Kalonkiki, love the name Thea it's on our list too

Wish OH would agree with me on just one girl's name though, the few he's mentioned I just wouldn't go for at all

allforthegirl, i'm excited for your gender scan! Do you have a gut feeling about the gender? I think i'm having a third girl but I don't know if that's just me mentally preparing myself. I'll be happy if it's another girl but as this is our last baby i'll always wonder about the son we'll never have iykwim.
Bella, so exciting that your results will be in soon with the gender aswell and yay for feeling movement

I worked in a nursery (daycare) through my previous 2 pregnancies and can totally relate to 'crashing' in the afternoon. The little kids' naptime was absolutely lethal, no joke I could have just laid down with them and slept no problem

I never found a magic cure tbh, just tried to keep busy/distracted and keep my water intake up and that helped a little.
Curly, hope your downstairs probs have eased off now that's never fun

Definitely be honest with the midwife about how you're feeling and I hope she gives you some constructive advice/strategies to help. As I mentioned they referred me to a specialist mental health midwife so that may be something that is offered in your area too

I already have my appointment for 5th October so not even that long of a wait which is good. What is it you do in mental health by the way? Once this baby is born i'd really like to do something in that area, maybe support work initially since my qualifications are in early years so i'd have to retrain for most jobs if I wanted to go beyond entry level.
Dawn, i'm glad to hear you didn't have PND with your son despite suffering in the past. It must have been hard to see your mum suffering with it so badly though

I think that's partly why i'm so concerned about my feelings/behaviours at the moment even if I don't end up with PND again, I worry about the impact on my daughters and feel like I want to be better for them or at least learn to manage things better. Hope your Nanna's funeral goes smoothly and the day is as easy on you as it can be