March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Lily, i'm guessing your gtt was all clear? I'm a little nervous about mine now as I was measuring 2 weeks ahead at my 25 week midwife appointment today which has never happened in my previous 2 pregnancies. I know it's not necessarily accurate but I do strongly feel like this baby will be bigger than my girls and they were 9lbs 4oz and 9lbs 7oz! Also re crib vs moses basket, we have a small swinging crib which my cousin gave us for DD1 and it's been great, especially as we have long babies who would no doubt have outgrown a moses basket within weeks! We didn't keep either of the girls in with us for the recommended 6 months, more like 3, but I think most babies would fit in a crib until close to 6 months if needed :thumbup:
Daisy, that sounds like a great idea (preparing meals in advance) We don't have much freezer space but i'm planning on making some 'dump bags' for the slow cooker (literally all the ingredients for a dish in one bag and frozen, you just brown the meat first) as i've read a lot about them working well on budgeting groups and you can stack quite a few in there so they don't take up too much space :)
mewolkens, I know what you mean! I think everyone who wants to know the gender knows it by now but as you say it's too early to be desperate to go into labour etc :dohh:
My mood has been fairly stable lately which is good and baby is moving soo much in there! I swear my other 2 weren't this active or this strong at this stage, wondering how much stronger he/she is going to get considering I still have 15 weeks or so to go! I visited my best friend's new baby boy today and when I was having a cuddle my youngest was giving him the most jealous look i've ever seen from a 14 month old :haha: She gets jealous of OH's niece aswell so i'm thinking we could be in for some 'fun' when the new baby arrives :winkwink:
Buttercup, no results on the glucose test yet. If they don't call me within a week then I'm in the clear.

Baby very wriggly at the moment, very low down.

Thanks for the tip on the crib, I think they are a bit bigger and will be better.
mewolkens, Definitely feeling like I'm in limbo! No scans, no tests (GTT upcoming Dec 11th at 28 wks), just feeling baby kick and wriggle around. Feeling third tri looming over me

Buttercup too funny about your LO! Hopefully they embrace the idea of a baby brother or sister. Have you told them about the arrival yet?

Mama Fox hoping all goes well with your GTT test. What kind of drink did you have?

AFM--Just got back from MW appt. Measuring 26 cm and weight is on track with 1 lb a week since last visit :happydance: Zodi's HB was 150 and they were head down face down.
MW says that the abdominal pain I have been experiencing right near my navel is from the abdominis rectus muscles separating :shock: Not RL pain. Now it is good idea to start toning the abdominal muscles and she gave me a little handout with stretches/exercises on them.
Picked up some RLT and will be sipping on it daily now. Looking forward to spending Thanksgiving at the beach! We will be having a nice salmon dinner for Thurs :~)
Good to hear we are all still out there, I kept looking at the thread so quiet and not wanting to be the first to break the silence!
Glad everyone is doing alright too, although Daisy, that sounds painful!
I too feel a little in limbo, my wriggler seems happy and settled and nothing is too new atm, I did freak out a little when thinking about my mat leave starting though, so close! How long are people planning to take before baby?
I went swimming today (well, yesterday, currently at my 1am insomnia phone time), so unfit, but good to get the bump weight supported and actually do something!
MamaDuck, swimming sounds like a great idea! Maybe I will go to the gym tonight. It is a little painful but it just feels like RL pain right in the center of my abdomen as opposed to the sides. Kind of like when you get your navel pierced, it feels very sore there when you stretch.

Any big plans for the holidaze?
Mama Duck- I'm in the US so I unfortunately only get unpaid leave. Basically there's a decent chance of my water breaking in front of a room full of students because I'll be at work until the end.
My eldest is so excited about the baby. I just have to share. :)
Last night when I was putting them to bed she made up a song which she sang to my belly to make the baby go to sleep <3. And we just got our minivan back (after five weeks in the shop) and she was telling us where to put the car seats and insisted the baby's seat will go beside her so she can hold her hand and sing to her.

A couple weeks ago too she told me that when I'm having the baby she's going to sit on a chair beside me and rub my back :cloud9: (I am having a homebirth and they are allowed to be present if they wish, which my eldest is very keen on.)
We have an offer from a friend to use her Moses basket, so that's what we're going to try. Actually we've had two offers- I think babies outgrow them so quickly people are keen to pass them on!

Not much going on here either other than enjoying the kicks. DH still hasn't felt one but he's so impatient with leaving his hand on me to feel one. I have my next midwife appointment on Wed. so that'll be the next event. Tomorrow's v-day for me though I still think the dating is off and she's not as far along as her dates! Has anyone's belly button popped out? I have a really deep one so it's still very much an innie, but it seems shallower.

We're off for a night away this weekend- not a big baby moon since we've already had a honeymoon plus another big holiday this year!
Yay! We're back! Glad everyone is ok, although Daisy, that navel pain sounds sore :(

Thanks for crib/moses basket tips. If anyone else has any advice, happy to hear it :)

Glucose drink was kind of orangey and very sweet but gloopy and thick which wasn't nice but only a small cup ful so not too bad. Good luck to those with it coming up.

