March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Sarahlou, I haven't either. My midwife said most first timers feel baby between 18-20 wks.
Lily, my midwife said she would start listening from my 16 week appointment (which will actually be at 17+1 now) so hopefully you'll get to hear something. I've already told OH that he should come to that appointment as he might get to hear it!

I'm having bladder issues over the last few days, sometimes only a trickle appears, despite the fact my bladder is full, and I am going, sometimes, several times an hour, then at other times no problems at all. It doesn't feel (or smell, sorry, but they do stink) like a UTI, and reading suggests this is something that happens with a wonky uterus as it moves up, so it should ease soon, but I am sometimes so uncomfortable with it, just making me a bit grumpy and I wanted to rant. Also terrified of it getting worse, as in my reading there were several people who had to be catheterised with this, and I do not want that :( argh. Sorry, such a rant, but mentally having a bad couple of days too and just wanted to get this off my chest.
Welcome emma33 and congrats on your baby boy :)
Bombshell how is your new job going? Good I hope.
Lily, I have heard the heartbeat at my 16 week appointment with my previous 2 pregnancies but not this time. I had my appointment today and she never offered, though in all honesty I forgot to ask aswell so i'm not sure if she forgot or if they just don't do it at that appointment anymore (i've read on BnB that they don't in some areas/hospitals in the UK) It was 4pm and the mw seemed a bit stressed! :dohh:
SarahLou, I wouldn't worry about not feeling baby yet... I definitely hadn't felt anything with my first at 14 weeks and even though i've been feeling this one for a while now it's definitely not strong or regular movements yet. I usually have to be relaxed to really notice anything which isn't very often with having a 3.5yo and 1yo already lol :wacko:

AFM, had my 16 week (even though i'm actually 17 weeks lol) appointment today and as I mentioned above didn't hear the heartbeat which was a bummer. Even though I have a doppler which i've been using it's nice to hear it on the 'proper' one and be reassured that it sounds OK and all that. Considering ringing my community midwife (the appointment today was at the hospital as they decide on your care plan for pregnancy ie high/low risk) just in case she should have listened to the heartbeat today. My 20 week scan is still 3 weeks away so quite a while to wait. Other than that the appointment went OK, I don't have to see the consultant (had a large hemmorhage during my first labour requiring a transfusion, but my second labour was fine) unless I develop low iron so that's good and she referred me to see the specialist mental health midwife over my low mood/anxiety which is reassuring :thumbup:
Than for all your lovely reassuring messages ladies :flower:

Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks I might just feel something.

I have my 16 weeks appointment booked with the midwife too.
Than for all your lovely reassuring messages ladies :flower:

Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks I might just feel something.

I have my 16 weeks appointment booked with the midwife too.

Hi :) don't worry at all . With my first I only started to notice the " popping " around 18 -20 weeks . I think I only feel it this time and its not regular at all because I'm tuned into it and recognise the feeling from the last time . Otherwise it would ðefinetly go unnoticed ... Start paying attention to any feelings of gas/ wind moving around in your belly ... That show it starts it feels like an air bubble .... But then you notice its regular and then ove true weeks gets stronger :)
Thanks left wonderin :flower: Its nice to know what kind of movements to look out for
Curly I have had that before, with my 2nd to be exact. I didn't know about it until an scan tech told me to empty my bladder and I couldn't. They put a catheter in once but it resolved on its own. Well at least with my bladder. My baby ended up shooting onto my ureter instead which caused other issues. I sure hope you don't have to be catheterized, but it's best for baby really.
Thanks ladies, definitely hope I get to hear baby tmrw. Will ask if not. Shame you didn't get to Buttercup, but at least you have a doppler at home.

Curly, sorry you're not feeling good. Have you been to see your doc? Hope it resolves itself soon, must be uncomfortable. Weird that we are all having such different symptoms but lots the same too.
I first felt my DS move at 17+4 and with this baby I actually just felt movement for the first time a whole 3 weeks sooner at 14+4. It's also my DS's 2nd birthday today so I can't help but feel like the timing is just too perfect. :cloud9: <3

I don't remember if I shared in here that my DH and I finally decided for sure on our girl name. It's Thea Denise. Still no boy names though. :D

I hope that everyone is doing well, I know that a lot of us either have 16 week appointments coming up or just had them. :hugs:

It won't be long now before all of those of us that want to know will know the genders of our babies! It's so exciting to think about. :happydance:
I think I felt this one move the day my nanna passed away (14 weeks 1 day)..... I find comfort in that. Now I feel popping but in the same place all the time. I'm sure it's baby .

Mama fox I hope you get to hear the heartbeat today X
I have my 16 week midwife appointment next week- I'll report back if I hear the heartbeat. I've been listening to it on the doppler for weeks anyway, but it was really good to hear it during my scan on Monday and hear the Dr say that it was a good pace and rhythm as all I do is check to hear it's there!

My midwife told me not to expect to feel anything until 20 weeks, though I'm hoping it happens sooner than that!
Still not feeling much here....not surprising though.

In little over a week we will know what we are having. :yipee:
Still not feeling much here....not surprising though.

In little over a week we will know what we are having. :yipee:

I'm not feeling anything yet either.

I have to wait for my next scan at 20 weeks before I can find out my baby's gender :(
I just can't wait :haha: plus we finally have a place to go to to have privates done. Where as when I was pg with Z you had to travel 5 hours to the closest place for private!!
allforthegirl, I can't wait to find out what you're having!!!

AFM, still waiting on my Progenity results! I was told I can call on Tuesday if they haven't called me by then! Starting to get nervous, but still excited to hear from them!

Oh, and I should add - I think I may have felt baby last night - was just above my pubic bone, felt like a finger poke from the inside. Just once. :cloud9: I sat still and tried for a repeat, but no dice. Oh well.
Help ladies! For the past 2 days, I have at least one point in my day that I just feel like I'm going to fall asleep! Like, I'm talking eyes burning, eyes rolling into the back of my head, constantly yawning, can barely keep my eyes open! It's awful - I am a teacher and I have groups of kids in here! Anyone have any tricks?? It's usually a bit after lunch (although I've had it happen before lunch also!). I'm trying to eat healthy - lots of fruit, some protein, some carbs. Help!
I'm suggest just to move around, kind of try to shake it off a bit? Maybe do a "game" with the kids and jump around a bit with them? :shrug:
Am other little TMI rant, but I am really feeling miserable about this. Bladder issues are definitely not UTI, so must be something to do with uterus moving on the inside. However I feel so uncomfortable, I am now wondering if it's thrush instead/as well. I hate this, I never go to the doctors normally, and I have a life long hatred of having to discuss my more personal areas face to face. I knew being pregnant would really test me, but I thought I could wait a few more months before having to do this stuff.

Sorry ladies, I'm just feeling really down and out of control :(
Yay for more scans! I can't wait to see if we end of having more boys or girls in his group.

Bellarosa I'm a teacher too and the same thing happens to me, especially after lunch. I haven't found anything that works I just have to work through it and I eventually wake back up. It's almost like I am full so my body gets tired trying to digest. If you find something that works let me know.

Curly I'm sorry you're going through this. I am not a fan of doctors either. They usually can only tell me what I already know or can't tell me what I want to know. I hope you get it figured out. It's no fun feeling like you're not in control of your body.
Thinking of you curly. If you're really uncomfortable, get to the dr & get it over with. The sooner the better, so you can put your mind at ease. Hope everything ties out okay!! :hugs:

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