March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Congrats Chrissy and clapper on team blue, boys rule in March it seems!!

SarahLou, my OH has never been super interested in any of my pregnancies to be honest but he's a really good dad once they arrive. I think some men just find it easier than others to get excited before baby arrives.

As for the birth, erm trying not to think about it too much yet lol! My last labour was fast, no time for any decent pain relief, and I'm such a wimp! Hated gas and air it made me want to fall asleep last time (very bizarre when you're contracting I must say!) so I don't know what I'll do this time, controlled breathing and staying upright/active seems like my best bet. Hoping to avoid a third induction or at least not be continuously monitored unless absolutely necessary, being stuck on a bed in labour is awful without decent pain relief.
Buttercup I agree about being stuck to a bed not working well for pain relief. Unless of course you are on the epidural. :thumbup:
Sarah, my husband was like that for our first. I felt like he wasn't even 100% sure that he was ready to be a daddy yet, even though our babies have been completely planned. But, this time around, I feel like he's so much more excited, because of our DD and how much he adores her - he just knows he will adore this little guy too.

NDH, I've been thinking more and more about what I'm going to put into my birth plan, including delayed cord clamping, the eye medicine, skin to skin, when to first breastfeed, etc. I didn't know having them do the checks while she's on me is even an option!

I plan to ask my doctor or midwife what the hospital allows (yes, I'm still sometimes seeing a midwife, but she's new to the practice and actually DOESN'T deliver babies - which I think is odd, but whatever). Last time, the birth plan went out the window. I never even took it out of my bag. But, I really didn't have much time. The midwife just kept telling me to stay home & I showed up and gave birth shortly after.

I felt horrible when my sister asked, months later, if I had the eye medicine for my DD, and I couldn't even tell her. I was so out of it that I had no idea what happened to her after I gave birth (after they took her off my chest).
Chrissy, congrats on your healthy baby boy!

Sarah, some times I feel like OH hasn't really let it sink in that we are having a baby (both FTP), sometimes I feel like *I* haven't let it sink in for myself *shrug* Maybe it will start to feel more real and interesting to him once you decide on a name. It took OH a little bit, up until the anatomy scan I think, for him to get excited. That being said he was excited about it since my BFP. Men have different ways of showing themselves, don't take it personally dear.
Chrissy05 - Congrats on your little boy :flower:

Is it just my OH or do any of your partners not seem as interested in the baby as much as we are??? My OH doesn't seem to want to look at baby stuff at all or baby names... If I pick up an outfit and sit going aww how cute, He just not soft at all :(

My hubby is always like that:wacko:
You learn new things everyday! I also didn't know they could do the check ups on you?

Also, what are the benefits of delaying cord clamping?

I actually started having panic attacks in the middle of the night thinking about giving birth. I really wanted to go completely natural this time but I'm terrified, honestly. But I'm also terrified of the epidural lmao I may have scared myself silly recently by watching the process of placing the epidural.

I'm going to be screwed either way I know it. Better ask for Ativan the moment I get in there - maybe that'll be enough to go med free besides the benzo ;)
Yeah one of our first Vdays :) congratulations :) its such a milestone !!!

My oh is as laid back as they come and keeps telling me we have plenty of time to plan , buy , talk names ect !!!
Bella I'm so glad you're thinking about options :) You can also discuss your birth plan with your providers in advance so they will hopefully be remembering what your preferences are when the time comes. And leave a copy out where others can read it even if it happens fast again and you don't have a chance to discuss it after you arrive. I didn't have a chance either with my second one, but my mom had thought to leave my birth plan out on the table before she left, and at one point while I was pushing my midwife told me how far she had gotten up to in my birth plan so I was really glad to hear that they had read it unprompted.

Bombshell - here is a great article on the benefits of delayed cord clamping
Maybe its just a man thing then, They must think different than us women. I will try not to worry about it for now.

Well me an OH have managed to narrow down our little boys first name to three choices... He will either be Harry, Oscar or Charlie :flower:
Hi ladies.

Hope you are all well.

