March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

I feel like the 2nd tri is dragging! I think for me, the 1st tri felt quicker because I went on a cruise with my family, then they were visiting and we had a lot going on in general. I'm hoping that 2nd tri will start picking up because work will be busier for me as our classes start on Monday.
That's good to hear that it seems to be going fast. I'm officially second trimester tomorrow (if you assume 14 weeks as 2nd trimester). First trimester has dragged, so really hoping it speeds up a bit.

Ah. I considered 12 weeks the start of 2nd tri because that's when my ms went away.
I am sure it will go faster once I get to see my LO again. I am counting down the days :haha:
I feel like time is dragging!!! Probably because I'm waiting for my scan tomorrow.

I did holler at DH last night asking if he could believe we were already in the 14th week! Because I can't.
I'm excited to FINALLY enter the 2nd Trimester tomorrow but I feel like the time is really dragging, ptobably because I dying to know the gender and feeling sick doesn't exactly help pass the time either. :wacko:

Good luck with your scan tomorrow stuckinoki. :thumbup:
I've been absent the past few days, Oh and I enjoyed a trip to London (probably our last trip away as a couple!), got my baby on board badge and used my bump to get me seats all over the tube!

Love the scan pics that have been got in the past few days :)

On acne, I can empathise totally, I've always had bad acne, but after medication and then finally finding the right care for my skin, my face is fairly clear, my chest, however, is not :( absolutely covered in bright red spots, they are so vibrant against my pasty white!

We see babber again tomorrow, cannot wait for that!
I'm currently 12+ weeks pregnant with nr 2. My official DD is April 1, but since they keep on putting me a few days forward with the US, I've decided to have a March Mallow instead. My first came a month early, so I can't see how I can ever get to 40 full weeks or overdue!

It's been a horrible first trimester and the ms is subsiding now. I can eat again and enjoy my busy little three year old. I'll find out the sex of little bean next week. Yippie!

Welcome Qmama79. :flower:

Officially 2nd trimester for me. Had a rubbish nights sleep last night for no apparant reason. At least DH is home today so another adult to help with tantruming son lol.

Off for flu jab shortly, I hate injections too :wacko:
I had a quick peek at baby on Thursday and all was well, such a relief. Our big ultrasound is scheduled for Oct 15th, but we won't be finding out the gender. (Well, I'm pretty sure lol)

I have an appetite again!! I'll be putting my lost weight back on in no time, lol.
Welcome Qmama and congrats. Sorry about the ms, but we all are either getting better or worse at this point.

Wow this thread is going to be littered with scan pics I can't wait to see all the babies!!

As for gaining back weight, I fear I may not gain much of anything until I figure out what I can eat without my stomach screaming at me in pain. I have been having such a rough go of it the last few days, I just hope this doesn't last.
Sorry to all the ladies still feeling sore or sick.

Yay for lots of you all now in second tri!

I'm good. Telling all the family this weekend. Lovely reactions so far. Everyone so happy.
Gender scan today!

We are officially team PINK!
It's a girl.
Hey ladies

I've been so busy with my masters and teaching but I've been keeping up with the thread.

We've also found out that we are team blue! Another baby boy :)

As for acne with my first son in felt like a teenage boy. With this one my skin has been perfect. Different pregnancy I guess.

Congrats on team pink Stuck
Fezzle I'm sure baby is perfect. Keep us posted.
Yay Stuckie, congrats on team :pink:! I knew that you were having a girl. :happydance:

Congrats again on making team :blue: again Mama Lion. I have a feeling that mine is another little boy too. :D
Now I want to know what I'm having ....... I'm a wobbly team yellow ;) lol....... Have till the 6 th of November to decide .....
More exciting gender news!

We saw ours again today, we finally have an actual NHS due date so can I please change my due date to 7th March, last change! Today we saw bones and its skull and everything, it was so much bigger than last time we saw it! That said, I didn't really enjoy this one, I had agonising trapped wind throughout and then sonographer was a right mardy arse. Countdown to then 20 week scan now, and our local hospital has just started doing 3D ones, so there may be one of them too.
Curly I hate when the ultrasound techs are rude. I wish they'd realize that it ruins the experience for us. We had a horrible one at my office but she quit! Yay!
Today's just felt very uninterested, gave us the facts, but there was no enthusiasm from her. I work an exhausting job and I know how hard it is to keep that level of joy up, but bloody hell! I suspect that midday on a Saturday is not the time for happy staff tbh.
They could at least have made an effort !!!! This baby of mine is kicking up a storm Tonight :) well popping up one as it feels like popcorn popping inside :)
So excited for you stuck & jbell!!! Congrats on finding out the sex of your LOs!!! :bunny:

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