March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

I need to try a few seats at babies r us to see which fits best next to DS's RFing Britax Clicktight in our Honda CR-V. My top contenders are the Chicco Key fit 30 or the Graco Snugride 30, whichever puzzled better will be what I buy. Although the new Britax B-Safe has a narrow base, so I may try that one just for kicks and giggles.

For a stroller, I think I want the Baby Jogger City Select with the second seat as an in line double. Then, when DS gets older, I can get the stroller board.
Ok so my whole time buying maternity stuff, I have always been told to buy in the same size you are now. So if you wear M undies now, then you should buy M maternity undies. Last pg was the very first time buying maternity undies. I bought M thinking that is what I needed but Sm was a better fit for me, as I was a sm before pg. But the ones I bought are cotton and stretchy and so dang comfortable. So best ask your maternity store attendant, they will know best. ;)
I'm really hating these hormones right about now!

I'm so irritable and bitchy and cant stand DH right now. He's making me so mad. I just cant help but feel some resentment towards him. He said some pretty shitty things to me last week, and I'm always keeping my mouth shut about him staying up for days straight without sleep, often going to bed alone because hes up talking with his friends online or outside talking and drinking with my father in law. It's starting to really get to me because I feel like he never spends any time with me. I've talked to him about it over and over and yet no changes.

I'm about at wits end right now. I asked DH if he would kindly go to the gas station that's up the road and get me a root beer since I've been helping watch/feed this elderly lady that lives with us (normally MIL is the sole caretaker of her but MIL has something to do today so I offered to sit with her) and DH's friend came over, meanwhile I'm sitting here for 3 hours waiting for DH to finally go get me a root beer, and when he finally leaves he leaves with his friend and they've been gone for over an hour for something that should have taken literally 5 minutes at most. I can't stand the waiting up anymore. I'm at my breaking point with these emotions.
Bombshell wow :grr: I feel for you I have had days where my DH has been very selfish and then talk to him yet nothing seems to change. I have had to research how to talk to him. I can't say it has helped tons but he has decided to change for himself. And really that is what we have to figure out when we have this type of man. Then once we have communicated what we need from them , we must sit back and figure out how we can do to change too. :hugs: it can be a very lonely life for sure. Super big hugs girl. And we are here for you when need to vent.
Thank you allforthegirl!! Although I do feel super whiny when I vent, it feels good to just spill it all out to someone.
:wacko: I feel like I'm psycho in pregnancy or something :nope: like I think my reasons for being pissed are valid but I think I just don't know how to control my feelings :( that's the worst part about these hormones they make my normal crazy seem like nothing!! I'm like super bitch 2000.
I get the same way at times. Then once it happens I'm like what the heck was that for?!?!
I've never needed maternity underwear I have to say, I've always just got the size up and that's worked out OK :)

The pram/stroller we have is the Baby Jogger City Select. It was £500 nearly new from a local facebook friend who is a bit of a pramaholic, I think new with all the accessories it has would be over £700. I like how the lower child isn't in the shopping basket and/or really low down like with some tandems. The travel system type pram we bought for DD1 (and now reusing for DD2) is the Mamas & Papas Sola which was £300 for the pram itself (my parents bought it though) and I bought the carrycot and carseat adaptors secondhand. A friend of mine got a nearly new Sola with carrycot and carseat for £200, there are definitely bargains to be had as some ladies seem to get fed up of prams really quickly and resell barely used ones to fund whatever new one they have their eye on!

Regarding the Doona, the concept seems great and very innovative but I found this review which might be worth a read for anyone considering it:

Lovely scan mewolkens, looks like a boy possibly going by the nub :D

:hugs: bombshell, feeling the hormones here too it really sucks... I'm such a cow at the moment I wish I could snap out of it :wacko: Hope you got your root beer in the end!
allforthegirl - lol my thoughts exactly!

buttercup - I did get my root beer actually :rofl: I'm sorry you ladies are feelin it too, it definitely is the pits. :nope:
Hi ladies, sorry but can i go back onto the pram talk- My son will be 26 months when baby is born. I have a Bugaboo Cameleon and was thinking of just getting the board attachment. We also have a stroller which we could put DS in when I am out with my hubby. Do you guys think this will suffice or should I look at a double stroller also? Thanks :flower:
Good question ruby !!! Ill be interested in the replys ! My LO will be 25 months when LO,arrives ... The double stroller or not is question . I plan on wearing baby for thefirst couple of months when out and about ( hoping baby co-operates ;) and likes it !! But I'm thinking maybe ill still need a double buggy . Would be really interested to hear anyone who has any experience of this :)
I have a baby carrier too but I also have a small frame and weak shoulders so always struggled with it for long periods. Was just looking at the mountain buggy duet and the bugaboo donkey duo. Both look good . I'm not a fan of the prams that stick the toddler basically in the carry basket underneath. Too squishy
Sorry, no advice on prams from me, being a first timer.

