March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

So I am a tad emotional...we transitioned dd to her first big girl bed:cry: I know I will have a new baby soon...but she is still my baby! I am soooo proud that she is doing well (first night was a tad difficult but last night she was super!) This pregnancy is our last. I have always only wanted 2 so I am trying to cherish each part of this pregnancy (which is a bit easier this time around as I have only had minimal MS unlike with dd when I was spewing from start until finish) I am happy for the age gap we will have (dd turns 3 in January and this one is due in March) for me that is an ideal gap as I feel I have had a chance to enjoy the big milestone early stages with dd and she will be old enough to "help" with the baby (she is excited to be mommy and daddy's helper for her baby sibling) she talks so well its been great communicating with her and explaining the upcoming changes. Still...she's my baby and its hard to accept that she is now more of a big girl :sigh: ok emotional rant complete. Hope everyone is well!

100% in agreement with you!

We're redoing our guest room for my daughter, to make it her "big girl room." So, she's still in her crib for now... but she's SO EXCITED to get into her new bed, especially now that I bought new girly bedding, etc for her. I just don't want to transition her to the bed before we're done painting the room - last thing I want to do is transition her then go backward, back to the crib! As soon as DH is done redoing our bathroom (his current project) he will be redoing her "big girl room." I'm kind of excited but dreading moving her out of the nursery at the same time. So emotional!!!!
I know! Im just happy SHE is handling the transition well. I feel like I want to cry over all the little things with her right now. I got teary eyed just because she was feeding herself her morning cereal!

The first night she wasnt too thrilled when it was time for bed even though she seemed so excited during the day after her daddy put her bed together (he built the whole thing from scratch at his father's workshop and assembled it at our house) She kept wanting to get up so I told her I was going to sleep in it "no mommy, its mine, daddy built for me" :haha:
I know! Im just happy SHE is handling the transition well. I feel like I want to cry over all the little things with her right now. I got teary eyed just because she was feeding herself her morning cereal!

The first night she wasnt too thrilled when it was time for bed even though she seemed so excited during the day after her daddy put her bed together (he built the whole thing from scratch at his father's workshop and assembled it at our house) She kept wanting to get up so I told her I was going to sleep in it "no mommy, its mine, daddy built for me" :haha:

Awww that's wonderful! My husband is handy too, but so far he's only made her a shelf :haha:

I had such a :cry: night last night because - for the first time - DD requested (cow) milk rather than "na-nas" (breastfeeding). I sobbed as I grabbed a sippy of milk and gave it to her while I rocked her in her room. But, I shouldn't have been too concerned... this morning she asked for "na-nas" again before I went to work :haha: I do feel this is probably the beginning of the end though. She's never missed a night feed! :nope: Just so sad that my little girl is growing up too quickly :cry:
Last night while sitting still on the couch this lo was going bonkers! It really is amazing to feel this little monkey thrashing about as if they are a UFC fighter. I cant wait to be able to feel them on the outside!
I had my friend's funeral today. Babber gave me a little series of kicks/movements after the burial, I like to think it was trying to cheer me up and remind me of all the positivity in the world. Totally with you though AMP, can't wait to be able to feel it in the outside so OH can feel too.
I had my friend's funeral today. Babber gave me a little series of kicks/movements after the burial, I like to think it was trying to cheer me up and remind me of all the positivity in the world. Totally with you though AMP, can't wait to be able to feel it in the outside so OH can feel too.

So sorry for your loss hun:hugs: but at least you got to feel your lo!:winkwink:
Aww Mama Duck I'm terribly sorry for your loss. :hugs: :cry:

Fezzle I'm glad that your Harmony test came back low risk! :happydance:

Aww Mama Tiger. It was pretty hard for me when my DS self-weaned. All of a sudden he hit 15 months and didn't want the boob anymore. I'm hoping to nurse this baby longer. I'm really excited to have another tiny baby to snuggle and nurse again. <3
I haven't felt anything yet either fezzle. I want to feel kicks so bad!!!

I did use my Doppler this morning and baby was all over the place, I could hear her movement and heartbeat. It was pretty neat.