Mama Duck, swimming feels great right? You just feel light and calm. Never really liked it before but great when you feel heavy and a bit achey.

Ndh, so cute with your oldest :) she will be a great help I'm sure.
Mama Duck- I'm in the US so I unfortunately only get unpaid leave. Basically there's a decent chance of my water breaking in front of a room full of students because I'll be at work until the end.

Same here. Do you have annual leave and sick leave to help you get paid during your time off? I'm currently working lots of overtime to save up so I get paid for 6 weeks. I hope anyway. I'm hoping to stay at work until March 9 at least.
I had 90 days of sick leave saved up, then moved to a different state. I now get 2 sick days a month that add up. I'm making midwife appointments outside the school day to try and save them, but even then I'll only have 2 weeks saved.
We borrowed crib for our room and moses basket for downstairs but brought new matresses for both. He went in moses basket about 6 times, was just too long for it and he outgrew the crib by 4 weeks so was in his own room after that.
If I honestly didn't think the health visitor would gave heart failure id put this baby in there own room from the start as no room in our room for cot, but as it happens we are borrowing the crib again, will buy new mattress again...... I think cribs are generally bigger so if you can fit one it's probably better than moses basket. X

Where is everyone?

What are your thoughts on Moses basket vs crib? Our room is too small for a cot but could fit a small crib for first months in with us.

Hope everyone is well :)
I don't understand how you US ladies can manage, it's absolutely ridiculous, I am trying to figure out how we can cope financially with 39 weeks of various levels of money and 6-8 weeks totally unpaid, and you guys get basically sod all.

Fezzle, my belly button has gone tiny, but will hopefully not pop out totally, as it was cavernous before and I fear it would look like a witches finger!

Our babber will have use of a snuzpod, courtesy of a kind friend. Hoping it can stay in there a bit, I'd keep it in our room for at least a year if I could.
Hey ladies,
We'll be attaching an ikea crib with one side removed to the side of our bed. Our two year old is still in the bed with us and shows no desire to have it any other way so we will have to keep them separated from each other.

My glucose test is Wednesday. I'm not worried but that stuff is nasty. As far as maternity leave, I'm in the US so I'll be working up until my due date. But I'll get about 5 months since I get summer off. We tried for March for this specific reason.

Anyone else's husband being difficult with names? I've put my foot down about calling our child by their middle name. It just creates unnecessary difficulty. I told him he can name the baby anything he wants but we will call him by his first name. Now he won't even discuss names.
anyone else not able to keep a bra on ? lol I feel like I'm being suffocated. I have my correct size and even the maternity bras are horrid.
anyone else not able to keep a bra on ? lol I feel like I'm being suffocated. I have my correct size and even the maternity bras are horrid.

I haven't worn a bra since I grew out of my original size. Sometimes I'll rock a sports bra when I'm sore but surprisingly I'm very comfortable
I had 90 days of sick leave saved up, then moved to a different state. I now get 2 sick days a month that add up. I'm making midwife appointments outside the school day to try and save them, but even then I'll only have 2 weeks saved.

I'm sorry, that's horrible. Will you qualify for FMLA? I work for the state so I'm a bit better off then some but it definitely isn't ideal. DH doesn't want me to return to work after my mat leave but it's just unrealistic.
We've always done the side car as I love sleeping with my babies (at 2 and almost 4 I'm still sleeping with them for most of the night, but in their bed now) and we just have a double bed which just isn't enough room for us to sleep safely with baby. But we recently moved house and our bedroom here isn't big enough for a side car setup so I'm not sure what we'll do. I'm thinking of getting a hammock though and still have baby in with us and have easy access for night feeds, but with a separate sleeping space.
I had 90 days of sick leave saved up, then moved to a different state. I now get 2 sick days a month that add up. I'm making midwife appointments outside the school day to try and save them, but even then I'll only have 2 weeks saved.

I'm sorry, that's horrible. Will you qualify for FMLA? I work for the state so I'm a bit better off then some but it definitely isn't ideal. DH doesn't want me to return to work after my mat leave but it's just unrealistic.

I have 12 weeks available, they're just unpaid. I'm going to take 6 weeks off, 4 unpaid, then my Mom will watch baby until the end of the school year. It'll be nice to have the summer together before daycare next year.
OMG I couldn't imagine going back to work only after 6 weeks.....:sad1: I just don't think it is right for mother or baby.....

In Canada we get a full year (or more if you have banked some sick days) paid at a portion of our wage (or more if your company tops up) as long as we were working the previous year for at least 600 hours. It isn't much for money, but the time I would never give up.

I was beside myself when one time I had to return earlier(a little over a month) to work because I had to leave early due to the fact I wasn't physically able to do the job anymore at that point. My heart breaks for all of you that are going back to work so soon....

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