March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Stuck- I'm on mobile so I can't see your location, but are you in the US? Does your hubby watch football? My husband has been glued to his phone because the season started and he looks at player injury updates and game info 24/7. Any chance this is what's going on in your house?

Nope. Not into football enough to keep up with stats or anything...he'll watch it if it's on but he won't go out of his way to do so :/
I need some name help. We were going to name baby boy William Bryant and call him Bryant; however, an issue has come up. It's a very long story buy William is my BIL's name and he and my DH are not getting along right now at all.

So we are wanting to stay away from William but we still want to use a family name. I think we still want to call this baby Bryant but need some combination ideas. Other names we like are James, Max, Thomas, and Zachary. All of which are family names.

Any ideas?

Its really you choice but I think all James, Zachary and Thomas go with Bryant no problem and they are all good strong names :flower:
Mama Lion, I like Zachary Bryant too.

Stuck, hmmm, that's a tough one. It's nice that he answered your calls and txts straight away but the cologne and sleeping with the phone is weird. Did you check his phone? What happened?
Oh stuck :( I hope it's just pregnancy hormones, but I would be feeling pretty unsure about things in that circumstance too. I hope you can get to his phone, and that it shows you're just overreacting (as for once being a preggo mental will be the best outcome).
Bit of a scare Friday. Had some mild AF like cramps. Called OB and they had me come in. Checked baby's HB which was great and my cervix which is exactly as it should be. Had me do a urine test to check for UTI. Told me there was only a minimal amount and most likely wouldn't be a UTI but sending for a culture just in case. Interestingly enough, they told me they found keatones in my urine (Im not diabetic) which indicated I was de-hydrated? Very confused because I thought I have been drinking tons throughout the day...90% of which is water:shrug: So if any of you have cramps, I guess chug water!
Stuck- The cologne thing is what I find odd...good luck hope it turns out to be nothing...I was in a similar situation with an ex boyfriend...I waited for him to take a shower then I jacked his phone
Too excited for 20 wk scan. Counting the days (still 2.5 wks to go!!)

AMP, glad you're ok. How is everyone else doing today? Feeling good I hope xx
Stuck you poor thing . I think we feel especially vulnerable now :( I hope it turns out to be nothing more than hormones and your overactive imagination . Hope your detective work goes to plan and your mind it put at rest after it. Keep us posted xxxx

I like Thomas :) mama lion .
AFM felt lots of popping today :) can't wait for them to get stronger !!!!!! :)
Stuck that's shady behaviour, you're not being paranoid. I'm glad you're going to check his phone. I hope it's nothing. We're here for you if you need anything.
Welcome and congrats cupcakekate! :wave: :flower:

Mama Lion I think that Zachery, Thomas, and James all sound good with Bryant but you should really make Bryant his first name if that's what you intend to call him. I've never seen the point in making the intended name the middle name. It makes it really awkward when they have to sign things and when people accidentally call them by the wrong name. Ultimately what you do with the name is your choice though, that's just my personal opinion, I think that they're all good names.

Stuck I'm sorry that your husband's behavior has been so shady, it's definitely not normal and you have every reason to feel paranoid. I'm not a jealous person and I wouldn't expect my husband to cheat on me for even a second but people don't change their habits so suddenly like that unless there is something going on, whether it turns out to be cheating or not. I really hope that it's something innocent though and not what it looks like. :hugs:
Just wanted to update....I'm just hormonal and crazy.

The number that's been being texted was a man [I called from a blocked number to confirm] I texted DH and asked him to bring home wine (he did! so I'm enjoying a small glass right now) I just broke down and asked him about it...I told him I'm feeling very insecure right now; bloated, fat, pimple-riddled like a 16 year old fry cook, and after all of the hard work at the gym and the boob job I have lost all of the confidence that I gained through that hard work....

I told him that I was scared that something was going on and asked him about the cologne [he wore civilian clothes and didn't realize that I wanted him to wear the cologne around him when we went out together....well duh! Of course I do] and the phone under the covers thing [yeah, I forgot that I told him in anger after I found out that he ate all of the peanut butter yesterday that he needed to set his own damn alarm because this wasn't a hotel. Well he took that to heart and didn't want to be late today!]

I'm an idiot. It's all pregnancy hormones.
Aww stuck I'm so glad everything is ok! We are all allowed hormonal moments during pregnancy. I almost went to a hotel when I was pregnant with Sam because I overreacted so much.
Aww, I'm relieved to hear that it was nothing but hormones. Pregnancy can do a lot to make us feel like we look like crap. I didn't feel that way with my son but with this baby my hair looks terrible and greasy all of the time even after I wash it and I have acne everywhere and I feel fat. :hugs:
So relieved to hear it's nothing stuck. I also share your loss of confidence, I had been putting in a lot of effort to get fitter and was feeling pretty good about how I looked for once, now I too am covered in spots and feel more fat than anything. Hoping this will improve once I can feel babber properly and so feel more pregnant!
Great news Stuck. I know the feeling, been very hormonal and low in confidence with pregnancy and probably a bit clingy with DH because of it. Glad it worked out all ok.
Stuck- glad it's all ok!

I have been lucky with clear skin, and my hair is nice and thick (though a bit frizzy looking around the front/part), but I am definitely feeling fat! Not just my stomach area, but my chin as well!

Some great names- very exciting! I like Bryant- though why as a middle name if that's what he'll be called?
16 week midwife appointment today, a week late, but a good appointment :) heard the heartbeat for the first time, which was amazing, and my fundal height is as it should be. Also mentioned my mental health and I now have an extra appointment in three weeks to just see how I'm doing with that, which is great really.

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