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March Marvels 2019

Welcome crown.

Ali :rofl: it's weird isn't it. I feel like saying, "no shit sherlock. I've taken 7 tests already.

Hope your appt goes well and you get scanned soon.

I actually drive 35 minutes to my ob and the hospital is right across from them. I have 2 closer but I do not like the one dr. He wouldn't tell DHs cousin the gender until her 3rd tri!!! Plus he did a hysterectomy on my mil when all she had wrong was kidney stones?!?! That man is not touching me.

The other hospital and ob group was out of network, but now we've had a huge healthcare merger. It's 20 or so minutes away, but I'm more comfortable with my established group.

Welcome suprise!

Viking sorry about aversions. I wish I was eating like you. I want so much high calorie foods. I'm afraid I'll get too big. Gotta work on my self control.

Sorry orgasms are disappointing. Mine were more intense with dd. I think they are same as usual right now.

J and D congrats on good scan!

Poppie great betas!! Looking forward to your scan. I hate how it seems like ages til your own scan.

Naf excited for your scan too. This last week will drag by. At least mine is.

Autumnal do they do actual appt or just labs? Congrats!

AFM sorry I do much better keeping up on the fb group.

I'm making a list of ?s for my appt Thursday. I feel like itll never come.

I've felt a bit anxious but I did last time right before my scan. Ugh I wish I could fast forward time right now, but I suppose Thursday will be here soon enough.

DH has been wonderful. So thankful for a very supportive husband.
That was a sterling effort replying to everyone!
Wow, more effort than I can tolerate rn haha!

Thank you though, it is indeed dragging, I keep dreaming about the scan!
What's the fb group? I definitely want in on that! I shot over a message but dunno if there is a link/name I can just search
Flue - Oh goodness I would not allow him either!!! I actually drove 35 minutes last time, but it's actually more like 55 for me now. So.. ugh.. yeah just need to stay in town. It will be good during the birth, at least the boys will be close! Plus.. this one the doctor that takes care of you delivers you! So, it won't be random like the last time. Although, I was pleased both times. Still a bit unsettling!

Although, with them. You go in, get tested, and they do a scan all the same day.

J - Aw lucky! I can't wait to see baby. I think it will really help DH to connect as well.

Poppie - That's great! I hope you find a way to relax and enjoy these early weeks!

Suprise - Welcome! Happy to have you here! When do you plan to tell your son and daughter?

Autumn - It's all part of the experience I guess. I feel a bit odd with my 3rd. Like.. this is just another trip around the block. Not that I'm any less excited, but those little things aren't "new" so I just expect them.

MrsViking - Sometimes.. I wish I would just throw up. This constant nausea is the pits. It is waaay worse if I don't eat I realized. I want refreshing foods. Grease just makes me wanna gag thinking about it.

AFM - Yesterday was my final day at work. It's very odd. Refreshing in some ways, but disheartening in others! I definitely will miss my coworkers (most) and my residents! They surprised me with cake and balloons and I almost cried.

Far as I know, everything is going well. Bloat is real. Weight gain is disheartening.

Finding it hard to do normal every day things. I get exhausted very easily and I'm fast to get dizzy if I start moving too much.

Tomorrow is my intake appointment, so I will hopefully know when I see baby! Excited!

Was going to go to a big zoo tomorrow and the next, but DS2 has a viral rash going on. He's a bit cranky with it and is starting to scratch at it some. Best to stay home till it clears.
AliJo- YES I'm with you! The constant nausea and dizziness has been horrible for me as well. I've been keeping carrots and cherrios handy, munching all day. Seems to be helping.

