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March Marvels 2019

Thanks Flueky. Im just going on the original date. Last time I bled after the vaginal scan because it was a bit swollen down there, or so my OB said. The OB here does everything herself so I cant even blame a tech LOL. Ill just ask her to go gentle this time - even though I believe she does anyway. She said immediately after it's bleeding a little and I shouldn't worry.

I am just praying for a nice strong heartbeat. I forgot how stressful the first trimester is. When I cant sleep I keep on googling MC rates, etc. UGH!! Thought it would be better with the 2nd one. NOPE! LOL
Nita that would make you at least 7 weeks and a heartbeat should be present at 7 weeks.

At 7 weeks I wouldn't even try abdominal. With my first they saw me at 7 weeks, tried abdominal but didn't see anything. I was panicking! It's not worth that stress so I told them just to go straight to transvaginal.

I actually never bleed after either TV scan. Maybe the techs are more gentle. It's still uncomfortable when they check the ovaries.

Belle I get that insomnia right after bfp. Now I get up to pee 2x a night. Well I hope your dates are spot on and they see a heartbeat in 2 weeks. It's such an amazing feeling seeing that heartbeat flicker.

Rachel camps are very normal in early pregnancy unless they are really painful. Also, they are das where symptoms may come and go. Try to enjoy that day. I did the same thing at 7 weeks, the next day I was sooo exhausted again.

Loss of symptoms was my first sigh on my MMC so the moment they go it triggers my anxiety :( hoping I feel crap again soon 😂

Ive had two separate scans (two pregnancies) both at 5+6ish and they've seen a high beat. 7 weeks should definitely show a heartbeat!
Thank you all for the reassurance! I know I need to calm down but it's so stressful, especially as we've had to tell family as I was so sick before.
It is so stressful Rachel, especially if you've had a loss before. Every day I tell myself "today you are pregnant, and there is nothing you can do to change the situation either way." That seems to help.

Honestly though, in my situation I'm still pretty shocked that it happened. I'm so used to things not turning out the way that I want them to. I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up one morning and none of this will be real anymore, so I had better enjoy every last minute the best I can.
I am glad to hear some people have less morning sickness at 7 weeks because I am 6+4 and can barely function. ughh
Autumn - I can barely function.. but it's because I'm so tired!

Belle - Again I'm so happy you're being so positive. Hopefully it rubs off on some of us that can't help but worry!

Rachel - Just wanted to say I have had my symptoms disappear, but fortunately for me baby was fine. I know it's hard to think the opposite way, but wanted to give you a positive end to the same start to the story.

Nita - Instead of MC rates you should look at baby items and what is happening at this stage. That's what I do. I may have already started a pin board of ideas for baby #3.. like.. the day of finding out :haha:


First off, not trying to ignore anyone, just don't have a ton of time to reply right now.

Tomorrow is the day of my first ultrasound! :happydance: So excited to get a look at our growing baby! I'm not nervous yet, but usually am when I get in the room.. knowing that it could go either way and your life is going to change can be a bit frightening.

I think some of my nausea is backing off, but my appetite is full force. I need to curve it somehow. I have some baby carrots to snack on.. thinking about getting some other vegetables.

Anyone exercising? I was before I found out and my motivation has plummeted since I've been so tired. Need to start back up.
Autumn - I can barely function.. but it's because I'm so tired!

Belle - Again I'm so happy you're being so positive. Hopefully it rubs off on some of us that can't help but worry!

Rachel - Just wanted to say I have had my symptoms disappear, but fortunately for me baby was fine. I know it's hard to think the opposite way, but wanted to give you a positive end to the same start to the story.

Nita - Instead of MC rates you should look at baby items and what is happening at this stage. That's what I do. I may have already started a pin board of ideas for baby #3.. like.. the day of finding out :haha:


First off, not trying to ignore anyone, just don't have a ton of time to reply right now.

Tomorrow is the day of my first ultrasound! :happydance: So excited to get a look at our growing baby! I'm not nervous yet, but usually am when I get in the room.. knowing that it could go either way and your life is going to change can be a bit frightening.

I think some of my nausea is backing off, but my appetite is full force. I need to curve it somehow. I have some baby carrots to snack on.. thinking about getting some other vegetables.

Anyone exercising? I was before I found out and my motivation has plummeted since I've been so tired. Need to start back up.

