March Marvels 2019

Emma - I'm so sorry for you loss dear.. I really hope you get your rainbow soon.

MrsViking - Where do you live? I always think I'm in the next week when you say it, but I won't be till tomorrow. So just wondered! Since we have the same due date. Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!

Shorty - I keep hoping for nausea because I think it will help keep my appetite at bay. :haha: Really don't want to gain too much weight. I don't have an increase in appetite either, though. So right now I guess I'm okay. I do have very mild nausea when I don't eat, though.

My gums tend to start to bleed when I brush while I'm pregnant.

Rachel - So happy to have you here with us! That would be hard with a similar time frame. With both my boys I had a horrible break out with acne, but so far I haven't with this one! It was bad with both my boys. Super painful cystic acne. They would just hurt the entire time I had them. I would use warm compresses to help them come to a head and I would pop them. Know your not suppose to, but really didn't care because it helped them clear sooner!

Story - Bloat is horrible. I don't know about anyone else, but it makes me feel super bleh.

Reed - It's my third as well, but I don't think I will show much sooner. My brother's girlfriend is pregnant for the 3rd time as well and she would "show" super early. She posted a picture at 8 weeks. It was all bloat, though. She gets HUGE. I don't know how far she is exactly now.. she doesn't talk to me because she's mad at me for telling her what she needed to hear. Family wars are great :dohh:

Cale - I really hope you get to enjoy a smooth pregnancy.

Kitty - Welcome and congratulations!!

AFM - Not feeling the best right now. Probably nerves. My father in law just passed away this morning. Work has been just awful to me over this whole situation. I know they are going to freak out on me and not be supportive for missing work again. I'm going to have my notice ready and I will hand it to them if they say anything. I planned on it anyways, but I was actually hoping to transfer, but they put a hold on transferring because my administrator threw a fit and blamed the other facility for recruiting us. Which isn't the case at all, it's because they treat us so poorly.

I just can't handle the horrible work environment, the awful behaviors we have with residents, and then the stress at home with the father in law not doing well, then passing. DH is not handling it well at all, he just lost his mother not even a year ago. Nursing jobs are everywhere.

So, pretty nauseated right now. More so than I have been. Need to try to eat, nothing sounds good, though. Plan was to call the hospital here in town today and see how their OB services work. If I don't like it there there are plenty of close options, just wanted to stay away from going to the big city. Didn't want to have to deal with city traffic all the time. I don't trust their driving.
Hello, thought I’d join on here, we are having a surprise baby! Due March 15th there’s a suspicion of twins floating around due to getting a 3+ on a clearblue at 13dpo! So we will see I suppose!

Oh wow! That's crazy! And I thought my lines were dark for my dpo :') will you be getting an early scan to find out?
Hello, thought I’d join on here, we are having a surprise baby! Due March 15th there’s a suspicion of twins floating around due to getting a 3+ on a clearblue at 13dpo! So we will see I suppose!

Oh wow! That's crazy! And I thought my lines were dark for my dpo :') will you be getting an early scan to find out?

If I can convince my partner to pay for a private one yeh :rofl: thats a lot of convincing though!
Anyone not in the Private Facebook group that wants to be, send me a message with your Facebook name and I will get you added :wave:
Anyone not in the Private Facebook group that wants to be, send me a message with your Facebook name and I will get you added :wave:

I want to join.. just going to wait till my early scan and then I'll join.. still nervous that this isn't really happening :haha:
Emma - I'm so sorry for you loss dear.. I really hope you get your rainbow soon.

MrsViking - Where do you live? I always think I'm in the next week when you say it, but I won't be till tomorrow. So just wondered! Since we have the same due date. Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!

Shorty - I keep hoping for nausea because I think it will help keep my appetite at bay. :haha: Really don't want to gain too much weight. I don't have an increase in appetite either, though. So right now I guess I'm okay. I do have very mild nausea when I don't eat, though.

My gums tend to start to bleed when I brush while I'm pregnant.

Rachel - So happy to have you here with us! That would be hard with a similar time frame. With both my boys I had a horrible break out with acne, but so far I haven't with this one! It was bad with both my boys. Super painful cystic acne. They would just hurt the entire time I had them. I would use warm compresses to help them come to a head and I would pop them. Know your not suppose to, but really didn't care because it helped them clear sooner!

