Ladies, my sister in law just gave birth to her baby boy on Saturday! We met him for the first time yesterday - oh my goodness, just makes me so excited to meet my own little boy in 4 short months! I can't stand the cuteness!!!! And my DD was just SO excited - she was crushed that she couldn't hold him!
My sis in law had a really rough delivery - (made me SO upset for her - broke down into tears a few times just hearing about it, and again a few times after seeing her and the baby). Anyway, it also reminded me of my own rough delivery with my DD.... and makes me really feel like I need to get a move on with reading material &/or research.
I'm set on having a natural, unmedicated birth (which I also had with DD) but I'll admit I was MISERABLE during contractions & just wanted an epidural (which I couldn't get because I labored too quickly - but that's not what was rough - afterward was the rough part). Anyway, I really want to go natural again - I know I can do it, since I've done it once before, but I'm hoping to learn some techniques on coping with my contractions, so I'm a little less miserable this time around... as well as anything to keep me from tearing this time around (which is what caused the rough part for me last time around - long story short, I required vaginal surgery, was put out & lost A LOT of blood, requiring 2 blood transfusions...)
Totally open to suggestions if any of you have experienced or read anything you think would be helpful!!!
Hope everyone else is well