Hope everyone is ok.

I'm finding that dh is way more hormonal than me! He swings from excited, wanting to make nursery plans etc to worries about finances, that it's the end to holidays and evenings out. Very moody and unpredictable at the moment. He's doing my head in! Grrrrr....rant over, sorry.
Sorry, no advice on prams from me, being a first timer.

Hope everyone is ok.

I'm finding that dh is way more hormonal than me! He swings from excited, wanting to make nursery plans etc to worries about finances, that it's the end to holidays and evenings out. Very moody and unpredictable at the moment. He's doing my head in! Grrrrr....rant over, sorry.

:rofl: yup my man has done the same things to me in the past....I am just waiting for some sort of comment from him for this one. I am not laughing at you, more at the fact that this is a very typical "man" thing to do. Men are all about finances. "Money money money"
I have a B.O.B. jogging stroller (pram), and I love it. I love going for walks, so it is perfect for me.

That's what I'm wanting. Bob is offering a free britax car seat with jogger purchase! Our friend is giving us her old peg perego but I'm not sure I want it. It's bulky and heavy and huge, but it does convert to a high chair and bassinet!

Glad to hear you love yours, I like to ask around before making any big purchases.
I had a quick look at prams online, but it made me realise I need to actually see some in person. DH won't talk about buying anything baby related (or names, nursery plans, a new car etc) until we have the scan on Thursday. He just says we have plenty of time for all that.
My age gap with the girls was 2y9m and we didn't have a double and never missed having one. We had a buggy board but even that barely got used after the first few months. I found dd1 was getting a bit reliant on it and if I never attached it in the first place it took away the option and she never even asked for it. It makes the pram quite heavy and awkward to steer so I prefer to save it for full days out. One thing I would say is that a young 2 year old might find it tricky to stay standing for too long. Most people I know with less than a 2.5 year gap have gone for a double even if it was only for a short time. Baby wearing is an option though of course, my cousin did that with a 25 month gap and didn't have a double.
My gap is going to be 3 years 4 months between DS and this baby. However DS is a nightmare for walking as it stands. Partly we are very reliant on the pram as we live a good 35 mins walk from nursery and town and 45 mins to toddler group and that's my walking pace
It would easily take an hour and a half to walk him to toddler group and he would be tired and grumpy once there. Today I walked him to mums which is a 30.minute walk for him and he was horrendous. I'd love to drop the reliability on the pram as he is heavy in there but I don't think it's practical. Likewise a double won't be practical as DS is too big really, think we will have to use a buggy board for a good few months. ...... or move closer to town lol X
I've never used a pram, single or double, even with a 17 month gap I did a lot of babywearing (occasionally tandem) and would mostly plan outings around how long DD1 could walk for. I did do a lot of holding both girls, one on each hip lol. A pram would have made my life easier but I don't regret the way we did it as my kids love to walk and hike and at 18 mnths 3 years old were both capable of walking the majority of a 3km trail we walked every week.

I have however been finding myself looking at prams this time, especially doubles (my dream double pram is the orbit baby double helix *drool* but waaaay out of my budget the frame alone is $1200 here :shock:, but I like the look of Mountain Buggy Duet and Babyjogger City Select) as we will be having more babies after this one and may have a close gap again so it would be good to get something that will be able to be used longer. Plus as I havent had a scan twins havent been ruled out :p
But the more activities we do as the girls get older the more I can see needing a pram this time.
Dawn I think the buggyboard would work well for you, I feel like i'm a bit weird in my dislike of it since they're so popular and always resell well secondhand. I reckon once DD2 is out of the double i'll give ours another chance see if it grows on me! :winkwink:
NDH, wow that's impressive that you managed without a pram for so long especially with such a small age gap between your girls :thumbup: The mountain buggy does look really good, it's the narrowest side by side apparently. We live in a fairly urban area so a side by side would be tricky to navigate in shops and other narrow spaces (pavements when cars are parked etc) and wouldn't fit through our front door so we were limited to a tandem really.

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