Story - Bloat is horrible. I don't know about anyone else, but it makes me feel super bleh.

Reed - It's my third as well, but I don't think I will show much sooner. My brother's girlfriend is pregnant for the 3rd time as well and she would "show" super early. She posted a picture at 8 weeks. It was all bloat, though. She gets HUGE. I don't know how far she is exactly now.. she doesn't talk to me because she's mad at me for telling her what she needed to hear. Family wars are great :dohh:

Cale - I really hope you get to enjoy a smooth pregnancy.

Kitty - Welcome and congratulations!!

AFM - Not feeling the best right now. Probably nerves. My father in law just passed away this morning. Work has been just awful to me over this whole situation. I know they are going to freak out on me and not be supportive for missing work again. I'm going to have my notice ready and I will hand it to them if they say anything. I planned on it anyways, but I was actually hoping to transfer, but they put a hold on transferring because my administrator threw a fit and blamed the other facility for recruiting us. Which isn't the case at all, it's because they treat us so poorly.

I just can't handle the horrible work environment, the awful behaviors we have with residents, and then the stress at home with the father in law not doing well, then passing. DH is not handling it well at all, he just lost his mother not even a year ago. Nursing jobs are everywhere.

So, pretty nauseated right now. More so than I have been. Need to try to eat, nothing sounds good, though. Plan was to call the hospital here in town today and see how their OB services work. If I don't like it there there are plenty of close options, just wanted to stay away from going to the big city. Didn't want to have to deal with city traffic all the time. I don't trust their driving.

I’m in the UK babe. The NHS website says my due date is 28th February and 6 weeks today and my Ovia Pregnancy app says I’m due 1st March and 6 weeks tomorrow... but my cycles are only 26/27 days so it’s a bit confusing for me too! I’m just excited to be progressing..
2nd line is now darker than the control line :happydance:

One more test in the morning to see if my clear blue digi has gone to 3+ and then I will stop testing :blush:


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I’m not on Facebook.... but I am on Instagram... add me if you are? I’m the_reedfamily it’s a locked account so send me a request!

Well I’ve dug out my maternity shorts now... what a relief they bought! I need to keep this secret until my 12 week scan! I’ve bought a tshirts from ASOS which says ‘Preggers’.. going to go round to my in laws and just take my jumper off and wait to see their reaction... they cried with our first so can’t wait to see the reaction!

With the news of our new baby we have decided to buy a bigger home. We have found a 5 bedroom house with loads of space so will be moving there at the end of the summer! Which is a massive deal as we currently have a two bed, with two children! So this will give us all space and I can make a nursery for the new addition which I’m excited about!:happydance:

AFM: (.)(.) are sore which my husband finds funny.. he pokes them at random to see my reaction! I’m so tired still.. sleeping when my baby sleeps at the moment! His 4am wake up call isn’t welcomed ha ha! I go back to work after my maternity leave on the 16th July for 3 days a week.. probably going to hand in my notice though as I don’t want to leave my son yet and with the little one impending I want to enjoy my time with him. Husband is being extremely supportive of this decision!

Hope everyone else is ok...! Can’t wait to see scan photos on this thread! I have sent my referral paper work off to the midwife, I’m just waiting to hear when my booking in appointment will be. I think it will be the week I go back to work..
2nd line is now darker than the control line :happydance:

One more test in the morning to see if my clear blue digi has gone to 3+ and then I will stop testing :blush:

Gorgeous lines xx
Morning ladies, I think that’s me added everyone to the front page but if I miss you then make sure to give me a nudge. I will update dates and genders over time.
Im going to go away camping at some point between tomorrow and Monday until next Friday so may not be about to update (if we go north of Scotland there is never any reception so I struggle to get online) but I will update when I’m back.
Morning ladies, I think that’s me added everyone to the front page but if I miss you then make sure to give me a nudge. I will update dates and genders over time.
Im going to go away camping at some point between tomorrow and Monday until next Friday so may not be about to update (if we go north of Scotland there is never any reception so I struggle to get online) but I will update when I’m back.

