Congrats azure on team pink and hopeful on team blue!!

Looks like the boys have taken the lead so far but still early days

Does anyone else know they're going to stay team yellow? If so let me know and i'll add the yellow stork to your name

I must say I feel weirdly at peace with not finding out, didn't feel like this AT ALL with my previous pregnancies as i'm such an instant gratification type of person but I think cos we decided early on not to find out this time I feel sort of committed to it now!
16 weeks tomorrow, eek! I randomly decided that I want a different baby rocker/bouncer thingy for this baby and chose the Tiny Love rocker napper:
It goes flat as pictured but can also sit up, it gets really good reviews and I thought it would be versatile as baby can sleep in it downstairs in the early days then sit up to play (or watch his/her sisters play anyway lol) when they're a bit more alert

Best part is I found one on eBay locally for £35 nearly new and am picking it up tomorrow