Yes totally, hubby got all Isaac's baby stuff out the loft yesterday. But I still have to clear spare bedroom, paint and clean it (it's only a small room so won't take long). I want to declutter Isaacs wardrobes (he has fitted double wardrobes that he will share with baby), so I need some space for baby stuff. I also want to clear the kitchen cupboards out too.
Lots to do x
Anyone else feeling a really big push to purge the clutter in your homes and get organized??
That's exactly what I got done this weekend! We're moving DD out of the nursery into her "big girl room" soon. Well, as soon as the "big girl room" is done. DH is working on that. So, this past weekend, we moved all of the furniture out of her new room in order to prep it for scraping the popcorn off the ceiling and painting the walls and woodwork. In the meantime, I boxed all of DD's 2T clothes, went through her old baby clothes to find the two gender neutral outfits she owned as well as onesies/socks/hats/closet size organizers, organized the attic while I was up there, & put all of Jacob's new clothing into the closet in the nursery (with her clothing).
I still have to clear out the closet in her new room, which has a TON of my old pre-pregnancy (like, before I was pregnant with DD - too small) clothing in it as well as special occasion dresses, including my wedding dress (which has yet to be cleaned/preserved after our wedding 5+ years ago!). I just have no idea where I'm going to put all this stuff!!! This is why I'm purging. But, I don't want to purge special occasion dresses! And I def don't have room to have all of that in my own closet, which I share with DH.
And that's not even all. I also have so many little kitchen appliances that we just don't use! (i.e., chicken roaster, tart maker, cake pop maker, quesadilla maker, etc.) and here I got a few things for Christmas that I will use, and no room in the kitchen! I just need to get rid of stuff! The whole thing just stresses me out....
In the meantime, I received the book I wanted, entitled "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up," which is all about purging, too. I did crack & start reading it, but it's really on a back burner, because I'm trying to get through 3 books on natural labor before having the baby... Hypnobirthing, Ina May's guide to Childbirth, & Natural Hospital Birth.
Not to mention that, other than weekends, I will only have 3 "vacation days" before I go on maternity leave... which, at this moment, I plan for my last day to be on March 18th (and I'm due March 21st). I don't want to leave work too early, because we can't afford it, but I don't want to pull what I did last time, which was a full day of work and going into labor & giving birth that same evening. "Exhausted" doesn't even begin to cover it!!!
Wow, that was a lot! If you made it this far, thanks for reading!