March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Hugs curly, I know it's not nice but bite the bullet and go see the dr. They can hopefully help you feel more comfortable. I believe thrush is very common in pregnancy, in fact for me that was my first pregnancy symptom. X X
Thank you ladies, for making me feel more human again. I went to the Dr's yesterday, hence knowing it wasn't a UTI, and had a thrush treatment from last time I had it, as it took so long to get a Dr's appointment it cleared up by itself while I was waiting! So, give it a couple of days and hopefully uterus will be where it should be and everything else will be normal too. Midwife appointment Tuesday, so OH is tasked with making sure I mention all of this to them, plus the mental wobbles of late.
Thank you ladies, for making me feel more human again. I went to the Dr's yesterday, hence knowing it wasn't a UTI, and had a thrush treatment from last time I had it, as it took so long to get a Dr's appointment it cleared up by itself while I was waiting! So, give it a couple of days and hopefully uterus will be where it should be and everything else will be normal too. Midwife appointment Tuesday, so OH is tasked with making sure I mention all of this to them, plus the mental wobbles of late.

Oh good! .....mental wobbles? Are you referring to "pregnancy brain"? Because that is TOTALLY normal! :haha: Unfortunately, it doesn't really go away after you have the baby either :dohh: :haha:
Sadly, no, baby brain is alive and well here, but I'm one of the many in this group who has a long standing history of depression, which is rearing its ugly head a little, complete with anxiety this time, which is new. By referring to it as a wobble I feel more capable of managing it. Today has been a better day though, due in no small part to the responses received here yesterday :)
Sadly, no, baby brain is alive and well here, but I'm one of the many in this group who has a long standing history of depression, which is rearing its ugly head a little, complete with anxiety this time, which is new. By referring to it as a wobble I feel more capable of managing it. Today has been a better day though, due in no small part to the responses received here yesterday :)

Oh I'm sorry to bring it up then hun! Not sure if this will make it any better for you, but I was on a mild medication for depression before I was married (maybe 7 or 8 years ago?) and had some "pregnancy blues" with my DD. I cried A LOT. Sometimes felt like everyday. DH kept telling me he was afraid it would hurt the baby. The reason I'm even telling you this is so that if you have the same worries - my daughter is perfectly healthy, SO happy, and constantly has a smile on her face! Absolutely speak with your doctor about it, I'm not trying to downplay, just trying to possibly reassure any worries you may have about baby being affected :hugs:
I've been medicated for it before, and am open to the idea if I need it, however i didn't enjoy being medicated, and that's one of my best motivations to take care of myself in other ways so I can avoid it again. I work in mental health, and I consider myself lucky as I have insight into my illness, I am, most of the time, able to remember that what I'm experiencing is just the result of an illness, and not all of me. I find that really helpful, like when you remember that you only feel breathless due to pregnancy, not because you're unfit (or perhaps the three curly wurlys eaten today, but shhhhhh!)
Hi ladies, looks like I missed a lot, sorry.

Curly, sending hugs.
Bella and Mama Lion, teacher here too, and weirdly exactly the same. Have been trying to eat nuts and drink lots of water when feeling sleepy mid afternoon. Doesn't always work but like Mama lion says, it usually passes and then annoyingly, by bedtime, don't feel tired anymore!

Did hear the heartbeat at midwife appointment, was lovely. So exciting :)
Mama duck, I like others here have had a history of depression that I was medicated for. Not needed medication for years now, probably in thanks to the fact that I had almost 2 years of counselling which helped me gain a whole lot of insight into me and also gave me many coping strategies.
I really feared when I had Isaac that i would get postnatal depression, to me it seemed a forgone conclusion. I shared my thoughts with the midwife then and if I'm honest she wasn't greatly reassuring but it meant they made notes of my concerns and we're possibly more on the ball for signs when Isaac arrived. Thankfully postnatal depression didn't hit, baby blues did but they passed, I'm thankful for that.
I have seen severe postnatal depression when my mum had my sister (she is 12 now), it was horrendous. Even 12 years ago though the support to mum was amazing.
Definitely share your wobble with the midwife, but know your not alone in that. Take care of yourself .

As for me - nannas funeral is booked for the 6th October, as a family we wrote her eulogy yesterday, that was hard. I didn't sleep at all last night, brain too busy with thoughts of nanna, this pregnancy and life in general.
My brother and his wife announced they are due their baby 17 days after ours is due. Truely lovely news but I feel I can't get excited. Not sure why.

Take care all xxxx
Dawn, you have a lot going on right now. You just need to think of yourself and your family. Maybe it's difficult to get excited when you're still grieving. There is time for getting excited later. Try not to worry xx
Kalonkiki, love the name Thea it's on our list too :flower: Wish OH would agree with me on just one girl's name though, the few he's mentioned I just wouldn't go for at all :dohh:
allforthegirl, i'm excited for your gender scan! Do you have a gut feeling about the gender? I think i'm having a third girl but I don't know if that's just me mentally preparing myself. I'll be happy if it's another girl but as this is our last baby i'll always wonder about the son we'll never have iykwim.
Bella, so exciting that your results will be in soon with the gender aswell and yay for feeling movement :happydance: I worked in a nursery (daycare) through my previous 2 pregnancies and can totally relate to 'crashing' in the afternoon. The little kids' naptime was absolutely lethal, no joke I could have just laid down with them and slept no problem :haha: I never found a magic cure tbh, just tried to keep busy/distracted and keep my water intake up and that helped a little.
Curly, hope your downstairs probs have eased off now that's never fun :( Definitely be honest with the midwife about how you're feeling and I hope she gives you some constructive advice/strategies to help. As I mentioned they referred me to a specialist mental health midwife so that may be something that is offered in your area too :thumbup: I already have my appointment for 5th October so not even that long of a wait which is good. What is it you do in mental health by the way? Once this baby is born i'd really like to do something in that area, maybe support work initially since my qualifications are in early years so i'd have to retrain for most jobs if I wanted to go beyond entry level.
Dawn, i'm glad to hear you didn't have PND with your son despite suffering in the past. It must have been hard to see your mum suffering with it so badly though :( I think that's partly why i'm so concerned about my feelings/behaviours at the moment even if I don't end up with PND again, I worry about the impact on my daughters and feel like I want to be better for them or at least learn to manage things better. Hope your Nanna's funeral goes smoothly and the day is as easy on you as it can be :hugs:
Hi ladies

