March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

MsC - you've been on my mind this afternoon so I wanted to say hi and hope you're all doing OK... :hugs: xxx
MsC- So sorry to hear about your brother and sil. I hope you are all doing okay and glad you all have each other to get through the hard times.

Lozza - So happy to hear about your amazing night! I hope he can keep it up!

Waula - I hope now that his teeth are through he'll get a break from it all and get back to sleeping better. I hope you had fun in all the puddles!

Mouse - I hope G starts sleeping again. It's amazing all the things they are learning everyday, it's too bad it doesn't just wear them out so they sleep.

We've actually had a couple good nights here and finally after 8 weeks she is no longer crying every time I set her in her crib. Last week I started cutting down the night nursing and the last couple nights she seems to be sleeping through or waking up and crying for 5-10 seconds and going back to sleep the times when she use to want to nurse. Last night was 7:30-2, quick nursing back to sleep about 2:10-5:50 and a bonus hour 6:00 - 7:00 where she didn't wake up crying just hanging out babbling to herself happily. I'm pretty sure it was her best night ever! It's so nice to not have her start crying the moment I try to set her down!
Argh, listening to her scream herself to sleep. I'm not good at it, I had to go back up after writing that and give her a cuddle. It worked and she's sleeping now. To be fair it was entirely my fault, she was doing fine, but I accidently trapped the cat in her room and neither of them were happy about it.

I feel your pain Mouse, D was starting to not go right back to sleep after eating and just kept talking and kicking me. Her just moving in her sleep was waking me up too much, I'm a crappy sleeper in the first place. That's when I decided it was time to get going on the making her sleep in her room. I do miss her cuddles when I wake up now that she is in her own room, I'm getting a lot more sleep though. It's not as bad as I thought it would be getting up a a couple times and going to her room, it's better the last few days that it is usually only two instead of at least four. I'm okay with her wanting to nurse twice a night still and will probably keep it up until she starts eating more solid food.
In case anyone has missed the post on FB - now setting up secret stork part 2 - the first birthday!

Sooooo quiet on here!!! Guess its a good thing - if happy stuff goes on FB then it seems like we're all happy :dance:
I'll post some misery then. Well not exactly misery just tales of sleep woe. Gone dairy free again and it's definitely helped. Saturday night he did 7.15 to 12.30 without stirring, Sunday night 7-12.30 with a couple of resettles (without havig to take him out), tonight 7-10.45 before he first stirred, got him to stay down til 11.15 then he did loads of farting for 45 minutes, fell asleep in my arms and woke every time I tired to put him down. At midnight I admitted defeat and fed even though he didn't appear hungry. One more huge fart and he's fallen asleep I think. Now to try and put him in the cot.

Meanwhile DH is miserable - stressing about Christmas day because he thinks the dinner will be shit as I can't cook (thanks), stressing about me going back to work and z still not sleeping (that's still 4 months away), stressing about god knows what else. I think it's because he got pissed Thursday night and is still tired/hungover/depressed from the alcohol comedown. His hangovers generally last 5 days as he's a pain that whole time. That and he's waking up cold upstairs in the night and is too cold to get back to sleep! He actually said tonight he might have to give up drinking as he's so hopeless for days afte. Hope he means it!
I'm thinking we'll have to sleep train soon, possibly before Xmas or we'll be doing it when we've for visitors. Trouble is I'm pretty sure his top teeth ad won the verge of coming thru - cant keep making excuses though!

On the plus side Thursday afternoon I'm making handprint Christmas baubles and mugs, then Friday were off to Copenhagen for the weekend - they've had loads of snow this week!! Just bought a second hand uppababy footmuff for the same price as brand new - but it's the old style nice one. I must be mad but he'll be warm. Speaking of which I've discovered his feet are so wide I couldn't get a single pair of boots onto his feet in jojo maman bebe so off to the Trafford centre tomorrow to hunt for something warmer than socks. I need N's big knitted socks Waula!!

Long self indulgent post there, sorry. Off to transfer z Bach to the cot, for hopefully more than 2 hours :shrug:
Lozza - Glad that the no dairy seems to be helping some. I'd say wait until you are fully comfortable with any sleep training so if it ends up being after the holidays so be it. And a multiple day hangover, oh my. Thursday and your weekend sound fun, it'll be nice to relax and have some fun.

