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March Marvels 2019

Anyone else dealing with insomnia? I've been up from 3-6 every night since I've found out I'm pregnant. I'm not sure if it's a hormonal thing or anxiety or what. I get up to go to the loo and then I'm just wired after that. It makes me exhausted and brain foggy all day long!
I’m so sorry I’m really bad at keeping up the thread !

I scrolled through everything rapidly and seems like everyone is doing well except for the occasional pregnancy symptoms that are sometimes hard to deal with! It’s really it’s amazing to see all of your ultrasound pics

I’m really happy to read about all those surprise bfp after infertility, I’m pregnant with our first child and we struggled to get here (also PCOS) so it gives hope for future pregnancies !

I have my first ultrasound scheduled tomorrow at 7 weeks I&#8217;m not nervous yet but I know I&#8217;ll be terribly distracted tomorrow (it&#8217;s after work) so I&#8217;m really hoping everything is going well <3!
I’m enjoying reading about everyone’s surprises funny how the world works &#128522;
Mine was very much planned, we are a blended family oof over 3 years with a 7 and 6 year old and we finally decided in March we wanted to add to the family. My partner said “if we want to do it, we need to be ready, we don’t hang around in our family-all the kids have been first time tried or accidents”
Well I told him to be realistic, it can take 6-12 mont typically and all that
First ovulation- bam bfp (total shock bfpr me because I’d tested meh when af was due so was prepared for next cycle

We are all incredibly lucky
Congrats for your surprises
Welcome Aurora. Looks like you went through quite a bumpy ride to get your BFP. Hoping for a sticky bean!

Goodluck at all the appointments this week :D
Just to let everyone know I miscarried today.

I want to wish you all well in your pregnancies xx
Just to let everyone know I miscarried today.

I want to wish you all well in your pregnancies xx

I’m so so sorry to hear about your loss.
Wishing you and your family a lot of strength and courage to deal with this difficult moment in life. :hugs:
Babybrain I told you on fb group, but I'm very sorry :hugs:

Marv my first took 18 months. 2nd was 4 months of kinda trying, then 1 month of really ttc. I didn't expect it to happen so fast, but I'm thankful.

Welcome aurora!!

Belle I had a hard time sleeping the first week after bfp both times. I think it was more my excitement to be honest.
I'm also really struggling with morning sickness even though I'm only 4.5 weeks. It's not my prenatal because I didn't even take it today and I still vomited. Is anyone else here dealing with m/s? Is there something you're doing that's helping? I'm thinking maybe eating some crackers and soda water in bed when I first wake up.
Belle, I struggled with ds1 and used to eat Ritz crackers before sitting up, it seemed to help. Hope it doesn't get to bad for you.

Thanks for the messages ladies. I will miss you all xx
Belle, I struggled with ds1 and used to eat Ritz crackers before sitting up, it seemed to help. Hope it doesn't get to bad for you.

Thanks for the messages ladies. I will miss you all xx

Thank you! I will miss you too! So sorry!
Blood test confirmation! Dr says I&#8217;m a couple of months along based on my hcg levels, which checks out with my calculation of 8-9 weeks.

I&#8217;m still in shock! But I did tell my best friends, parents, brother/SIL. Everyone is as shocked as we are! My dating scan is scheduled for August 7th so I&#8217;m excited for that!

For those with morning sickness, the only thing that ever works for me is trying to eat something even when I&#8217;m beyond sick, eating a tiny bit has always helped.
I ate saltines and drank sprite with dd. Also, never forced myself to eat anything I felt nauseated just thinking about. I'd often wait to brush my teeth and even changed toothpaste.

Ugh now I only want unhealthy foods and am hungry more often than not. Totally different 1st tri.
Hey ladies. I was here at the beginning, but went ghost when I was to tired to really participate in the convos. Hopefully I’m on her more often now. A little update. Im 9+2 today and have already had my dating ultrasound which went great. I did my clinical sneak peak today and will get those results tomorrow. I’m always super tired and ready for this first tri to be over!! Lol

Here is my little gummy bear


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Great news nyx!! Your gummy bear looks like a cutie already!
Remember when I was panicked my symptoms had gone... Guess who now feels horrendous again.. &#129318;*&#9792;&#65039; I know you can have good days and bad days but if I have a good day I automatically worry and can't enjoy my "day off". Only the sickness has come back, boobs don't hurt anymore and I'm getting some pretty intense cramping.
I've also lost two pounds since I found out. I don't have any pounds to lose, I need to gain, so that's a big worry atm :(
Rachel do you have severe morning sickness that's causing the weight loss? Either way it would probably be a good idea to talk to the doc about it! Yay for symptoms coming back! Lol. This is such a mind trip!
Rachel do you have severe morning sickness that's causing the weight loss? Either way it would probably be a good idea to talk to the doc about it! Yay for symptoms coming back! Lol. This is such a mind trip!

Yeah, I can't eat in the mornings and if I do I just throw it straight back up so defeats the object of eating, so I wait and eat later on. Yeah I've got a midwife appointment on Monday so waiting for that because I won't get in to see my doctor any earlier.
Yeah.. Give it two days and I'll probably be panicking again &#128514;&#129318;*&#9792;&#65039;
Ya I've been trying to decide if I want a midwife or a doula but I don't really know what they do, or how they would offer assistance beyond my doc. I'm such a ftm

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