It's been a busy but uneventful few weeks here. I don't seem to have had my energy return so still very tired and drained. Isaac is very demanding of my attention, this is a new thing. He used to play very happily alone but now he wants me to chase round after him with his cars, I struggle with this as my pelvis hurts a lot at the moment and I also don't want him to get used to 100% of my attention all the time as I'm never going to sustain that with a newborn.
In other news Isaac does seem happier about the baby idea and now spontaneously talks about his baby brother, this is a good thing and he seems to be understanding more what a new brother means.
Bella I'm so glad you're thinking about options :) You can also discuss your birth plan with your providers in advance so they will hopefully be remembering what your preferences are when the time comes. And leave a copy out where others can read it even if it happens fast again and you don't have a chance to discuss it after you arrive. I didn't have a chance either with my second one, but my mom had thought to leave my birth plan out on the table before she left, and at one point while I was pushing my midwife told me how far she had gotten up to in my birth plan so I was really glad to hear that they had read it unprompted.

Bombshell - here is a great article on the benefits of delayed cord clamping

NDH, are you planning on waiting 2 minutes or until the cord stops pulsing? I'm not sure what to do there. The article you attached for Bombshell was helpful - but didn't seem to address whether there was a significant benefit in waiting versus clamping at 2 minutes. Do you have any knowledge on this? Just wondering :)
Maybe its just a man thing then, They must think different than us women. I will try not to worry about it for now.

Well me an OH have managed to narrow down our little boys first name to three choices... He will either be Harry, Oscar or Charlie :flower:

The latter two of those are my cats names :) I can confirm that they are lovely to say and work well in the tone of voice needed when they're misbehaving!

I am starting to struggle physically now, knackered from the weight of my bump (still huge, will it ever slow down) my job is exhausting me and I can't wait to come off the ward and get to sit down, despite the fact that I hate desk jobs!

Discovered last night that if I lay in bed (on my back, tut tut) I can see my bump changing shape and twitching with movements. I have never felt love like it!
Bella I'm so glad you're thinking about options :) You can also discuss your birth plan with your providers in advance so they will hopefully be remembering what your preferences are when the time comes. And leave a copy out where others can read it even if it happens fast again and you don't have a chance to discuss it after you arrive. I didn't have a chance either with my second one, but my mom had thought to leave my birth plan out on the table before she left, and at one point while I was pushing my midwife told me how far she had gotten up to in my birth plan so I was really glad to hear that they had read it unprompted.

Bombshell - here is a great article on the benefits of delayed cord clamping

NDH, are you planning on waiting 2 minutes or until the cord stops pulsing? I'm not sure what to do there. The article you attached for Bombshell was helpful - but didn't seem to address whether there was a significant benefit in waiting versus clamping at 2 minutes. Do you have any knowledge on this? Just wondering :)

I will be waiting until the cord stops pulsing though I honestly don't know if there is significant further benefit from waiting until the blood stops flowing completely. Since I plan on keeping the placenta though it will make for easier cleanup if baby gets all the blood first. Placenta encapsulators can always tell if a placenta was cut immediately, after 2 minutes or after it stopped pulsing by how much blood is left in it/
Curly, I'm feeling huge and heavy too. Started getting back ache which is sore at the end of the day. Think sitting on small chairs and constantly moving about the classroom doesn't help and need to be more aware of my posture. Otherwise feeling good.

Hope you are all well.
Anyone still on team MS?

Not to mention my libido has absolutely plummeted. Feels extra-sensitive and painful down there.
The past week I've pretty much been on bedrest because I'm too sore and exhausted to do anything else.

Hope you ladies are having much more fun than I am!
My MS hasn't come back, but my heartburn has kicked up a notch! Also weird and sometimes scary dreams have increased lately too.
Indigestion ... Exhaustion ... Still waiting for second tri energy to come !! At this rate the third will be here before it !!!
I've had no rush of energy, but only sporadically completely exhausted, so that was better than first tri! No MS though, thankfully, and my libido is up up up! I have an active sex drive for the first time in my life, OH is loving it!

I cannot get enough dairy again this past few weeks, preggo book says babby is turning cartilage in to bone, so that makes sense!

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