Well ladies... I don't know if I'll be here much longer:
Here's how my progression has been-
May 25 - LMP
June 3 - Predicted Ovulation Date and also day of Baby Dance
June 17 - Positive Pregnancy Test
June 20 - First OB appointment; Early but they were able to get me in
June 21 - First HCG draw = 94
June 25 - Second HCG draw = 320
June 27 - Visit to ER for brown spotting with occasional red since 6/20 - Another HCG draw = 402 but u/s showed gest. sac with no yolk/fetal pole [too early @ 4w6d]
July 2 - @ 5w4d: Sudden gush of bright red blood and passing clots with no pain/cramping - Not sure if I'm going to back to the ER.. It's still too early to see anything on u/s and all they can really tell me is that I might have a "threatened" miscarriage. The wait/see game is on and it SUCKS!
It's been a hard day at work for sure...
July 3 - Bleeding continued: Headed to ER after leaving work early. 5w5d - HCG draw dropped by 50%, u/s showed no gestational sac. Confirmed miscarriage.
I wish you all the best and happy, healthy 9 months. Give your shamrocks a squeeze for me!