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March Marvels 2019

Just wanted to share my tests... No doubt here lol


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So sorry you're going through this, Shorty. Hope the internal goes well.

Pinky, good luck for your scan!
Hello ladies I’ve been resting so much lately I really didn’t have the courage to follow the thread I’m so sorry it has moved so fast!!

Shorty I just picked up on your news I’m so sorry you have to go through that hopefully your internal scan will show a healthy baby!

AFM I’ll try to read and reply more often but I’ve been really tired and when I come home from work all I want to do is lay down DH cooks very often because I’m just to lazy .. i had a big scare yesterday woke up with dried blood in my underwear and blood when wiping but we had sex the night before so DH looked on the internet and told me that was probably the reason so I went to work to distract myself and it stopped around noon. I had a third beta scheduled for today so I didnt call the doctor either. My beta came back great at over 33000! Now we scheduled our first ultrasound at 7 weeks 8/1 <3!
Heres my announcement! Finally had my ultrasound yesterday. Im due March 10th and currentyl 7w2d.


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JLH85 - Me too! It's crazy but I'm 35 and this will be my first as well.

Godsnotdead23- Nice! We have have the same EDD :)

Shorty- try and stay in the positive until u absolutely know. We're all pulling for you!
J - Glad you found something. I really should find something to munch on.

Nita - Congratulations and welcome!! We want a girl as we have two boys, but I'm guessing it's a 3rd boy.

Shorty - I really hope your scan tomorrow is positive. Thinking of you.

Pinkee - How was your scan?

Gods - Lovely announcement!! I'm trying to hold out till 12 weeks. Depends on what goes on with my possible new job and appointments.

AFM - First ultrasound is in a week! Super excited.. except.. I don't know if we can find anyone to watch the boys, so I'm worried DH won't be able to be there with me. I really really want him there as does he.
AliJo- YES I'm with you! The constant nausea and dizziness has been horrible for me as well. I've been keeping carrots and cherrios handy, munching all day. Seems to be helping.

How many first time mom's in here?

Not the first pregnancy... but hoping I get to be a first time mom to an earth baby this time! :happydance:
If any of you like to track the baby's growth and your symptoms, I can highly recomend the ovia pregnancy app, I used it during my first and I loved it, just got it this morning again.
Hello ladies! What a busy wee group this is already. I got my bfp about a week ago and the shock has finally worn off and made way for excitment. This is my 3rd baby my son is 8 and my daughyer almost 5.

Im laura tentative due date 16th march from glasgow xxx

Im from near Glasgow too Laura, welcome and congratulations xxx
woah the threads gone nuts :rofl:
Welcome and congratulations to all the new babies and ladies, we are really looking forward to doing this journey with you all.

Shorty I hope everything is ok, I'm thinking of you. I had an ectopic about 5 years ago, but also at 7+2 they couldn't see anything on my abdominal scan either so had to do an internal, I have my fingers and toes firmly crossed that your little person shows their face :hugs:

Ive had another hectic week, hence the lack of posts, Im also struggling a lot as I know Aspen would have probably arrived this week (although he wasn't due till mid August). My best friend is also due around 13th August and I think I will find it hard when she has her baby too as we were only a few days apart. So far she's the only person that knows about this pregnancy. I will be happy for her of course, in fact Im delighted for her but I just know we should be doing it together and it makes me so sad.

In good news Im still pretty symptomless apart from the tiredness. I had a terrible day on Monday when we were in Manchester for the day, I was so dizzy and nauseous. I felt awful but I wasn't actually sick and it passed for me so Im still hoping I can ride it out without HG this time.

sending much love to you all xxx
Everything is fine

Baby giving me a heart attack already lol

I have endo so they think that is what is causing the pain in my c section scar.. I'm been closely monitored but baby had a strong heartbeat


Thanks for all the well wishes


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Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! :wohoo:
So so glad all is well Shorty88 xx
Thanks everyone I'm delighted.

Strangest part of the scan was.. me and the hubby have been talking about baby names he really wants the baby if it is a boy to have the same name as him.. but as that would be confusing for everyone lol we would call the baby if it is a boy junior something only me and him have ever spoken about.. well the sonagrammer turns around and says well there is junior heartbeat nice and strong hoping that is a sign that I might be finally getting my baby boy (I don't mind either way)
So glad to hear all is going well and you heard a strong heartbeat shorty !!
Must have been such a relief to see him/her appearing on the screen
I’m really thrilled for you shorty, you must be so so relieved. I think the sonoshrapher calling baby junior is a sign that all will go well &#128521;

AFM why oh why oh why do they give us a bounty pack before 12 weeks?! I walked out of the waiting room into someone who knew me and recognised instantly what the pack was &#128553; I’m so upset that the cat might be out of the bag already. We have our 12 week scan in 3 weeks then will tell the kids 2 days later and do a photo shoot as a family to announce our special news, where I can inform the family’s of the children I look after (childminder) so that we can discuss/plan together. Now I’m worried all of that is going to be ruined
So relieved for you Shorty :happydance:

Twinkle, that's such a shame. How well do you know the person? Can you ask them to keep it to themselves? It's really not their place to say anything and I hope they respect your wishes. Xx

Afm, well the girls on the fb page know I had a bit of a scare, I had some dark pink streaks on wiping yesterday and a bit of beige/pink discharge this morning. It just took me back to my mc's last year and I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. Everything seems ok just now and I know it might have been nothing but with past experience fresh in my mind I still struggle to be positive. My plan is still just to wait and see, will phone epu next week at 7wks ,if all is still ok, for an early scan. So until then cross your fingers! Stick baby stick!!!

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