March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Hi March mummy's.
I'm due March 1st 17 weeks today with a baby boy 👣 he's our 5th child, he will be our 4th son we have 1 daughter, I'm 37 my OH is 41, have 3 teens n a 3 yr old I work part time in retail so I'm always busy, this little guy is a rainbow baby after a mmc last June and a mc just this past may, we caught him literally straight after, and so far no problems, that's not to say I'm not a paranoid mess lol I've been feeling movement but then he'll go quiet for a day or two n I flap, I know he's still teeny so can hide or turn his back to me, anyway congratulations on your babies, looking forward to getting to know you. Hope I'm okay to join in at this stage xxxx
Hi Emma and welcome :) you are due the day before me. Looks like you have lots of experience to offer us first timers!

Keep sitting quietly hoping to feel movement but nothing yet.
Hello and welcome Emma! I too keep hoping to feel babber, but wonky uterus isn't helping that, I poke it, then sit quietly in the hope it will kick back! Must be lovely to feel it, even if it's not as consistent as you'd like.

We still have no names, my all time favourite girls name has recently become really popular, so that's a bit crap and all boys names just get met with a "no" from one or both of us. I figure it has 6 more months to cook, then a further 6ish weeks before it needs to be registered with a name, so we have time to figure it out.
Hi March mummy's.
I'm due March 1st 17 weeks today with a baby boy 👣 he's our 5th child, he will be our 4th son we have 1 daughter, I'm 37 my OH is 41, have 3 teens n a 3 yr old I work part time in retail so I'm always busy, this little guy is a rainbow baby after a mmc last June and a mc just this past may, we caught him literally straight after, and so far no problems, that's not to say I'm not a paranoid mess lol I've been feeling movement but then he'll go quiet for a day or two n I flap, I know he's still teeny so can hide or turn his back to me, anyway congratulations on your babies, looking forward to getting to know you. Hope I'm okay to join in at this stage xxxx

Welcome :hi:
DH and I are trying to figure out how much 0-3 month clothing we need!

Any already mommas want to chime in? How many onesies blankets socks hats pants sleepers etc?

Anything would be appreciated. Lol. I don't want to overbuy but don't want to be washing every day either! Lol
Had my 16 week check up today. Anatomy scan scheduled for Oct 22nd! I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time today:kiss: I have only seen it flicker on sonograms until today. Around 150 ppm:thumbup:
Welcome Emma :) and thankyou you put my mind at ease as I've been feeling baby but like you will feel no popping for a day or two and worry .. Makes sense they are so little they can change position so not to be felt :) thanks popping away today though :)
DH and I are trying to figure out how much 0-3 month clothing we need!

Any already mommas want to chime in? How many onesies blankets socks hats pants sleepers etc?

Anything would be appreciated. Lol. I don't want to overbuy but don't want to be washing every day either! Lol

Stuck, they grow so fast but with spit up and blow outs you might go through three outfits per day. Most days I went through two. So it really depends on how often you want to do laundry. I would recommend ten sleepers/creepers/onesies. I would not recommend buying anything you have to pull over their heads or on their bottoms because they are so floppy and it's such a pain. Sam lived in footed sleepers but he was born on Halloween. With this time of year I'll be reusing some newborn cotton footed pjs but then get some creepers/romper style in 0-3 depending on where you live and then moving onto onesies for summer. I live in Georgia so it gets hot fast.

As far as clothing I like to have about 10 per style. It's just my weird thing. Hats maybe 2 or 3. Sam never fit in the one from the hospital, big ole head.

Actual baby blankets we used 2-3. We used maybe 4 receiving blankets. Socks are different because if they're in footed pjs they don't need them. Maybe six-eight pairs? Also maybe four pairs of mittens for the early star when you can't cut their nails.

Beg, borrow, and buy as many hand me downs as you can. You'll save so much money. I find that at first Sam went through two sizes per season and now he goes through one. Honestly, clothing was the hardest thing for me but you just kind of find what works for you and go with it. I'm all about comfort and ease so Sam was never in jeans or outfits when he was little. He basically word pjs all day everyday until he was about 6 months old. It worked for us.

Everyone is different and you're going to get a lot of good advice about clothing, just do what makes the most sense to you.
Welcome emma!

DH broke my laptop so I'm on mobile for now its super hard to type out everything I want to say lol.

Super tired since starting new job. Kinda irritated as MIL wants me to take care of the elderly lady that lives with us on my weekend days after stressful training. :wacko: I can't lift her anymore - and she needs help standing pretty much. I can't do it let alone not get paid for it.

How is everyone else doing? Hopefully having much smoother pregnancies than I am right now. Headaches everyday still, tired, irritated and annoyed by pretty much everyone. Wish I could live under a rock as I just want to punch everyone in the face lol
Stuck, we did basics in 3s (3 towels, 3 sheets, but 10 wash cloths, etc). As for clothes, gosh - I can't recall! I can tell you my DD was born May 7, & she started growing out of 0-3 clothes around mid-September. (Maybe that will help you figure out seasons??) I remember because so many people bought us cute summer outfits in 3-6 month size & they had to be returned! She was just too little to wear them - she was swimming in them! Oh, & she would always outgrow the one piece outfits before 2 piece ones. She had graduated to 0-3 sleepers but was still in newborn pants /shirts for a bit longer.
Felt lots of movement from baby yesterday evening. :) I must have been laying just the right way.
Stuck, it is so hard to know how many things you will need for sizes. I have had a couple babies that grew out of 0-3 and 3-6 and so quickly and was in 12 month clothing by 6. Then I have my youngest who is 19 almost 20 months and still in 12 month clothing. The first 12 months of clothing they grow out of the fastest. My babies lived in full sleepers for the first 6 months of life anyways. Just easier than trying to get them dressed in big boy clothing unless we went to visit someone. Sometimes we would just put on some fun sleepers with a fun design on them instead. If you can buy second hand, it will make things a bit more affordable for you. It is what I have always done and then buy a couple things just for them.

Bombshell I too still am getting headaches. I am still fighting tears all the time too, such a mess. I think I may figured out my diet more so I am not feeling as gross.
Feel you bombshell on the frustration! Am usually very patient and calm at school but my new class driving me to despair!!! Either getting angry or want to cry. Taking deep breaths and trying to remember I'm not normally like this and its hormones but tough job when feeling so moody.

Also, new spots (pimples to you U.S ladies) every damn day. All over my nose today, that was nice to wake up to! Anyway, the joys of pregnancy eh?

17 wks today and midwife appointment tmrw. UK ladies, do you normally get to hear heartbeat at normal midwife appointments?
I think it depends on the midwife but most people I know including myself with my son had the heartbeat listened to from 16 weeks at each appointment x x x

Feel you bombshell on the frustration! Am usually very patient and calm at school but my new class driving me to despair!!! Either getting angry or want to cry. Taking deep breaths and trying to remember I'm not normally like this and its hormones but tough job when feeling so moody.

Also, new spots (pimples to you U.S ladies) every damn day. All over my nose today, that was nice to wake up to! Anyway, the joys of pregnancy eh?

17 wks today and midwife appointment tmrw. UK ladies, do you normally get to hear heartbeat at normal midwife appointments?
Is it your first? I didn't son move till 19 weeks and u think I felt this one the other day but can't be 100%. I honestly wouldn't worry, baby is still so small x

I'm worried I don't think I've felt any movements from my baby yet :(
Is it your first? I didn't son move till 19 weeks and u think I felt this one the other day but can't be 100%. I honestly wouldn't worry, baby is still so small x

I'm worried I don't think I've felt any movements from my baby yet :(

Yes this is my first baby, although I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks with in January.

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