Just a quick post. Big hugs to the ladies struggling with anxiety and depression. I am too and it's horrible. I'm determined not to take medication, but it's so hard :(

Today is a good day though, because we had our gender scan - looks like the sonographer at our 12 week scan was right - we're having a boy and a girl :) we're both very happy :)
Mama Duck I'm sorry that the depression has being hitting you lately, I hope that ot clears up for you soon. I've been battling depression myself for 12 years now and I had a bit of trouble with ot during my pregnancy with my son but I did not have any PPD (postpartum depression). My DH doesn't normally suffer from depression but he does have issues with it when I'm pregnant and I'd be lying if I said that it didn't irritate or offend me a little but he must have his reasons, apparently it happens to about 10% of pregnant dads according to his research. :hugs:

Dawn I'm sorry again for your loss. :hugs:

Mama Bat thank you, we're absolutely smitten with it and really hope that we get to use it, especially since we don't have any boy names that we can agree on. :haha:

Mama Giraffe congrats on team :pink: and :blue:! Boy and girl twins are so exciting. :cloud9: <3
Dawn, thank you for sharing about your avoiding of PND, that, for me, is a massive fear, like you I feel it's going to happen, and to know that I'm not definitely setting myself up for it is a massive help. Also, your emotions at the moment are totally understandable, and it's ok to not feel excited right now, because it takes time. I hope the funeral goes well too.

Buttercup, I am hoping we have something similar in this area (in terms of a mental health midwife) as I really do feel like the extra support would be beneficial. Work wise, I'm an HCA in an inpatient ward, can be very hard work, but I love it, hoping to train up as a mental health nurse in time, as my role is untrained and has a bit of a limit in where it can go.

Ostara, amazing news on your twins, one of each, so exciting!

I'm having another really tough day, finally got the details about my friend's funeral, sadly delayed by the fact that our mutual ex colleagues are neglecting to keep me informed of anything. I am switching from sadness to anger and back again, definitely a low day, but I guess to be expected.
KalonKiki, cross post there, but my preggo app actually did mention men getting depressed during the pregnancy, just the other day, so it is real. I understand the irritation though, but I guess we cant really know how it feels for them, as they can't for us.
Curly I too have had some depression, more anxiety, and they tried medication but it was awful for me, so I have worked through it with out. My dad though can not go without medication. It is not an easy thing to go through at all. I did have PPD with my 2nd and a very small amount with 3rd and 4th, so when #5 came I was very worried that I would have it again so I chose to encapsulate my placenta, as there are tons of testimonies that it greatly helped them. I didn't have any AND they saved my life when I had a delayed PPH, as my hemoglobin was already back up to pre-pg levels, so I didn't need a transfusion. I will definitely be doing it again.

Buttercup It is weird as with my last one I was overly sure that I was having a girl, but I think I was just trying to convince myself he was one. So this time I seem to have found a very calm place, but also feel complete, which I always said I would feel complete once we had my girl. I have always strongly felt I would have a girl since I was very young, so very a long time I just felt something (one) was missing. I feel that the baby that I felt I was missing is finally with us. So if anything I am embracing that!! <3

Ostra that is amazing news!! Congrats on one of each!! :dance:
hello ladies!! please can I join? I'm due the 25th march! hope you're all feeling well. xx
welcome cupcakekate!

ostra - congrats on being both team blue & pink! how exciting!

sorry to the ladies struggling with anxiety and depression :hugs: i, too, suffer from it and at times it can be hard to function. hormones definitely don't help much!
Allforthegirl- I've been interested in encapsulating my placenta this time around. I had such bad baby blues with DD. I did hear someone say that she had it done & would "burp placenta" & that it tasted horrible! That's enough to make me think twice... Any words of wisdom??
Allforthegirl- I've been interested in encapsulating my placenta this time around. I had such bad baby blues with DD. I did hear someone say that she had it done & would "burp placenta" & that it tasted horrible! That's enough to make me think twice... Any words of wisdom??

I didn't have that problem. Maybe once or twice but I find fish oil way way way worse to burp. Maybe it was just the process her was made that made her do that. I just found the benefit to majorly out weight the cons. And was an amazing help for helping increase your milk on days baby is going through a cluster feed.
Oh my days iv written a post 3 times here and each time iv somehow deleted it doh lol

Sorry for those of u suffering at the min, I hope it lifts a little soon and some sunshine enters into ur life x

I'm not doing too bad got to b consultant let because of previous preeclampsia, quad test oct 6th gender scan oct 13th 20 wk scan nov 2nd but the whole process is dragging soooo much!

I know I'm having a boy and finally we have agreed on a name, romain junior (pronounced roman)

H xx

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