allforthegirl - how exciting! that seems to soon! probably not to you because I'm sure you're dying to know lol
bellarosa - healthy heartbeat!! 161 - old wives say means girl??
What is everyone craving these days? Any good dinner ideas to share with a fellow preggo?
No offense Bombshell, but I hope you're wrong

This pregnancy has been SO different from my daughter's so far, that I'm convinced it's a boy, and I hate to say that I fear I'll be a bit disappointed if it's not. But, I'm sure I'll recover quickly, because another little girl would be a joy to have also.
Now my DD on the other hand... she's CONVINCED it's "baby Jacob" in there, so if I have to start correcting her (which I've gently tried - "What if it's baby Ava?" But, she adamantly says NO - JACOB!") Anyway, if it is a girl, it may take a while to convince her! But, in the end, I'm sure she'll love having a little brother OR sister!
As for the being put ahead/behind, I was measuring 5 days ahead with my DD, but right on time with this LO. Not sure how that measures up with these sex theories, but thought I'd throw that out there!
I still struggle with ever meal time and what to eat

. No big meals for me . Tomato soup has been this weeks favourite lol.
Allfor think i too will call mine Flump for now lol describes it perfectly !
ME TOO!!! UGH. I can't even plan meals ahead of time. Everything still just sounds awful. And things that I crave one day sound nasty the next. It's really tough! I'd say the only thing that's been relatively consistent is that fruit sits pretty well - but, you know, fruit doesn't exactly fill me up... so then I get nauseous again.

So sick of feeling sick!!!