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March Marvels 2019

I always love reading how things gets done differently over the world. Here we have an OB pretty much from beginning to end and all scan appointments gets made like a week or 2 in advance.

Today I feel pregnant, my nipples hurt like crazy, and I just generally feel off today. Dh had plans with friends and he had to cancel to look after DD because I just feel so absolutely useless.
Belle - I'm so excited for you and love how positive and excited you are!! Congratulations! Every day is definitely a journey!

MrsViking - Aww, that's so great! I'm so happy you're reached this milestone!

Nita - I hope you start feeling better soon. Pregnancy can sure knock you down. You go one week feeling like you can do everything you always have.. then the next week you can hardly complete some of the tasks you always did.
Congratulations, BelleNuit! What a journey! Welcome

Huge congratulations, MrsViking! Very happy for you! Beautiful scan pic.

Arm, well still getting on/off pink/Brown mixed in with my usual discharge. It really is very little and just occasional. I do notice its more pink if I do a poo (Sorry tmi lol). So still just wating and hoping....

I'm in the same boat. Never had my cervix act like this with BMs in prior pregnancies.
Babybrain - When is your next appointment? Being minimal and minor is at least promising. I know it isn't unheard of. Natural to put off more CM and what not with BM.
I had my midwife booking in apt this week. It’s now done on computers which we found rubbish because we couldn’t put in details about my previous pregnancy as she didn’t fit into any of the boxes. I hope it gets recorded somewhere. Also, I have to go back next week because a half hour slot was t long enough and we only managed half of the form... luckily I have 1 day off a week but I don’t remember it being this much hassle 7 years ago. I didnt even confirm my pregnancy this time I just had to register being pregnant online... what is the world coming to? 😂
I've been away for a few days so haven't had the chance to catch up on here, but have been keeping up on the FB group.

Our little break away wasn't near long enough, back to work tomorrow... ugh! And feels like time is going so slow, just under 2 weeks til my first scan, hate wishing the time away but I just can't wait to see everything is ok.
Sorry I haven't been keeping up! Reading a lot on my phone somehow makes my sickness worse haha. And atm I am EXHAUSTED.
If I'm like I was with my daughter I'll be out for the count until 16 Weeks 😂
Hope everyone is doing okay!
I can't believe I even get to post here. I found out today that I am pregnant! I'm only 4 weeks along. This is a surprise pregnancy. DH and I tried for 2 years. We went through several rounds of femara, IUIs, naturopaths, countless "lifestyle" changes, etc. Nothing worked. We have unexplained infertility, and I never had a pregnancy. We quit ttc November 2017 and I went on a "childfree" adventure of sorts. I basically lost my fucking mind this year LOL. After all that, to wake up this morning and get a positive, I'm just stunned. This BFP was 2 years and 8 months in the making.

And the cherry on top of it all, tomorrow is our 11 year anniversary. I just feel so incredibly lucky to even get to experience this much of pregnancy. Even if I miscarried tomorrow I'll be thankful that I got to have today. So I'm fucking EMBRACING today. I am going to visit my very best friend tonight, and I am sure as hell going to tell her. And we are going to hug AND cry LOL. We are waiting a bit to tell the parents to keep the pressure off. Hopefully all goes well. But if it doesn't, I'd want my friend for support anyway. She has been a huge support for me while I went through infertility.

I just can't believe it! As far as due date calculators, I think April 4th looks about right. But there isn't an April thread, and I see some familiar faces in this thread, so I thought I'd join you ladies here. I so so so so so hope everything will go well and I can continue to stick around with you all.

I can't even fricken believe it.

Aww how lovely! Massive congratulations xx
Well today was my 9 week scan.. I measured 9+2 and burst out crying cause I’ve only ever made it to 7 weeks and then it isn’t picked up until the 12 week scan. So it’s a huge milestone for me. My other half is superstitious about showing the scan picture to anyone but I’m just too damn happy... so.. here is Baby V!

