March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Daisy, I'd debated calling them, perhaps I will do so, I just don't want to seem like a worrier I guess! Also the crying was when I was feeling very low, I was expecting a different midwife too, it just got on top of me a little, so I sobbed at her for over half an hour, whoops.
jbell, I can totally understand wanting to stay home on xmas day. We're visiting my parents and sister for dinner, partly as my mum always cooks (me and my sister help) and it saves me the hassle of doing the lion's share of it at home with 2 small children, plus she does a better xmas dinner than me anyway :winkwink: However, we're not under any pressure to go and they'd understand if we wanted to stay at home instead. As far as other holiday plans go my OH's parents are divorced so we visit his mum on xmas eve and have Chinese takeout and then his dad's family and great grandparents on boxing day and go out to a local restaurant for a meal. My aunt normally has a get together with more family between boxing day a new year aswell!
Fezzle, good to hear you're having regular monitoring now after your scare with the heartbeat. Fc baby girl will continue to grow healthy and strong in there :)
Daisy, I hope you're doing OK. You'll be an amazing mother whether that's in a partnership or going it alone :hugs:
Lily, we had the Angelcare (same one) for both girls as OH wanted one with a sensor mat and it's been great so we'll use it for this one aswell but we also bought a BT for OH's sister and she's been really happy with that too. It doesn't have a mat but it does have good sound quality and a nice lullaby function which you can activate from the parent unit :)
Congrats on team pink apaki!
Hope you US ladies all had a lovely Thanksgiving and those who participated in black Friday got some good bargains :thumbup: Schuh had a sale on so I got myself some shoes for xmas (I tend to just buy my own xmas gifts and OH and my parents just give me the money!) and some summer sandals for both girls. I also managed to get my towels and frying pan from Debenhams :thumbup: Ooh and i've very nearly finished my xmas shopping, just some food gifts to get and that's it! :happydance:
Black Friday accomplished! I saved $500 on a new mattress! I also have all my Christmas shopping for Sam and DH done and didn't even have to leave the house! BAM!
Thanks Buttercup and Dawn. Which Angel care do you recommend?

Bought a few black Friday things, mostly Christmas presents but also a new born cocoon for our pram (as we aren't having a carry cot) and some wall stickers for the nursery- both half price at mamas and papas. Love a bargain!
I'm extremely irritable this last week ... Anyone else ???? My poor oh

Yes!! I've been snapping at hubs over the dumbest things. Thank goodness for the men who put up with us!

my DH and I have been arguing as well - I'm annoyed and irritated with his constant gaming. he doesn't sleep anymore, he doesn't spend time with me, he doesn't help with the puppy HE wanted. i have to give her away for my sanity. my temper has not been good, my patience with my daughter hasn't been good and it is due to all of this stress. DH spends money like wild, and we're left with overdrafts. I'm breaking down
I have my days that I can lose my $h*t on a drop of a hat, specially with my boys getting ready for school and such. My DH well I have gotten good at ignoring him when he wants to just sit in front of his game....It has been a long battle with his gaming....

I have been suffering really bad with a sinus just feels like it is getting worse with each day. I just want to take something stronger....I have been doing sinus cleanses, taking a little bit extra vitC, tylenol, and drinking hot water and honey. If I am stilling getting worse I will be going into the Dr for something.

Anyone else's hips sore? Mine are horrible now, but I was at work yesterday and was on my feet more often than usual.
I had a bit of a scary episode this morning. I was standing at the counter at work, just standing there writing something and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't get enough air. I felt lightheaded and sitting down didn't really help unless I leaned forward a bit. Finally after like 10 minutes it went away but it was scary. Anyone else have anything similar happen?
Allforthegirl - yes to hip pain, started up last week, not pleasant at all.

I'm not irritable, but seem to be more irritating than normal, somehow I seem to be really blunt and keep upsetting people - whoops!
That sounds scary, never experienced it. Are you maybe over tired or possibly coming down with something. If it happens again definitely talk with a dr about it x x

I had a bit of a scary episode this morning. I was standing at the counter at work, just standing there writing something and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't get enough air. I felt lightheaded and sitting down didn't really help unless I leaned forward a bit. Finally after like 10 minutes it went away but it was scary. Anyone else have anything similar happen?
AMP, I've been having some light headed spells, but I think it's because my blood pressure has gone down 20 points in a month. Pregnancy is weird.