Hi ladies! So glad to see some familiar names from the testing page :happydance:

I would love to join the party with you!

Due date based on begining of last cycle is March 9th, though i think that will change a bit at the dating ultrasound. Feel like I must have O'd later than I thought as I didn't get my first non squinting positive till Canada Day Sunday (AF was due on the Thurs).

At the moment I'm just trying to stay positive and envision this baby growing healthy and strong and going full term. My GP has put in a referral to the Fetal Medicine Team or whatever it is called in the major city here. We will be followed closely by them as well as her.
We had a m/c @8.5 weeks in Oct. Started cramping and got an emergency scan. Baby was only measuring 6w and no heartbeat... m/c fully in a few days after that.
We got pregnant right away again and then that baby wasn't growing and had next to no amniotic fluid at the 20w scan. He had stopped growing at 17w. The next week when we were at the specialist he was still the same size and still next to nothing for fluid. :cry:

On the 3rd month after we decided to tth again. We are ready to start our family after 9 years together and now 1 yr of marriage. We are fortunate enough to get pregnant easy... now if this one would just stick please! :baby:

Needless to say scans are going to be a stressful time for me until they are able to tell me everything is fine.
I'm having some flashbacks to the labour and delivery of our last baby who was born sleeping... But am trying to deal with them, and replace those thoughts with the image in my mind of delivering a healthy full term baby.

Overall though just so tired and hormonal emotions... happy with flashes of tears and anger lol. Some aching and almost but not full on cramps which I chalk up to stretching and expanding uterus. It probably hasn't had time to get back to "normal" each time before starting again so I bet I will be showing early too.

So excited to join you ladies on this beautiful journey. I will go back and read all your stories when I get a moment again. H&H9M to all of us!
Wish - You have definitely been on a rough road. Here's to a sticky rainbow!

MrsReed - Congrats on the new home. I will be so happy when we can upgrade! We currently have a 3 bedroom. It will be big enough for now, but not for long. My boys share a room since it's rather large and baby will get the third.

MrsViking - Makes sense lol.. Some due date estimators put me at Feb 28th as well. I'm so glad it won't be a leap year.

AFM - Really nothing to update. Just going day by day.
Took my CBD this morning and nothing showed on the screen.. not even the egg timer.. it was a dud :cry:

I have been waiting all week to use it.. don't think there is any point in calling them as they won't open till Monday and I'm more than likely going to go buy another one today :blush:

Has anyone ever use it in mid afternoon or evening? Or is it only most effective in the morning?
I used mine at 2.30pm after getting a squinter on a cheapie and then a line on frer and it was positive 1-2 so worked for me. I’d had a good hold though as I’d been out driving for 4 hours and suddenly occurred to me that I may be feeling rubbish because I’m pregnant (tests when Af was due were negative so I thought we’d been unsuccessful this time and put it to the back of my mind)
Took my CBD this morning and nothing showed on the screen.. not even the egg timer.. it was a dud :cry:

I have been waiting all week to use it.. don't think there is any point in calling them as they won't open till Monday and I'm more than likely going to go buy another one today :blush:

Has anyone ever use it in mid afternoon or evening? Or is it only most effective in the morning?

Still ring them for a refund though, they’re expensive!! I have taken them in the afternoon during previous pregnancies. Only took 1 this pregnancy though in the morning and got a 3+ so didn’t see the point in taking any more :rofl:
After 2 iuis got my :bfp:
Due the 17th of March
Took my CBD this morning and nothing showed on the screen.. not even the egg timer.. it was a dud :cry:

I have been waiting all week to use it.. don't think there is any point in calling them as they won't open till Monday and I'm more than likely going to go buy another one today :blush:

Has anyone ever use it in mid afternoon or evening? Or is it only most effective in the morning?

Still ring them for a refund though, they’re expensive!! I have taken them in the afternoon during previous pregnancies. Only took 1 this pregnancy though in the morning and got a 3+ so didn’t see the point in taking any more :rofl:

Ye that is why I wanted to take it this morning as I got a 2-3 at 13 dpo so wanted to see if it went up to 3+ today so I could drop testing.. so annoying :growlmad: I will buy another one and try hold all day and see if i can get it this afternoon x

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