March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Oh wow hun hang in there I am sure lo is just fine :hugs:

Been back in hosp again ladies 😥 woke up this morning with red blood in the bed, in the toilet and when I wiped, went to epu cervix is closed which is good but couldn't scan me! Went to the toilet and nothing when I wee but was when I wiped and pinkish... Drove for miles to get a private scan, saw baby move, heart rate 148bpm and conf I'm having a boy, got home been to the toilet and again there when I wiped with a teeny tiny clot... I'm so stressed out its ridiculous iv got to go back into
Hosp tomorrow at 150pm
H xx
Oh big belly, hope you and little one are ok. That must be so stressful. But good that hb was ok and scan was fine. Thinking of you.

Dawn, glad your 16 weeker was all good too.

Mama Hen, lovely announcement pics, so cute.

I'm 19+1 and counting hours til my 20 wk scan. A bit worried they'll tell me the wrong gender! It happens pretty often from what I hear and not planning any more scans after this one. Anyone been told wrong gender by mistake? How sure can they be at 20 weeks?!

I do believe they are pretty sure at 20 weeks, but I do know that last year a friend of mine was told,girl at 20 weeks and then got a private scan later in pregnancy and was told boy ...after she had already bought everything. Her little boy is about to turn 1 in a few days. So I will say it definitely does and could happen, but think it's mostly your ultrasound tech and their knowledge as well.
Bigbelly I hope that everything turns out okay. I've known some women that had bleeding throughout their pregnancies and went on to have healthy babies. Great news that your cervix is closed and baby's heartbeat is strong. :hugs:

Beautiful photos, Mama Hen! <3

Mama Fox there is only about a 1-2% chance that the gender prediction will be inaccurate at the ultrasound after 18 weeks. Most of the time when gender predictions are wrong is when people get private scans prior to the 18 week mark, but most of those people find out at their anatomy scan that they're actually having the opposite gender. It used to be common for ultrasounds to be wrong back when the technology was still fairy new but with how far ultrasound technology has come in this day and age it is incredibly unlikely that you'll be given the wrong gender at your anatomy scan. For most babies genitalia is completely formed by 20 weeks. I found out with my DS at 18 weeks and he was a very obvious little boy, there was absolutely no mistaking his gender. I'll be finding out with this baby at 18 weeks as well. :D
16 week appointment for me with the midwife in the morning. Hopefully all is well.
Hi ladies!

NDH - beautiful pics!

Big belly - you're in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear everything checked out okay. I've heard of many women who have bled throughout pregnancy and had everything be fine, but it does really sound worrisome! :hugs:

As for gender stuff, I've heard of stories of people being told the wrong one at a 20 week ultrasound... but nobody close to me. The closest I know is my sister-in-law's friend. She was told girl, bought everything girl, painted the room pink, and BAM - ended up being a boy! But, it can't be all that common if I've only personally heard of it once... at least, that's what I figure. I admit, I'd be afraid of that myself though. I'm fairly confident this one is a boy since they found the y chromosomes in my blood - no other reason for y chromosomes to be present since my last child was a girl :haha:

As for the stroller talk - what exactly is a buggy board?? Wondering if we have them and call them something else here in the states? DD will be almost 3 when this LO is born. As of right now, DD only uses her stroller when we take walks up the street (sometimes - sometimes she prefers to walk, ride her scooter, or go in her wagon). We also use the stroller for bigger outings (i.e. - the Zoo, the Aquarium, any outing that she may get tired).

When she was really little, I loved my Graco "snap and go" style stroller - just snapped the infant carrier right into it and off I went! I plan on doing more babywearing this time around, because I don't even know how I can make that work with a toddler.... That's why I was thinking maybe a sit and stand so that I can snap LO into it and DD will have a bench seat in the back to sit (or stand) if she gets tired. Only issue is, it's not a really comfy place to lounge, so I don't know if that will work for the big trips (i.e. - Zoo). I just don't know what we need!!!!! Maybe I should wait until we actually need it instead of trying to anticipate what we *might* need ahead of time. Strollers are expensive!!!
Thanks ladies, I'm so stressed I feel really sick and it's all I can think about!
I've got pressure downstairs and it feels like I'm about to come on, (like I'm full of period). I had a long warm bath earlier and iv been to the toilet about 10 times but no more bleeding, just less and less pinkish until nothing. I feel like I'm on my period and have something leaking though...
I have a hosp appointment at 150pm tomorrow and I'm petrified, I know I saw his hb and him move but I can't see as to why this would be happening unless it was bad news? &#55357;&#56866;&#55357;&#56851;
Keep ur fingers crossed for me pls
H xx
bigbelly, do you know the position of your placenta?, is it low perhaps could that be causing the bleeding? I know you say your feeling uncomfortable like your going to start your period, could this be stretching pains maybe?, just hazarding at guesses really.
I really hope your appointment tommorow goes well.

