March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Dawn, I know you asked Fezzle, but I'd love to share mine too! I have the snoogle loop and ADORE it! Got it when I was pregnant with DD & I never stopped using it! I have a really bad back even when I'm not pregnant & every time I tried to sleep without it, my back would go out. So, I gave up. In the bed it stays! So cozy!
I swear my body just doesn't want to be left out, had the most horrendous headache all day today, no amount of water shifted it so I treated myself to two whole paracetemol tablets! A full dose! I suspect mine is the lack of sleep I'm having atm, but that should improve again over the next few days.
I got this one (the Summer Body Support Pillow):
It's currently out for delivery- I hope I get to try it tonight!

allforthegirl- I hope you get your scan! I am really looking forward to you finding out!
Pig picking is when you roast a whole or half pig and pick it clean! Lol
SO ready for summer to be over! bring on the fall/winter. I strongly despise summer - I feel like the heat and allergies could also be contributing to the headaches for me!

I can't stand the sun! I'm a grumpy pregnant woman!
We are having a heat wave here today. I am trying to enjoy it as I know it won't stay.

I too have crazy allergies right now with the harvest and such. But pg makes my allergies way worse than normal. I will be happy once they are alleviated a little more.
So I just had the pleasure of fighting with my narcissistic brother in law (legit if I could even begin to explain to any of you the kind of shit person he is you all would be amazed.) He came over and immediately started subliminally mocking me (MIL asked me if I had seen my FIL all day because he wasn't over at their old house helping clean - I did see him for a bit so I said maybe in his garage but didn't realize his car wasn't here and already left) so then MIL said " but he isn't even here?" then I said "oh then I don't know" to which butt face replied with "oh so you just said he was in the garage then said you don't know..ha" he was mumbling under his breath. At that point I told him to take his happy ass and leave. I wasn't going to deal with it. He started telling me things like all I know how to do is get pregnant and spread my legs (which it takes TWO for LMAOOO!!!) and then called me a fatty LOL.

Oh joy.

Sorry ladies I had to tell someone.
My fight to stay team yellow is weakening, lol. I think I want to know!! :haha:
I went for a scan at an elective place on Friday and we are team........


I did see some fluid around baby boy's heart on the scan so I'm definitely calling my dr on Monday am and have been praying that he will be just fine. It's so scary. I just want a healthy baby!
Lovely news mama crab! One of each team on our thread then!

Hope the scan is nothing to worry about. Good luck tomorrow.

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