March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

So exciting that people can already find out what they're having, I'm with you SilasLove, my impatience is increasing, knowing that an nhs scan in just five weeks could tell me, as opposed to finding out at birth in 25ish weeks... Tempting.
Congrats azure on team pink and hopeful on team blue!! :D Looks like the boys have taken the lead so far but still early days :winkwink:
Does anyone else know they're going to stay team yellow? If so let me know and i'll add the yellow stork to your name :thumbup: I must say I feel weirdly at peace with not finding out, didn't feel like this AT ALL with my previous pregnancies as i'm such an instant gratification type of person but I think cos we decided early on not to find out this time I feel sort of committed to it now!
16 weeks tomorrow, eek! I randomly decided that I want a different baby rocker/bouncer thingy for this baby and chose the Tiny Love rocker napper:
It goes flat as pictured but can also sit up, it gets really good reviews and I thought it would be versatile as baby can sleep in it downstairs in the early days then sit up to play (or watch his/her sisters play anyway lol) when they're a bit more alert :) Best part is I found one on eBay locally for £35 nearly new and am picking it up tomorrow :happydance:
Getting awful round ligament pain when I sneeze ...... Ouch !!!!! And I can DEFINETLY feel baby move around in there now .... Very faint but no mistaking it :) pop pop pop :)
Getting awful round ligament pain when I sneeze ...... Ouch !!!!! And I can DEFINETLY feel baby move around in there now .... Very faint but no mistaking it :) pop pop pop :)

I have been getting those pains for some time now.....very painful! Specially since I sneeze all the time :haha:

Congrats on feeling baby move around .....I am jealous of all of you that get to feel your babies. This anterior placenta blows
My stupid anterior placenta. I haven't felt anything and I'm so ready to feel kicks and pops!
Glad to see I'm not the only one in the anterior boat. I also have a retroverted uterus which apparently also delays things. It might be a good long while before I feel some reassuring flutters but man would that be nice!
Buttercup that's a great looking rocker :thumbup:
I am resolutely team :yellow: as well. I wavered towards the end of my first pregnancy though I'm glad I waited in the end, and I loved the anticipation the second time. Though again at the end I wavered a bit when I realised with her a planned vaginal breech birth a whole room of people would know her gender before I did, as for me part of the thrill is finding out for myself before anyone else knows. But by then there was zero chance of finding out anyway with her bottom firmly in my pelvis lol. Anyway I can't even imagine now knowing in advance.

Left great news about feeling bub now@

Congrats to the ladies who have found out!

Left fabuloud
Congrats to the ladies that have started feeling movement already and to those that have found out the gender of their babies. :D

Unfortunately I don't have a 12 week ultrasound picture to share, my doctor doesn't do NT scans. :nope:

My son had his Chordee repair surgery a couple of days ago so I've been feeling terrible for him. I hate seeing my baby in pain. :cry:

I should be finding out the gender in about 5 more weeks though and my DH and I finally settled on a girl name. Still no boy names.
Buttercup, impatient as I may be, I am staying team yellow, for so many reasons, so I'll have a little yellow stork please :)

Another retroverted uterus here, so probably won't feel babber for ages yet, I do get to see it again in less than a week though, so can't complain! I do give my uterus a little poke sometimes when I'm somewhere quiet so I can concentrate and just check I can't feeling anything mind.

I am having quite a few pains that I presume are round ligament pain too, especially if I cough, which happens frequently, oh the joys.
Buttercup- you can put me down as Team Yellow too on the front page. Also, my due date has changed to 13 March now due to the dating scan.

I haven't felt anything that could be a movement- which seems so weird having seen all the movement inside on the scan last week! I have had the round ligament pain a few times though.
Congratulations to all the ladies that have found out boy or girl and also to the ones feeling movement.
I am looking forward to feeling movement.
I would like to be team yellow this time as we found out with Isaac but DH wants to know pink or blue so we know if we're washing and reusing all Isaacs clothes. We don't have much neutral stuff stored at all since we knew we were blue last time. I suspect DH may get his way this time and find out........ its quite amusing really as with Isaac I really wanted to find out and DH didn't and this time it's the other way round. Xx
My combined screening test results have come back as "high risk" (1 in 76). I was prepared to be high risk because of my age (39), but it's still worrying! We're going to have the Harmony test done next week.
My combined screening test results have come back as "high risk" (1 in 76). I was prepared to be high risk because of my age (39), but it's still worrying! We're going to have the Harmony test done next week.

I've just had this test done to Friday just gone and waiting for the results.

And I also need to change my due date due to dating san it is now 23rd March.
Fezzle you only had to do the one blood test? I still have to do the last blood test for the screening.

Wow so many of you already know what you are having. So exciting.....making me really want to ignore my DH and just do the private scan hahahaha
Fezzle you only had to do the one blood test? I still have to do the last blood test for the screening.

Wow so many of you already know what you are having. So exciting.....making me really want to ignore my DH and just do the private scan hahahaha

Yep, just one right before the scan last week. I'll get another one for the Harmony test- and another scan, so at least I'm looking forward to that bit. I wonder if DH will change his mind about being Team Yellow since we can find out with this test- probably not!
Welcome Bellaroha! Wow, twin boys, how exciting :)

Fezzle, good luck with your harmony test. Is that a private one instead of needle in your belly?

I definitely want to find out gender, can't wait to!

Not sure it's movement I can feel or just stretching etc. What do early movements feel like?
Painful at all?
I find early movements painful. More like gas but not, or like tickles or pops. They will be gentle quiet movements. They will become uncomfortable later but I never consider movements painful ever. :winkwink:

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