BellaRose - a buggy board is kind of like a step with wheels that attaches to the back of your pram (stroller), then the older child can stand on it and gets pushed along as you push the pram. I guess it relies on you being sure the older one will stand on it without trying to run off (not sure if my son will), but it helps rest their legs on long walks. I do believe you can buy them with seats on too, but i guess thats probably more relevant if your first child is younger and may want to sit down.
Fx for you, bigbelly! Sorry you're having all this stress- hope is all ok!
Oh big belly massive hugs!!! :hugs: I bet if anything they will just recommend rest. I'm sure everything is ok :hugs:

Mama Fox the 20 week scan is usually pretty on as long as baby is cooperating. I hope they don't screw up for your sake ;)
I found out with both my girls at 20 weeks and was told the correct gender. I don't personally know anyone who was told one gender at 20 weeks and had the other but I know it happens sometimes. I don't think it's very common, just the instances that do happen tend to become a bit 'legendary' so it can seem like everyone knows a friend of a friend's aunt it happened to iykwim ;)
My sister when having twins was told one was definitely a boy but they couldn't see the gender of the other . She prepared for a boy ... Fast forward c section one girl emerges she thinks one of each .... 2nd baby out another girl !! She thinks hang on says to obgyn I was told I'm having a boy .. He goes back in to check their wasn't a third !!!! They got the sex wrong !!!! No boy !!! And no triplets ;) lol..
The place I went at 14+4 has some of the best equipment in the country, they can give you HD images and they are confident in their skills in determining the sex. I have only bought a few girly outfits so far, but the three white lines were pretty obvious. I figure I will let the MFM ultrasound be the double check, I won't tell them we already know, I don't want to bias the tech. I have a week until the anatomy ultrasound, if the elective was wrong I can gift the outfits to my sister if she has a girl.
Im a little nervous now about my 20 week scan at the hospital. In case they get my baby's gender wrong. I wouldn't want to buy all the stuff I need then have to go back and buy again :wacko: I want pinks or blues for most things really.

Maybe a 4d scan would be easier?? :shrug:
ok ladies by 20 weeks 95% of all babies are finished development with external genitalia. It is pretty hard to mess it up by that point. Now I know that there is always the exception to the rule, but that usually has to do with baby not cooperating (crossing legs or cord in the way), or with an inexperienced ultrasound tech. So if you are worried then make sure you tell the tech that not to tell you if they aren't 100% sure. That way you can stay team :yellow: without disappointment, and choose for a later 3D scan if willing. So if your tech is 100% sure you are having one or the other then I am sure you will be fine.
allforthegirl - That is a really good way to do it, I never thought of it that way before :dohh:
thought i would update you all, i met the consultant today and they did another scan which showed he was very much alive and kicking, he was having a little party in my belly and wouldnt keep still lol

hb was 144, all measurements were spot on and they were happy.
They have said that the edge of my placenta is slightly going over my cervix and that may have caused the bleeding but they cannot be sure.FL is 20.5mm lol teeny tiny lol

They seemed quite happy but have still given me a leaflet titled threatened miscarriage and said any other bleeding i need to go back into hospital and get it checked out, may be something, may be nothing, i think this is going to be a bit of a long road!!
thanks for your thoughts and prayers il keep you all updated
h xx

bigbelly, do you know the position of your placenta?, is it low perhaps could that be causing the bleeding? I know you say your feeling uncomfortable like your going to start your period, could this be stretching pains maybe?, just hazarding at guesses really.
I really hope your appointment tommorow goes well.

BellaRose - a buggy board is kind of like a step with wheels that attaches to the back of your pram (stroller), then the older child can stand on it and gets pushed along as you push the pram. I guess it relies on you being sure the older one will stand on it without trying to run off (not sure if my son will), but it helps rest their legs on long walks. I do believe you can buy them with seats on too, but i guess thats probably more relevant if your first child is younger and may want to sit down.
I guess that's true. Hope it's all clear to see.

Feeling like walking dead today after a relatively high energy week. Chest rash still bad, backache, headache, dodgy stomach and generally exhausted. Just so glad its Friday! And only 2 more weeks til half term!

Hope everyone else is ok?
Glad you and little fella are alright big belly. Hopefully no more bleeds but at least you know they will be keeping a very close eye on you.
Big belly, glad everything looks ok right now, hope it continues, sounds like little man is quite the fighter in there! On the plus side, you've had some extra scans, I know it would be better to have no bleeding, but it's a small silver lining.

I'm having a really positive day, been really down the past few days, so that's been tough, but seems to be on the up again now. Babber is really active now, I feel it multiple times a day, and it's been every day for the past week, it's even starting to develop a bit of a pattern. Also, I am developing a proper craving for Philly cheese! I feel like I could eat an entire tub or two!
So glad all was well at your scan today bigbelly. Your little man is already keeping you on your toes. Xxxx

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