Thank you I needed to hear that :) :) :)

I am still excercising as before, and will until tge OB order me to bed rest again. Should be around 32 weeks.
How on earth do you ladies keep up? =P

Is anyone's OB not planning a 12 week ultrasound? I thought that one was important???
Ali I want to hit the gym again tonight. I've gone on lots of dog walks and bike rides but want to get back into my weight lifting routine. I'll obviously go easy on myself. But I had been lifting heavy weights 5-6 times a week for the past 7 months. I'm in really great shape to be able to carry this pregnancy and I want to maintain some of my muscle. I obviously won't lift as heavy, or for as long, but I think some short half hour routines when I have energy would be good.

I booked my first ultrasound appointment for Aug 13! Hopefully all is well!
How on earth do you ladies keep up? =P

Is anyone's OB not planning a 12 week ultrasound? I thought that one was important???

Yup, I have one every 4 weeks starting next week @8 weeks. 12 weeks will be the downs and iron testing and 16 weeks gender :happydance::happydance:
AliJo let us know how your ultrasound goes! Sorry that you are so tired
Hi all,

I was brave this morning and phoned the epu for a scan, I was shaking so much. I'm dreading going in but I have a scan booked for Wednesday at 3.30pm, the girl on the phone was lovely. I need to know what's happening now as I'm getting a redder discharge, it's there everytime I wipe and there's more of it. Really not feeling good about this and I'm devastated. This wasn't planned as we had given up after last year so this is our last chance. 3 mc's in a row is just too much. So tightly crossing my fingers and hoping it's just some daft bleed for no reason.
That sounds really scary baby brain! I hope they figure it out and it's something daft like you say. Good for you for booking the appointment!
This thread moves so fast! I visited family for the week last week and had a great time. I was vomiting and having loads of diarrhea the day of my flight home and then the whole week I felt (mostly) fine with just a wave of nausea here and there. I actually got nervous because of the reduction in MS. Well, back home now and have been in pjs and lounging around all day with my son because I feel like poop again. Maybe I’m just allergic to home? Haha. And my boobs feel like someone spent the night punching them.
How on earth do you ladies keep up? =P

Is anyone's OB not planning a 12 week ultrasound? I thought that one was important???

I've actually never had a 12 week scan. Three different OB's I've had all asked if we needed extra testing to decide whether to abort if something's found, and I've said no, we wouldn't abort, so they've skipped the 12 week scan. All the measurements and such have been 20 week scans for us, but I did have extra scans for the twins after that point.
Aw snap!

I’m surprised and happy and scared to be joining this club, if I may!

After so much time spent being treated for infertility to have my oldest and again with my second, I cannot believe I’m pregnant with a surprise oops. I’ve been walking around all night feeling just a bit crazy!

It was only the one time unprotected! My husband says, it only takes one time ha, thanks, good to know!

Blood draw tomorrow and hopefully dating scan soon. I expect I’m somewhere between 7 and 9 weeks. I don’t know because I phased out breastfeeding my second in May and never had a period. The one time unprotected was sometime beginning to mid-June, and not since, but I don’t remember the exact date, just sort of an idea that it was a weekend ha.

Eeeek. I cannot balance these emotions.
Aw snap!

I’m surprised and happy and scared to be joining this club, if I may!

After so much time spent being treated for infertility to have my oldest and again with my second, I cannot believe I’m pregnant with a surprise oops. I’ve been walking around all night feeling just a bit crazy!

It was only the one time unprotected! My husband says, it only takes one time ha, thanks, good to know!

Blood draw tomorrow and hopefully dating scan soon. I expect I’m somewhere between 7 and 9 weeks. I don’t know because I phased out breastfeeding my second in May and never had a period. The one time unprotected was sometime beginning to mid-June, and not since, but I don’t remember the exact date, just sort of an idea that it was a weekend ha.

Eeeek. I cannot balance these emotions.

We are also pregnant with a surprise oops :) after I was told I dont O on my own with DD and I had to take Clomid. We only DTD 3 times during the month, once super early and twice after CD30 so I honestly still have no idea how it happened haha!

Hope the bloodwork comes back with great news:hugs:
We are also a surprise! Didn’t even have unprotected sex :rofl: oh well! 3 under 2... fun! :haha:
We were a surprise too! After 2 years unexplained infertility we just quit trying but didn't prevent, 8 months later pregnant!

My insomnia has been pretty bad. Every night I'm up around 3 and struggle to get back to sleep. It's 5:30 here now and I know I won't get anymore sleep tonight. It sucks!

I've also noticed a slight uptick in the cramping tonight. The cramps are light, don't last long and are intermittent. So I know it's nothing to worry about, but it's hard not to worry anyway lol.
Yay! I love hearing about everyone else’s surprises! We have a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old so I’ve been feeling scared! Nice to know I’m not alone :)

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