Amazing 💗 xx
The stress of worrying with PAL was getting to me... There are two places in town offering private scans. One doesn't see anyone until 10 weeks and the other will try at 9 (they are both abdominal only). We tried yesterday and they couldn't find anything - said sometimes they do this early, sometimes not, and refunded our money. So, that was a big mistake to add a ton more stress. PAL sucks.

Going to try again at 10 weeks.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes! I've honestly been too overwhelmed to post!

My pregnancy was confirmed by the docs office yesterday (which was also our 11 year anniversary!). Next steps are to find a family doc and book my ultrasound for two weeks from now! I'm just going to chill out and hope for the best! I'm definitely experiencing a lot of first tri symptoms already, so I hope that's a good sign! I don't want to jinx it, but I know nothing I say will have an impact on anything anyway, I really have a good feeling about this! So I'll just chill out for one more tww :haha:
So I'm beginning to freak out. I had a scan Tuesday and everything was fine. But now, my sickness is soo much better, still there but not half as bad, and I've been getting cramps. I don't want to ring epu a week after I've been there with everything being fine :/
So I'm beginning to freak out. I had Tuesday and everything was fine. But now, my sickness is soo much better, still there but not half as bad, and I've been getting cramps. I don't want to ring epu a week after I've been there with everything being fine :/

I hit 7 weeks and my sickness backed off loadssss!
'This is it' I thought. 'It's all uphill from here!'
Then BAM, nope! Hit me again today.
Symptoms come and go, around 7 weeks the placenta takes over the progesterone production and gives you a break.
I've had cramps my entire first trimester so far, by week 6 your womb has doubled in size since conception.
You're bound to feel something.
That being said, if you really can't shake the feeling something is wrong, trust your instincts and phone them up to be safe.

Hope that helps x
My sickness eased off at 7 weeks too, the placenta starts to take over so symptoms can reduce do to this... or maybe we are just lucky. Anyway I was relieved either way, and saw the heartbeat on scan afterwards so it’s not something to panic about alone x
Ugh I feel so bloated today, felt like I ate all the food in the house. Yesterday I was playing with DD and she kicked me so hard 9n my nose that it left me with a horrible headache, which caused me to sleep horribly! So freaking tired today.

My frst appt is next week monday and I feel like moving it to the end of next week, I dont want to risk going too early and not seeing a HB LOL
Nita I feel the same way! Doc wants me to go in at 6 weeks and I'm nervous it will be too early for a heartbeat!
According to LMP date I am 7 weeks and doc only sees us at 8 weeks. By my cycles was very long, between 32-35 days so I probably am only 6 weeks now. So I might just move it a few days. Last time I went early and we did see a HB but I had bleeding afterwards due to the vaginal U/s. Id prefer if she can just pick it up with an abdominal scan.
Possibly irritated your cervix with that internal cam? I fricken hate those things lol. I bled after one during an IUI cycle.

It's certainly possible you're closer to 6 weeks given your typical cycle length.

My last AF was June 30, doc says I've had an early onset pregnancy. After trying as long as I did it doesn't seem like early onset :haha:

It's 2AM here. Can't sleep again. Anyone else having disrupted sleep?
Yeah possibly. I decided not too move the apointment, I am too curious. Id suck uo the bleeding if any this time.

I keep waking up to pee and then I struggle to sleep again.
Nita that would make you at least 7 weeks and a heartbeat should be present at 7 weeks.

At 7 weeks I wouldn't even try abdominal. With my first they saw me at 7 weeks, tried abdominal but didn't see anything. I was panicking! It's not worth that stress so I told them just to go straight to transvaginal.

I actually never bleed after either TV scan. Maybe the techs are more gentle. It's still uncomfortable when they check the ovaries.

Belle I get that insomnia right after bfp. Now I get up to pee 2x a night. Well I hope your dates are spot on and they see a heartbeat in 2 weeks. It's such an amazing feeling seeing that heartbeat flicker.

Rachel camps are very normal in early pregnancy unless they are really painful. Also, they are das where symptoms may come and go. Try to enjoy that day. I did the same thing at 7 weeks, the next day I was sooo exhausted again.

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