How many first time mom's in here?
Hi Ladies,may I join in? I got a surprise BFP yesterday on a cheapie and then a CB test. I am around 6-7weeks. EDD is 17 March

Totally unplanned, no symptoms yet - going for blood tests maybe this week :)
First time mum here (that sounds scary writing it down and saying it out loud! Xx
J_and_D did you send a pm to My_Story or Kittykat7210, they are both admins on the fb page and can get you added :)

Welcome and congratulations Nita :flower:

Flueky....only 7 tests?!! Dread to think how many I did in that first week:blush::haha:

I seem to have a very slight nausea all day, goes when I'm eating but gets a bit worse in the evenings. I get dizzy if I turn too quickly and again I've had terrible lightheadedness the other night....think I stayed up too late!
It happened again. I blinked and more pages of chat from you ladies appeared! :haha:
Struggling to keep up!

I'm walking round like a zombie lately. Exhaustion and HG has me a right state ��
I hope you ladies dont get morning sickness too hectic. With my first I didnt have any and so far none.

I am wondering if I should do the bloodtest? What do you think? I might just make an appointment with my gynae and skip the blood test. Ill upload my tests a bit later. With my first I found out on 5 weeks, this time I am further along.

Have any of you thought about the gender? We are hoping for a boy, since we have a DD already :)
If you don't feel like you need the blood test, then you should skip it! I only did it once, during my second pregnancy, because I was freaking out so much after losing my first pregnancy. I think it is about whether you need the peace of mind.

We have two boys and two girls, so we're pretty split in our house on thinking what gender this baby is! All the boys, including Daddy, are rooting for a boy, and all of us girls are rooting for a girl. :haha: I'm really happy either way. I just think a girl would work best because we'll have such a huge gap this time around (my kids are 6, 5 & 3 1/2, and my boys are so close together, they have a bond I think just as strong as the twins do). I hope you get your boy!
My tests were pretty clear but DH and our parents want me to do the bloodtest to confirm. Ill try and get an appointment for 2 weeks so we will see. I hate needles soooo....haha

Honestly I wouldnt mind a boy or girl. Its just dh has these dreams and things he want to do with a boy
To say I'm heartbroken is an understatment.

I mentioned to some pain i was having and they suspect an etopic pregnancy :cry:

I am back in the morning for an internal scan to see of they can see anything.

I have read online that a abdominal scan at 7 weeks is too early to see anything especially if it isn't an advance scan.. just clinging onto anything at this stage but my heart is telling me this is not it
My best friend had her baby early, almost 5 weeks early and baby had some complications. Everything is good now, he spend 6 days in the icu and both are home but I have been living over there trying to set everything up and I am super drained :wacko:

My scan was scheduled for 3pm today but they called and asked me to come in early and it's in just a few hours.
Of course I do not feel good about this scan. I have had no symptoms, no sickness, no aches.
FX for good news.
To say I'm heartbroken is an understatment.

I mentioned to some pain i was having and they suspect an etopic pregnancy :cry:

I am back in the morning for an internal scan to see of they can see anything.

I have read online that a abdominal scan at 7 weeks is too early to see anything especially if it isn't an advance scan.. just clinging onto anything at this stage but my heart is telling me this is not it

Oh sweetie! I hope its not! An abdominal one or internal?
I thought they would have picked it up before now if it was? I know nothing about it so may be completely wrong 🤦*♀️
Shorty- I think it is ridiculous they would have you wait an entire 24 hours before an internal scan. :( I hope the internal shows better, I hope for you.
Nita- My husband says any gender is fine, I would be happy with another girl, so I can raise sisters. FX
Welcom JLH:flower:

I will try and catch up some more this evening, hope everyone has a good day
My best friend had her baby early, almost 5 weeks early and baby had some complications. Everything is good now, he spend 6 days in the icu and both are home but I have been living over there trying to set everything up and I am super drained :wacko:

My scan was scheduled for 3pm today but they called and asked me to come in early and it's in just a few hours.
Of course I do not feel good about this scan. I have had no symptoms, no sickness, no aches.
FX for good news.

Good news your best friend and baby are home! Must have been amazing been with a newborn 😍

I prefer early scans, less waiting around and worrying! Hopefully you're just a lucky one and missed out on symptoms or maybe you'll get them later on 🙊 fingers crossed!

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