Hi ladies, long time no speak! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the rest of the holiday season
We've been out visiting and for dinner every night since xmas eve and tonight OH is working a late shift so me and the girls had pizza for dinner on the couch whilst watching Home, was so nice to just chill
When it's time to put the xmas decs and tree away i'll be getting all the baby items down from the loft to sort through, in addition to what we have stashed behind the couch, and make sure we have everything we need initially. I want to set the small crib up in our room later in January so the girls get used to it being there. Can't believe i'm 31 weeks, only 2 months until my due date and 2.5 months until baby will for sure have arrived even if I go overdue again. Feels like no time at all!
Congrats Silas on team pink! Did you have the gender in the envelope for a while before you decided to find out? I've had 3 scans where I could have found out and have managed to resist asking but I think if I had it on paper I would have definitely given in!!
allforthegirl: Sounds painful! I've been getting some nasty muscular feeling pains when I roll over or stand up too quickly, feel like an old granny
Dawn, nice name choice I love Isaac and Harvey together
Re wraps I tried stretchies with both girls (moby with DD1 and close caboo with DD2) but neither were keen. DD1 was never a fan of being carried in general but DD2 loved the Ergo. I carried her even in the cast until she had a bar added to it and I would do now if I wasn't pregnant (I know some ladies babywear older kids right through other pregnancies but I just haven't felt up to it) I've bought a Lillebaby to replace the Ergo and apparently you can use it from birth without an insert, though I found a moby cheap on eBay so i'm going to give that another go initially. With my tendency to have huge babies I doubt i'll get longer than a month out of a stretchy wrap so i'll just resell it once i'm done and will probably get my money back
As far as having 2 kids goes, I find i'm winging it a lot of the time if i'm totally honest! I have all these grand ideas of activities to do with them and how much will get done that day but things rarely pan out as planned. Like allforthegirl says if you just go with the flow it's a lot easier all round than worrying about doing things exactly how you want!