March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Got the news Saturday that my grandmother is dying. And oh yea it was dd 3rd birthday yesterday. Trying to get up to the hospital to say goodbyes (she is in a lot of pain plus has dementia shaking and fighting family members and nurses trying to help her crying out) plus still trying to celebrate a very excited little girls birthday (all on about 2 hrs of sleep) was just awesome. Plus agreeing to watch my cousins 6 kids so she could go be with our grandma (all kids under the age of 10 with twin 5 year olds I am convinced are the spawn of the devil) it has not been a very good couple of days.:cry:
I'm deeply sorry to hear about you grandmother :hugs:

I have to go for a growth scan today as I went maternity unit yesterday as I felt baby's movements were reduced.
I am so sorry about your grandmother. It's doubly hard I think when they have dementia and are confused at being in hospital, its hard to see.
Your daughter will help see you through the hardest days, I know my son did when I lost my nanna in September.
Thinking of you. X X x

Got the news Saturday that my grandmother is dying. And oh yea it was dd 3rd birthday yesterday. Trying to get up to the hospital to say goodbyes (she is in a lot of pain plus has dementia shaking and fighting family members and nurses trying to help her crying out) plus still trying to celebrate a very excited little girls birthday (all on about 2 hrs of sleep) was just awesome. Plus agreeing to watch my cousins 6 kids so she could go be with our grandma (all kids under the age of 10 with twin 5 year olds I am convinced are the spawn of the devil) it has not been a very good couple of days.:cry:
Sorry, AMP :hugs: Best wishes for getting through it.

SarahLou- hope all is ok. Have movements picked up since then?

I can't remember if I updated here or not, but my midwife checked the over 40 guidance and said they will offer me sweeps at 38 and 39 weeks and an induction at 40 weeks, but if I decline, they will do daily checks on the heartrate and scans twice a week to check the fluid. So I think I'm going to do the latter and hopefully let nature take its course rather than being induced. Of course I might not even make it to 40 weeks!

8 weeks of work left for me.
any suggestions on wraps Ladies?, i never used one with Isaac but think one may be beneficial this time. In preferance one that can fit me (5ft 7) size 18 pre-pregnancy and hubby who is 6 ft 4, not fat but not thin lol. I have tried to research them but it all seems quite baffling. I also need to consider that i dont have tiny newborns so one that is good for a chunky monkey will be great. Ideally i would like one i could breastfeed in too if possible.

Dawn, I know this is kinda late, but here are my 2 cents: I have an Ergo Performance and a ring sling.

The Ergo was great until DD got a bit bigger, then it started to hurt my shoulders. But, if you google the performance version vs the original version, I wonder if the lack of padding in the shoulders is the culprit. I'm looking into getting a Tula for this next baby, but I plan to go to a local babywearing shop and try out some different carriers before making a final decision.

As for the ring sling, I got it when DD was a bit older and liked to be carried on my hip. LOVED it for short periods of time (errands/in & out of the car), but it too has its drawbacks. Because it is a one shoulder carry, it can be a bit uncomfortable for long periods of time. I'm interested in learning how to do a newborn carry in it. (Luckily, I bought it from that local babywearing shop I mentioned before, and they will do what they call "tune-ups" with products purchased from them & teach you how to use it with different children, or if you're having issues, etc.)

I'm thinking this time around I'd also like a stretchy wrap for the newborn stage, but I think I'll just go to a consignment shop and look for a cheapo Moby or Boba (knowing full well that baby won't last in it past 4-6 months).

:hi: Hope everyone had a good Christmas

Our little man been moving a lot more lately and is getting everywhere like my ribs too... :shrug:

But me and OH have really struggled to name our little man, and there is one name he likes and as given 10/10 for, everything else as been 5/10 so he wasn't sure about them, kind of 50/50... So I think we may go with the name Charlie :shrug: I was trying to find a middle name for him that's different than James as I notice there is a lot of people who have James as a middle name, and to me I think its such an easy name and fits with most first names. But id like to see if there is something else that fits and not to bad with OH surname too... :dohh:

LOL, I just suggested Charlie James in another thread. Sorry!!!! :haha: I'll keep thinking on it & let you know if I come up with something else for you! :winkwink:

AMP, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers :hugs:

AFM - nesting! Did an awful lot of cleaning/organizing over my holiday vacation. Sorted out Jacob's clothing that I have purchased, along with the (two) gender neutral outfits we had for my DD and her many whtie onesies/socks/hats that we kept. She's getting so excited to see the baby stuff and talks about & to him all the time! :cloud9:
AMP my goodness how hard to watch!! Hopefully your gramma won't suffer too horribly, and find her peace. <3

Sarah~ good luck with your scan.

Fezzle~ that is awesome that you are able to let things just happen. We all hope that we are early don't we? :haha:
Fezzle~ that is awesome that you are able to let things just happen. We all hope that we are early don't we? :haha:

Not here! :haha: I'm hoping to be pretty much "on time" actually! Had a mini-breakdown over the weekend about how much I have to do before baby arrives and how little time I have to do it in :wacko: I'm plugging away at my list, but I just keep remembering how difficult it was to get anything done before I had a baby... then I had my daughter and things were 10x more difficult to get done... with two babies?? I feel like NOTHING will get done! Which is why I'm trying to get stuff done before he arrives. Crunch time!!!! (Nesting time??)

