jbell, I can totally understand wanting to stay home on xmas day. We're visiting my parents and sister for dinner, partly as my mum always cooks (me and my sister help) and it saves me the hassle of doing the lion's share of it at home with 2 small children, plus she does a better xmas dinner than me anyway

However, we're not under any pressure to go and they'd understand if we wanted to stay at home instead. As far as other holiday plans go my OH's parents are divorced so we visit his mum on xmas eve and have Chinese takeout and then his dad's family and great grandparents on boxing day and go out to a local restaurant for a meal. My aunt normally has a get together with more family between boxing day a new year aswell!
Fezzle, good to hear you're having regular monitoring now after your scare with the heartbeat. Fc baby girl will continue to grow healthy and strong in there

Daisy, I hope you're doing OK. You'll be an amazing mother whether that's in a partnership or going it alone

Lily, we had the Angelcare (same one) for both girls as OH wanted one with a sensor mat and it's been great so we'll use it for this one aswell but we also bought a BT for OH's sister and she's been really happy with that too. It doesn't have a mat but it does have good sound quality and a nice lullaby function which you can activate from the parent unit

Congrats on team pink apaki!
Hope you US ladies all had a lovely Thanksgiving and those who participated in black Friday got some good bargains

Schuh had a sale on so I got myself some shoes for xmas (I tend to just buy my own xmas gifts and OH and my parents just give me the money!) and some summer sandals for both girls. I also managed to get my towels and frying pan from Debenhams

Ooh and i've very nearly finished my xmas shopping, just some food gifts to get and that's it!