March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Oh has been dying of man flu so iv tried to keep my distance (he is quite poorly to be fair) but all we seem to be doing is arguing at the moment. He's being so grumpy, Mardy and irritable!
To top it off iv woken up with the worst headache and feel really snotty :-(
H xx
Lovely scan pic mama penguin! It's so clear :)

I am planning to do separate car seat to pram stuff as I want to keep babber rear facing for as long as possible (planning up to age 4), so the seat will cost a small fortune, but that's ok. Means I don't need a whole travel system though and I have been struggling to find much that is nice and isn't a whole system, looks like I need to reconsider our budget though, this kid is going to ruin us! (Not a surprise)

I'm all about ERF too! If you're considering starting off with a convertible, I highly recommend what we got - the Peg Perego convertible. DD is 2 (28 months) and still RF just fine in it. It is pricey, but IMO it's worth it! I did a lot of research & im not disappointed! If I didn't already have an infant seat left from DD, if just buy another Peg convertible right off the bat for this new LO. :)

Ok, random question, but has anyone bought maternity knickers?! Or shall I just get next size up? My normal ones are digging into hips and just uncomfortable now.

I went with maternity undies. I normally wear thongs (just more comfy to me) but tried full back maternity undies for my last pregnancy - NO THANK YOU! IMO, stick with what you're comfy with normally - in maternity. After that initial pack of full backs, I went back & bought maternity things. They're wonderful!

As for all of the pram/stroller talk, I got a Graci travel system with a snug ride 30 car seat for DD. Honestly, I use the stroller SO seldom! I used a snap and go way more often when DD was a baby. If I go for a double this time, I'm considering a joovy sit & stand, so I can snap the infant seat in & DD (who will be 2 months short of 3 years old when LO is born) can choose to sit or stand and ride in the back. But, I intend to do a lot of baby wearing, so I may not even get a sit & stand. Undecided! :flow:
I worked a split shift yesterday, so I left with a bit of a headache, then had it all through out the night and this morning. I seem to get them more and more lately. Could be a cold, as my LO has one and a few people at work are running around hacking. I just have to say that children now a these days (or at least mine) have been taught to cough into there arms as not to spread more germs, and here was my coworker yesterday coughing into her hand. :nope: Gross. Anyways, I have been drinking green tea and using antibacterial/washing more often these days trying to keep that nasty crap away.
Got my scan tomorrow. Very nervous about it, just hope it shows all is well X X
going to be so many scans this week, can't wait for all the pics....mine is in 2 days :D
Good luck ladies with scans this week! :) Only 5 weeks til my 20 wk one. Can't believe it xx
Good luck for all the scan coming up :) how is everyone feeling energy and ms wise ??? I have started to feel a little better the last two days ... Now I'm worrying lol.... 13 weeks Wednesday ... But with my LO didn't go until at least 16 weeks ..... The worry it never ends !
Good luck for all the scan coming up :) how is everyone feeling energy and ms wise ??? I have started to feel a little better the last two days ... Now I'm worrying lol.... 13 weeks Wednesday ... But with my LO didn't go until at least 16 weeks ..... The worry it never ends !

My ms is pretty much gone, but I'd really like the fatigue to go away with it please and thank you.
My nausea has been better the last few days, especially in the mornings. I was hit with it again this afternoon though. My bathroom trips are a lot less frequent and urgent. My breasts are a bit less sore too, though more 'achy'. I still don't feel that energetic though!
I haven't had much suffering but the last couple days I've been super nauseous and have had this nagging headache that just won't quit :/

I guess I'm finally getting mine after all those weeks of smooth sailing! Ha ha ha
My nausea eased up a couple of weeks ago, but the acid reflux is driving me potty. I chug gaviscon and have been prescribed ranitidine as it was already such an issue that I was struggling to keep myself hydrated, it's much less uncomfortable now, but still feel gross most evenings. Also, reflux makes me feel closer to vomit than the original nausea ever did! (Sorry for the moan, but it is really making me feel like crap)

Good luck for scans ladies who are having one this week! I have my second try at the dating one in a couple of weeks, can't wait!
That's my new symptom acid / heartburn ........bought my first bottle of gaviscon this pregnancy yesterday .
Anybody else feeling stinky? Even showering daily I am very aware of my own stink and I don't like it :/
Sorry I've been gone for so long ladies! The morning sickness has just really been getting the better of me the past few weeks. :sick:

I'm sorry for any losses that may have occurred in my absence. :hugs:

Also for everyone that has had their 12 week scans already I'm glad that your babies are doing well! :thumbup:

My 12 week appointment is on Wednesday and I'm hoping that I can schedule my ultrasound for Saturday.
Didn't have much nausea to begin with but in last few weeks have noticed tiredness getting worse not better. So tired at the end of the day but then find it hard to sleep :(

Sorry we're all feeling so bad. Hopefully a bit better in the next few weeks. After all, only just in 2nd tri.
That's my new symptom acid / heartburn ........bought my first bottle of gaviscon this pregnancy yesterday .

I prefer Zantac. Actually my heart burn/indigestion was so bad I thought I may have to go to the ER. It was horrible. I popped a Zantac and it went away, but I still have a bit of burning so I have been eating a tums every so often.

Anybody else feeling stinky? Even showering daily I am very aware of my own stink and I don't like it :/

I smell myself too, though DH says he doesn't smell a thing. Last pg it was bad, like you I couldn't stand it.
By stinking do you ladies mean your vajayjay because count me in if so, if not then this is a rather awkward confession :) :haha:

but I do find that I do get a smell down there easier than when I'm not pregnant :shower::shower::shower:

keely - so sorry about your morning sickness :( I hope you feel better soon, it's horrible when it makes you feel like even daily tasks are hard to accomplish.

like the other ladies, I'm also getting heartburn in place of the nausea!
In general! My boob stink is awful. And I'm hoping it's just my pregnancy nose!

I do notice that I've been much sweater than normal so that could be part of it.

Ewwww. I just don't like the way I smell :/
For me it is just my smell in general but yes my vajayjay is definitely one very annoying scent wise.

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