf. it sounds w*nk. i think until she's sleeping through its not fair on you or her or R to be honest... make sure you kick him hard everytime she wakes you up xxx
Happy 7 months Z!

Babies sleeping in the kitchen?
Mil's stopping babies crawling to their Mummy's?
BLW stopping Z sttn (when he never ever has)?

Tosh! Tosh! Tosh!

Lozza, show N a photo of D before and after blw as proof. The only reason he's not putting on weight is because he is the most active baby in the world!! But he's healthy! He eats and drinks plenty (nappies as proof), his development is second to none and he is a gorgeous dude of a baby. Ok, so he hasn't exactly got the sleeping bit mastered, but he will. N and mil need to get off your back. You are doing a cracking job. Cracking.

Emera, as for your dh, a swift kick everytime F wakes up should do it. And maybe draw some glasses on his face in permanent market just to make yourself feel better.
Thanks lads!

Confronted him tonight and told him he was being a bumhole! This after we had an argument over me throwing away a scraggy old smelly green scourer (he has compulsive hoarding issues) :dohh:. Anyway, he's backed down and so i've put the side on the cot and am going to start CIO from tomorrow. He's going to sleep on the sofa bed whilst i get her sleep sorted (if that's even possible), and then we'll be able to move her in with Roh. I pointed out how unfair it would be on Roh to be disturbed all night, and he agreed, but wants it sorted in a week or two. I think he's dreaming if he thinks its that simple, but i've agreed to try. If he thinks i'm not doing a good enough job, then i'll cheerfully sleep on the sofa, whilst he does the sleep training :shrug: In fact, maybe i should have suggested that...damn! :haha:
I don't mind doing sleep training, F is just getting worse and worse really, apart from those 4 days her sleep has got progressively poorer. Example, last night she went down at 7pm, was up by 7.30pm awake until 10pm, then up again at 12am, 1am, 2.30am, 4am, 5am, then up for the day at 7am. That's pretty standard for how its been this last month. She does get mightily angry about being left in her cot, but i've tried softly softly and it's not worked, so i think the deep end is the best way. I'm shattered, and its no good if i'm going to be working 30 hours a week too! :sleep:

Bleh, i'm whittering on a bit, but i need to get this out, my head is a mess at the moment and i'm too tired to sort it out! Thanks for being here to listen lads! <3
Poo to poor sleep! (Specifically aimed at freyrah and Zac! Naughty babies, let your mummies sleep!)

Emera, how did it go today?

Ok small break through. N just had 5oz ebm in a bottle when he woke at half ten. He's not very good with a bottle but now I've learned to whack the medela up I get loads more (7oz tonight!) so going to see if I can manage a bottle per day... He has 3 sucks then has a look around, fiddles with the bottle, grabs my face then repeats so it takes ages but it was lovely to know that he will take one at night. Phew. Although he's really awake now but seems happy chatting to himself :shrug:
Emera glad you had words. Fingers crossed with F and her finding the Sttn fairy as easily as poss. I don't know how you're coping with that sleep. :(
So sorry about the not sleeping babies! Sympathies!!!!

Hope Emera gets the job - and yes you should make OH do the sleep training while you get yourself properly rested up before starting a new job, if he's willing :haha:

Going to a kids' book party tonight - might order a few ( books). Excited!

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