March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Bigbelly - Our last name is actually Ellis! :haha:

For our little lady we chose Thea Denise Ellis ultimately but Aria, Brielle, Clara, Anna, and Maya were all on our shortlists. :cloud9:
Our little man is Liam Van Ellis. <3

We just got our Christmas shopping for DS done earlier and we let him open his presents early since we'll be spending Christmas away from home visiting my mother. His play kitchen and food were the favorite gifts by far, he played with them for 2 hours straight. :kiss:
QUOTE We just got our Christmas shopping for DS done earlier and we let him open his presents early since we'll be spending Christmas away from home visiting my mother. His play kitchen and food were the favorite gifts by far, he played with them for 2 hours straight. :kiss:[/QUOTE]

My nephew is 2 and loves his play kitchen and food. He makes play dough pancakes to 'cook' in it. So lovely.
That was happening at first with Alicia, she then would say "I think him is taking a nap"

How cute.

My son doesn't have the patience to wait for the baby to kick, and it seems baby knows when Isaac is trying to feel him as he then stops moving x x

Well this little monkey has certainly been active. Last night while dd had her head on my stomach he kicked his sister in the head:haha: Luckily she thought it was funny
I have always loved the name Haylie. But of course Angela is the best (my name :haha: )

Please help girls I need baby girl names suggestions !!!! I'm at a loss !!!! Nothing sounds right ....... Can't keep calling her " she " lol........

ILOVE the name Noah :) getting a wee bit breathless these days lol....
Last night my LO was telling his grandma about the baby (even though he doesn't say anything yet, just a bunch of gibberish), he put his hand on my belly and and said ba ba ba, and did a bunch of nodding and pointing when we said baby or Declan. It was darn cute!

I really like S names for girls. Like Seraphine, Seraphina, Serena. names can be a daunting task, but you have to remember that sometimes even when you pick a name you may end up changing it when you see them. It does happen more than we think. Just be patient with yourself leftwondering when picking a name, it will come to you. <3
Left, my girl suggestions are:
Madelyn Grace (my DD's name :haha: )
Madeline (love it, but too close to my DD's name to use for another girl)
Grace (just love it, but can't use it due to DD's middle name)
Arya/Aria (if you can get past the Game of Thrones references)
Liliana (name we love, but DH's BFF vocalized wanting that name if he ever had a girl)
Ava (our girl name for this LO)
Our girls choices were Aliyah, Esme, Florence, Ava, Isla.

Are you any closer to deciding Left?
Love Esme it's a very pretty name.

We think that our boy may be an Elijah James. It's growing on me and I kind of feel like I need to settle on a name for him as we knew Isaac was going to be an Isaac James from the 20 week scan. Giving him a name helped me bond with him more so I feel I'm doing this baby a disservice if I don't give him a name ahead of birth.

Completely seperate note. ...... baby is doing loads of rolling around In there kind of freaks me out lol. He is also super active once I get in bed, hope that doesn't mean he is going to be a night owl.
I have been getting a bit dizzy of an evening and the last two nights have felt very sick but not been sick, wondering if I may have picked up a bug or if pregnancy related.

Our girls choices were Aliyah, Esme, Florence, Ava, Isla.

Are you any closer to deciding Left?
Nope lol....... Think it will be a matter of waiting and seeing when she gets here. She was very quiet today and scared me !!!! Thankfully she has woken up in he last hour or so .... Maybe she was just lying funny
If we were having a girl we had chosen Chloe Elizabeth.... But we're having a boy and still can't find a name we like... Starting to feel like giving up on a name now.
We're having a hard time coming up with names/agreeing on them and sticking with them as well, left wonderin!! it's really difficult! hopefully you'll be able to find a name as well!
Anyone else getting stretch marks in weird places? I noticed some new stretch marks on my hips/thighs today which is weird because I still fit into some of my pre-bump pants as long as they're low. I've only gained eight pounds and they're all in boobs and bump.
I have caught a miserable stinking cold with a sore throat !!! Doesn't make sleeping any easier as now I'm uncomfortable and can't breath !!! Any non medicinal remedies to suggest ladies ???
I have caught a miserable stinking cold with a sore throat !!! Doesn't make sleeping any easier as now I'm uncomfortable and can't breath !!! Any non medicinal remedies to suggest ladies ???

Vicks, olbas oil for clearing airways. Lots of hot honey and lemon.

Hope you feel better soon.

Dawn, Elijah is a lovely name and goes nicely with Isaac.
I have no names either, kind of hoping that when it's born it'll be easier to figure a name!

Left, lots of rest and fluids, they are most important of all!
Do you have a vaporizer? Vicks vapo rub helps me. Feel better!

I have caught a miserable stinking cold with a sore throat !!! Doesn't make sleeping any easier as now I'm uncomfortable and can't breath !!! Any non medicinal remedies to suggest ladies ???
Was woken up early this morning to a certain little monkey doing yoga:wacko: Completely stretching out multiple times and I could feel him almost from end to end (I felt something poking down by my hip bone and also up under my rib cage) I think he is getting a bit cramped!
Anyone else getting stretch marks in weird places? I noticed some new stretch marks on my hips/thighs today which is weird because I still fit into some of my pre-bump pants as long as they're low. I've only gained eight pounds and they're all in boobs and bump.

I don't have any news ones that I can see but I do have older ones on my hips. That and on my boobs are the only place I have them.....knock on wood I don't get more :haha:
Left, my midwife suggested a Neti Pot. I never actually got around to getting one & trying it, but it's a suggestion! :flower:
Never hear dog that bells rose !! Off to google I go lol..... Its going in on my chest I think . I so hope I won't end up needed ing an anti biotic :( LO is quiet too today .

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