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March Marvels 2019

I'm sorry but I'm exhausted. I did want to say I'm so relieved for you Shorty!!

Babybrain I'm going to send lots of positive thoughts your way.
Woo hoo, absolutely delighted for you shorty.

I finally told my mum yesterday. She’s been sworn to secrecy but is very happy. She was trying to arrange a day for us all to go to the theme park next week but obviously I can’t go on anything so caved and told her lol.

Still feeling good, it feels a bit unreal that I will be 9 weeks on Saturday, even though I found out at 3 weeks I just think it’s went really fast. Hope it’s like that for the rest of the pregnancy lol

Anyway hope everyone is doing well x
cale, so sorry for your EDD anniversary. :hugs:

congrats on the terrific scan, shorty!
So happy for your Shorty!!!

Babybrain - Thinking about you, positive vibes!!

Nita - I use that app. I used it last pregnancy. I love the little hand print! Was super excited to see a footprint as well this time! They finally showed up at week 8!

AFM - Not much going on. Still trying to find someone to watch the boys so DH can join me with our first ultrasound. He has an appointment that morning as well that I want to be there for him. He's struggling real hard with his depression. Lost both his parents not even a year apart.
I can't remember who does the FB group. Would like to join. Either PM me or let me know and I'll PM you.
My_Story does the fb group. Kittykat is another admin so I'd pm either one :)
If anyone wants to join just pm me your email address and name so I can find you on FB then will add you as a friend and then add you to the group xx
so my secret is out at only 5 week pregnant. I had to tell my MIL and SIL as I'm around them a lot and I'm throwing up and not drinking. My nieces and nephew guessed because I throw up every time I'm in their house and not drinking at family dinners ( we have family dinners 1 or 2 times a week). I'm freaked it's out so early.
Hows everyone doing, I can't quite believe I'm 9 week tomorrow. Even though I found out at 3 weeks I think its gone so fast. For me Im realistically 1/4 of the way through as both boys were 36 weekers. That just seems crazy 25% down. Apart from my little wobble on Monday I'm still doing really well and Ive not been sick yet either which is a miracle as Ive had HG in all previous pregnancies. I actually still don't really feel pregnant at all. Ive got my booking in appointment with the midwife on Tuesday and I think I will make an appointment for a private scan mid august. I will be 13+4 at my next scan as they dated me forward at the last one and had already made the 12 week scan appointment based on my dates. I feel like my life in a whirlwind lol

sorry to all those being sick, you have my absolute sympathy as there is nothing worse.
I’ve been absent on here but have been reading posts!

I’ve had a booking in appointment with my midwife last week, and got my letter through for my 12 week scan which is on 20th Aug yippeee!

Feeling nauseous everyday but goes away when eating... hope everyone is doing well!
I can't believe I even get to post here. I found out today that I am pregnant! I'm only 4 weeks along. This is a surprise pregnancy. DH and I tried for 2 years. We went through several rounds of femara, IUIs, naturopaths, countless "lifestyle" changes, etc. Nothing worked. We have unexplained infertility, and I never had a pregnancy. We quit ttc November 2017 and I went on a "childfree" adventure of sorts. I basically lost my fucking mind this year LOL. After all that, to wake up this morning and get a positive, I'm just stunned. This BFP was 2 years and 8 months in the making.

And the cherry on top of it all, tomorrow is our 11 year anniversary. I just feel so incredibly lucky to even get to experience this much of pregnancy. Even if I miscarried tomorrow I'll be thankful that I got to have today. So I'm fucking EMBRACING today. I am going to visit my very best friend tonight, and I am sure as hell going to tell her. And we are going to hug AND cry LOL. We are waiting a bit to tell the parents to keep the pressure off. Hopefully all goes well. But if it doesn't, I'd want my friend for support anyway. She has been a huge support for me while I went through infertility.

I just can't believe it! As far as due date calculators, I think April 4th looks about right. But there isn't an April thread, and I see some familiar faces in this thread, so I thought I'd join you ladies here. I so so so so so hope everything will go well and I can continue to stick around with you all.

I can't even fricken believe it.
You are very welcome here Bellenuit, congratulations on your pregnancy!! I’m honestly so happy for you and I don’t even know you! Did you want to join the Facebook group? If not it’s totally understandable!!
Well today was my 9 week scan.. I measured 9+2 and burst out crying cause I’ve only ever made it to 7 weeks and then it isn’t picked up until the 12 week scan. So it’s a huge milestone for me. My other half is superstitious about showing the scan picture to anyone but I’m just too damn happy... so.. here is Baby V!


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Congrats Mrs Viking cute scan pic x

Welcome bellenuit and congrats x hoping it's a sticky bean for you x
Welcome Belle! I don't mind you joining :) have fun telling your friend. It's such exciting news to share.

Viking so happy all was well today.
Congratulations, Viking!
Lovely pic :)

Welcome Belle! Congratulations
Belle, I'm so happy for you!!!! I've seen you around since I joined beg last year! Wonderful news! Xx

MrsV, what a beautiful scan pic, great news xx

Arm, well still getting on/off pink/Brown mixed in with my usual discharge. It really is very little and just occasional. I do notice its more pink if I do a poo (Sorry tmi lol). So still just wating and hoping....
Welcome to the newbies! :wave:

Sorry I'm quite AWOL atm, I'm really suffering with HG and diarrhoea. Leaves me exhausted and weak :(

When I'm feeling more human, I will catch up! Promise!

In the meanwhile, if you want to be added to the Facebook group feel free to message me or Kittykat7210 with your name on Facebook to add you to the secret group.

Still awaiting first midwife booking in appt and NT scan date too... :shrug:

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