Just stocking up on hurricane supplies in case it actually comes this way. Got twizzlers and spaghettiO's. All set. Ha ha ha

Also stocking for Joaquin in NOVA, they think it will head to the sea, but I just want to be prepared. It hasn't stopped raining today...Still need a few things from Safeway. Yesterday I got an extra case of water at costco. That thing was 40 lbs! 40 16.9 oz bottles (1L).
I didn't think I had a bump yet but one of my students today (high school) asked if I'm pregnant.

I said, "Are you saying I look fat?"

She responded, "No Miss, you're skinny but your stomach is turnt out."

So I guess the bump is bigger than I thought...
So sorry for your loss curly :hugs:

Thanks Kalon. She's nursed twice today so maybe last night was a bit of a fluke... :shrug:

Mew - are you not sharing your news yet? I had a 5th grader ask me a couple weeks ago & just came clean (but also told her that usually even if you suspect it's not polite to go around asking women if they're pregnant! :haha: )
Bella- I'm trying to keep it from the students because I don't want to hear any, "you must be moody today because you're pregnant" from the kids, but administration knows.

It's a good thing I told my supervisor already because right after she asked 4 students said there's a rumor going around that I'm preggo!
So glad I didn't have to hide mine, had a pretty obvious bloat bump from about 10 weeks, it's only got bigger and bigger! There would be no hiding it now, even in the loosest clothing.

Thanks for your kind words too ladies, appreciated :)
I bumped into my hairdresser yesterday and she guessed immediately, first person I haven't told who has asked first so I must be obvious now ;) I'm not keeping it a secret as such but I haven't directly told everyone we know yet, will probably start soon just so people aren't speculating lol!
Curly, hope the funeral went ok and helped you say goodbye to your friend :hugs:
I've told most people or they have guessed. I've quite a bump now but been wearing loose clothes. Hoping to keep it from children at school and parents a bit longer as don't want all the 'when are you leaving?' And 'who will replace you to teach us?' Questions or anxiety from the kids or the start of a 'she's leaving in Feb so she doesn't care' attitude. I'm sure some parents will guess soon through.
Most people I'm close to know but I'd say there are some " is she , isnt she " conversations happening in the wider office . I'm not hiding it but not comfortable making a big announcement especially to those I'm not particularly close to ... They may be ehhh so ! Lol.
I'd say ill have a proper bump by 20 weeks . Last pg I was almost 26 weeks before you could actually tell .
Mew, can't say as I blame you if they're going to act like that about it!!! My (elementary level) kiddos are just super excited for me! They're rubbing my belly every time they see me. If they weren't kiddos that might actually bother me :haha:

I let my principal announce my news officially (and that it's a boy). I had been telling as many teachers as I could (which is a surprisingly awkward conversation to have - "sooooo.... By the way, I'm pregnant" :haha:) but I just wanted the news out & over with. I was surprised to learn some teachers still didn't know/hadn't guessed! One came up to me, congratulated me, & said she didn't even know how she missed my belly, that she guessed she just doesn't look at my stomach when she sees me, but that she should have known bc it's getting obvious! :haha: I do seem to have really popped in the past couple of weeks! I have a small but definite bump. It's nice to sort of be out of dressing for that "did she just gain weight or is she pregnant?" stage!!! (Although, for me, surprisingly, I lost a bit of weight due to MS, and had people complimenting me on weight loss about 3 weeks ago, when I was trying to hide the bloat/bump! Guess they must be really surprised! :haha:)
I've had strangers comment on the bump and been offered seats on public transport. Admittedly I've not been hiding it, but I'm really not sure how I could have anyway, there is certainly no guessing here! What I do get is surprise when people hear how far along I am as they assume I must be much further. I love my megabump, and I have to say I love all the attention it gets! I guess this is the positive side of having been much bigger in the past and carrying all my weight on my stomach, my skin and muscles were prepared for this particular move even though the weight was all gone.
I just have a small bump- small enough that people would be too scared to guess, but those that know already have noticed it. I've told my colleagues at work, but not the students. I have some 3rd year dissertation students that will be now placed with other supervisors or need a new supervisor when I leave, so we're waiting to figure out the plan for them before I tell them. My students are adults though (university), so a bit better about not just asking if they aren't sure!
My husband teaches high school (or as the UK ladies would call it college) English and he's been telling staff and students whenever possible, his students are all really excited for us. :D
Just basically sent a text to my husband saying we're two completely different people and there's nothing more I can do to keep this marriage going. After today I just feel awful. It hurts.

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