I'm getting a bump now but I still feel like I just look a bit fatter in the belly than usual to most people (am a UK 18-20 anyway so plus size) I didn't gain any extra weight with DD2's pregnancy so I can't blame it on having 2 pregnancies close together as I was the same size before I had her. I still haven't told many people though I think some of the ladies at our toddler group are starting to suspect but won't ask me outright..!

My OH has a job interview tomorrow. He's worked at the same place for 12 years, started when he was 18, and has progressed as much as he can but the company structure has changed a lot over the years (as many have of course) and there have recently been redundancies at the level he could get to next so it feels like if he wants to go further the time has come for him to do that somewhere else. Really hope it works out for him, he'd lose his paid paternity leave for after the baby is born but that's not a deal breaker by any means as he can always just take some annual leave instead.
2 weeks til my 20 week scan, eek! Feeling excited now but also a tad emotional as i'm reaching another pregnancy milestone that i'll never get to experience again. Don't get me wrong i'm looking forward to having my family 'complete' and watching all of our children grow up together but it still feels strange to think i've had my last BFP, 12 week scan etc. I think i'm in a hormonal 'reflective' mood today