On a happy note, I've started on Magnesoum supplements and I've gone from having 20+ bh a day to only 5 or 6. I feel sooo much better.
I had a bit of a scary episode this morning. I was standing at the counter at work, just standing there writing something and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't get enough air. I felt lightheaded and sitting down didn't really help unless I leaned forward a bit. Finally after like 10 minutes it went away but it was scary. Anyone else have anything similar happen?

If you are standing for a bit and not moving sometimes the blood goes down to our legs and has troubles getting back up so it can cause us to be lightheaded. Best way to fix that is to lay down with your legs above your heart. Scary but normal. I get like that at times where I can't even lift my hands above my head without my BP to drop and I feel light headed. Even my belly will feel like it is 100 pounds out of nowhere too. :shrug:
AMP that sounds very scary and intense! Like allforthegirl said it's just the blood having a hard time traveling back to the heart and pooling in your extremities. Sometimes I will be sitting and suddenly feel the need to breathe very deeply but never like I can fill my lungs. That might also be the baby pressing against your diaphragm which could compensate lung capacity...

mewolkens I have heard that magnesium can help with BH and cramps. It's also really good for sleep and bones. Glad you found something natural that works for you, that's got to be a huge relief.

AFM, OH and I are on an extended break. Going to take some time to recollect myself walking around the woods and listening to music (staying at my mom's house again). Just need some time to focus on how much I love this baby. Too much stress about our living situation to the point when we came back home from the beach I just started bawling. Feeling a little disheveled and uncertain about a lot of things and just need some space to reorganize.
Oh ladies, it doesn't sound too happy in here. Hope hormones, aches and pains and stressful situations calm down soon.

Had really achey hips too. Not pleasant but ok.
Hasn't happened again since. I talked to my cousin and she said this happened to her a few times when she was pregnant with her son. Sometimes it was low blood pressure, others it was because he was literately nestled up into her lung! (sonogram proved it)

That sounds scary, never experienced it. Are you maybe over tired or possibly coming down with something. If it happens again definitely talk with a dr about it x x

I had a bit of a scary episode this morning. I was standing at the counter at work, just standing there writing something and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't get enough air. I felt lightheaded and sitting down didn't really help unless I leaned forward a bit. Finally after like 10 minutes it went away but it was scary. Anyone else have anything similar happen?
On a happy note hubby finally got to feel this little monkey last night:thumbup: At first he was being just as uncooperative as his sister was. I would grab hubby's hand when she was going nuts and as soon as I would put his hand there she would stop. I was 8 months before he ever felt her. Last night lo was kicking up a storm in bed and sure enough when hubby's hand was on my tummy he stopped! But then 5 minutes later there was a gentle movement (I think it was his toes) but hubby said he definetly felt it :winkwink:
MamaFox sorry about your hip! It's a constant battle over here, between hip and neck pain.

AMP Oh that is so great! It's just the sweetest thing when OH can feel the baby kicking. Sometimes I like to think that they are saying hi to daddy :)
AMP- that is great! DH still hasn't felt her but never leaves his hand there for long.

DH was really irritating me last week and this weekend. I think we have different fears about what this baby means- for him, it means less time where he can have quiet, relaxing time around the house, and for me it means less time going out to visit friends and going out to the cinema and talks. So since DH has been busy with work, he's been cancelling things to protect his relaxing around the house time, meaning I'm just stuck in the house- which is what I feel like I will be for the next year! Friday he knew he had to bring home work so we cancelled game night with friends, when I later found out it wasn't due until Monday and he just wanted to get it done Friday night so he could relax all weekend. We had an argument about it all this weekend because we knew we had to go to Ikea either Wed or Thurs this week and seemed to think it was reasonable that I turn down plans with a friend on Thurs because he wanted to sit in and watch football on Wed, but we resolved things.

I am feeling a lot more tired and uncomfortable now, but after last week's scare, I feel like as long as she's ok, I can put up with whatever, so overall happy, especially when I feel her moving!

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