March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Yay for those who know what they're having already! I have my ultrasound and the genetic test tomorrow but I think I will skip out for now on finding out the gender this early - MIL wants to throw a gender reveal party as ive mentioned before so we will book a private gender scan sometime in October so I can actually be in the ultrasound room when it's happening! We'll have the tech write "it's a BOY/GIRL" on the ultrasounds and hand them directly to MIL :) but we will be finding out the day after

fezzle - hope everything comes back ok for your harmony test!! I know it can be worrisome :hugs:

bellaroha - welcome to the group! congrats on twin boys how exciting!
littlelily- yep, it's a blood test and another scan. We decided against the invasive tests, even though we have to pay about £500 for this one!
littlelily- yep, it's a blood test and another scan. We decided against the invasive tests, even though we have to pay about £500 for this one!

That is a lot to pay but I would rather that than the needle in your tummy. A much better alternative.

Good luck.
Fezzle I hope all comes back just fine . I'm opting not to have any tests . Early movments feellike little bubbles popping in your tummy . Like someone flicking you with their finger on the inside . If you were not tuned into them you would definetly miss them . They are very subtle and could be mistaken as wind moving around in there .
Good luck Fezzle, I hope that your Harmony test comes back with good results. :thumbup:
I had the harmony test done as well. It took about 6 working days ( I live in Australia and the bloods were sent to America).
Getting awful round ligament pain when I sneeze ...... Ouch !!!!! And I can DEFINETLY feel baby move around in there now .... Very faint but no mistaking it :) pop pop pop :)

I get it if I get up from sitting to quickly. I have been feeling movement for about 2 weeks and still get excited every time I feel this little monkey move:wohoo:
Welcome Bellaroha! Wow, twin boys, how exciting :)

Fezzle, good luck with your harmony test. Is that a private one instead of needle in your belly?

I definitely want to find out gender, can't wait to!

Not sure it's movement I can feel or just stretching etc. What do early movements feel like?
Painful at all?

My movements feel like someone is trying to tickle me on the inside
Oh dear, sorry to ladies feeling ick. My bump is much more noticeable this week and lots of people have commented.
That's awesome for bumps. My I still call a flump (flab+bump). But it is starting to form more a bump so soon I will truly call it a bump.....or maybe of the flab doesn't really disapate the. I just may stick with flump
Had my 12 week appointment today and baby measured 1 week ahead wowza :haha: DD always measured 2 days ahead but an entire week seems like a lot haha. Doc says fluid behind baby's neck is perfect. Thinking this bub is a boy for sure now -

Sorry to the ladies who are still feeling sick - I am having my days of feeling just awful still, too.
Fezzle, FX everything goes well for you with the harmony test!

Left & Allforthegirl, hope your nausea goes away - I hear you though - I still feel awful too :(

Bombshell, yay! Glad your appt went well!

AFM, I had my 12 week appointment today (even though I'm 13 weeks... :haha: ). We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time - 161 BPM! And, after much deliberation, we got the NIPT done too. We'll have the results within 2 weeks & have the bonus of finding out the gender too! Nervous/excited!
Sorry for the other ladies that are still feeling sick. It's still every day for me too. :sick: :hugs:

Great scan Mama Wolf! I'm guessing boy for you as well. :happydance:

Mama Tiger I hope that your results come back well and how exciting that you'll know the gender soon! :thumbup:
Bomb great scan!! I'm guessing boy too.

I will going for a private scan to find out gender on October 2nd we are very excited.
allforthegirl - how exciting! that seems to soon! probably not to you because I'm sure you're dying to know lol :haha:

bellarosa - healthy heartbeat!! 161 - old wives say means girl??

What is everyone craving these days? Any good dinner ideas to share with a fellow preggo?
I still struggle with ever meal time and what to eat :sick: . No big meals for me . Tomato soup has been this weeks favourite lol.
Allfor think i too will call mine Flump for now lol describes it perfectly !
Wow for being put forward a whole week bombshell , I'd say boy too based on that but could be wrong.
I'm convinced I'm having a girl as they put me back but I know when I ovulated. I don't have small boys (although only have one so maybe that's not really an accurate statement ) so baby seeming smaller may mean girl. .... we will find out at 20 week scan hopefully.

Sorry to hear some of you are still feeling sick..mine has gone luckily but still quite tired. Back and hips sore, particularly when in bed and first thing in the morning. I gave a Dr appt next Thursday to see if they will refer to physio. ...... 6 weeks of pain is enough now.

Hope everyone else is well

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