We had a couple nights where D slept from 7-2 but then he front teeth started bugging her and now we are back to a wake up around 11, 2, 4, and after that is a guessing game. She's been okay the last couple days so I'm back to wondering if I need to go back to only nursing her back to sleep at 2 and hope she'll stop waking up around 11.
Other then night things have been going great here! This week she decided she likes eating and has started eating more then a couple bites, today she ate at least 3 times more then she normally does no idea where she put it all. She even took a long nap this afternoon, it was 1 hr 30 min! She woke up so much happier after it then she usually does after her normal 30 min naps. A week or so ago she learned how to crawl forward so no more getting mad when something is right in front of her, though it's quicker then her normal inching forward and rolling around so she's getting into more trouble and chasing the cats around. They aren't amused, she likes to rub her head in their fur.
oh Lozza and other sleep-deprived mamas! Huge :hugs: I really don't know how you're coping so well. Lozza - are you sure N and my DH aren't twins?? my DH is exactly the same with booze...the depression lasts for days and drives me MAD! I have sooooo litte tolerance... Glad the dairy free is helping (it is here too...a lot... so thanks for suggesting...) what happened/was eaten yesterday do you reckon? wonder if its worth doing a food diary? Re: sleep training - I echo sillysmiles - I think you've both got to be totally committed to it before you start... can you see his top teeth coming?? There's always an excuse isn't there :dohh: Hope you have a fab time in Copenhagen!!! Oh...and if N is worried about Christmas dinner can he not make it??! :winkwink:

I want the preggo's back on here to see their tickers!!!!

Waula - glad the dairy free is helping, what difference are you seeing?

Totally failed in my attempt to go Christmas shopping today - we didn't wake up in time to have the car so I'm resorting to online or local shopping. Not as fun.

Mouse - didn't realise our nights were so similar! What do you put it down to?

Have decided to try and drop a morning feed here after chatting to my antenatal friends yesterday. Which means no milk between breakfast ad lunch so hopefully he'll eat more lunch. Wolfed down about 20 pieces of pasta just now and some blueberries.

As for Christmas dinner, n is refusing to help as "I wanted Christmas here" basically he's just a born worrier and on the day it will be fine, he'll help and have a nice day. He was te same with our wedding, spent months saying how crap it was going to be and then had a fab day. I generally just ignore him now!
Afternoon ladies

Lozza - glad dairy free seems to be help- bah about your hubby worring - i think all men just stress when they worry - not fun

We are back to not sleeping - not fun at all - up most night 2/3 times - last 3 nights been up for 1 and half stretches - not sure whats wrong - she has a horrid cold/cough/ snot so i was thinking that but i also think teeth aswell

Glad we have most of xmas sorted as my dad starts his treatment this week so we will be busy on the run up to xmas

L x
I think Z has the fattest feet in history. I cannot find a single pair of shoes/warm boot things to fit him! I've bought some tights as a last resort! dairy free - I've had tiny amounts/barely anything for a week, he's had spectacular voms, still bit burpy after BF but much less spit up (yay) then yesterday was shouting at hubby eating a yoghurt so he gave him a spoonful and hey presto captain-vom was there 30mins later. 3/4 big mouthfuls. I think yoghurt defo affects him waaaay more than anything else so no more of that. Hubby has been told! So I'm going to cut down on dairy and completely take him off yoghurt and see how we go.

Your hubby sounds hilarious!!! :haha: (in a not-so-funny-if-you're-living-with-him kinda way). I'm sure Christmas will be fab - we always share out the meal tbh - someone does canape, starter, I do main, and a couple of people bring puds then its not soooo mental on one person!

Re: dropping feeds - we've dropped a morning feed too - BF 7ish, brekkie 8ish, sleep 9.30-11 snack 11.30, lunch 12.30, sleep 3-4 then BF, tea 5ish, BF 7ish then one feed over night...

Vitfa :( sorry E is up again in the night... I blame all N's wakefulness on teeth as when they appear he's back to normal...hope it passes quickly for you!!! xxx
Waula - hooray!! Glad its made a difference, in that at least is been worth it even though it's a pain. Being able to dispense with muslins is nice! Only had one bf so far today just after lunch so will do another before bed and see what our nights like. Made him an omlet for dinner and he ignored most of it but did have a huge lunch so who knows!

This is the first year we've not been to a parent for Christmas, sure it will be fine. My mum is here and will help but id like to try and do it without her so she can enjoy Z for the day having cooked all these years!

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