Anyone else feeling a really big push to purge the clutter in your homes and get organized??
Yes totally, hubby got all Isaac's baby stuff out the loft yesterday. But I still have to clear spare bedroom, paint and clean it (it's only a small room so won't take long). I want to declutter Isaacs wardrobes (he has fitted double wardrobes that he will share with baby), so I need some space for baby stuff. I also want to clear the kitchen cupboards out too.
Lots to do x

Anyone else feeling a really big push to purge the clutter in your homes and get organized??
Angela - I'm so sorry about your grandma and that it's been a rough last couple of days for you. DH's only living grandparent (MIL's mother) has just begun to show the early signs of dementia as well so I imagine that it won't be long before we're in the same boat with her. I hope that your grandmother doesn't suffer too much and that she goes as peacefully as possible. :hugs:

Fezzle - I hope that things are able to happen for you naturally and you don't end up needing any kind of induction. I went naturally at 38 weeks with my son and it's exciting to experience spontaneous labor once but I'm actually considering asking my doctor if he would be willing to induce me the day after my due date this time if I make it that long (not quite so likely since I went early last time). I'm not sure if he would be willing to induce me on a Sunday though, if not then I guess I'll just let things take their natural course and ask for an induction on the 29th instead if by some miracle I make it that long.

Mama Tiger - I haven't begun nesting yet but I really want to! We need to get the nursery organized and set up already, it's making me nervous that it's taking so long to do. :wacko:
Yes totally, hubby got all Isaac's baby stuff out the loft yesterday. But I still have to clear spare bedroom, paint and clean it (it's only a small room so won't take long). I want to declutter Isaacs wardrobes (he has fitted double wardrobes that he will share with baby), so I need some space for baby stuff. I also want to clear the kitchen cupboards out too.
Lots to do x

Anyone else feeling a really big push to purge the clutter in your homes and get organized??

That's exactly what I got done this weekend! We're moving DD out of the nursery into her "big girl room" soon. Well, as soon as the "big girl room" is done. DH is working on that. So, this past weekend, we moved all of the furniture out of her new room in order to prep it for scraping the popcorn off the ceiling and painting the walls and woodwork. In the meantime, I boxed all of DD's 2T clothes, went through her old baby clothes to find the two gender neutral outfits she owned as well as onesies/socks/hats/closet size organizers, organized the attic while I was up there, & put all of Jacob's new clothing into the closet in the nursery (with her clothing).

I still have to clear out the closet in her new room, which has a TON of my old pre-pregnancy (like, before I was pregnant with DD - too small) clothing in it as well as special occasion dresses, including my wedding dress (which has yet to be cleaned/preserved after our wedding 5+ years ago!). I just have no idea where I'm going to put all this stuff!!! This is why I'm purging. But, I don't want to purge special occasion dresses! And I def don't have room to have all of that in my own closet, which I share with DH.

And that's not even all. I also have so many little kitchen appliances that we just don't use! (i.e., chicken roaster, tart maker, cake pop maker, quesadilla maker, etc.) and here I got a few things for Christmas that I will use, and no room in the kitchen! I just need to get rid of stuff! The whole thing just stresses me out....

In the meantime, I received the book I wanted, entitled "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up," which is all about purging, too. I did crack & start reading it, but it's really on a back burner, because I'm trying to get through 3 books on natural labor before having the baby... Hypnobirthing, Ina May's guide to Childbirth, & Natural Hospital Birth.

Not to mention that, other than weekends, I will only have 3 "vacation days" before I go on maternity leave... which, at this moment, I plan for my last day to be on March 18th (and I'm due March 21st). I don't want to leave work too early, because we can't afford it, but I don't want to pull what I did last time, which was a full day of work and going into labor & giving birth that same evening. "Exhausted" doesn't even begin to cover it!!!

Wow, that was a lot! If you made it this far, thanks for reading! :rofl:
Had the midwife today all good BP wise, urine etc. Baby looks fine but measuring at 32 weeks , very glad we already have growth scans booked in.
I told her I didn't want to go overdue due to Isaacs size last time, she thought a sweep on due date was reasonable, I felt that a sweep a week before would be better lol, shall see what consultant has to say.
Mood wise I'm struggling - very up and down, quite emotional and that really overwhelms me. I am going through the process of getting things ready for baby but there is an element of me that feels a bit detached at times. Spoke about this and they will review me in three weeks to see how I feel. They may try to set up a meeting with health visitor beforehand to make sure there is a support plan in place for after baby arrives. Not sure how i feel about it all at the moment.
AMP -- sending good thoughts to you; sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hopefully she soon finds peace :hugs: :flower: Just hang in there.

Sarah, do you feel that baby is moving more now? Hope everything checks out ok for you

Fezzle -- that's really great your MW isn't pushing induction on you. I have heard many stories about older moms being pushed to have one even at 38 weeks. I thin the best thing to do is wait and see how it shall unfold.

Bella, definitely nesting over here too! OH and I have been ridding out all of our furniture that was just taking up space, burning old outdated dox we had kept over the years, and just making as much as space as possible. Can't believe how much useless stuff we've collected over the years thinking we'd use it!

Dawn, glad to hear that everything went ok at your last MW appt. I have been very emotional too, up and down. Are you getting enough sleep? Insomnia has just been kicking my ass lately and it really takes a toll on my mood. Hopefully you can push through and find some space to recharge yourself. This too will pass dear :hugs:
Thank you. Definitely not getting enough sleep, lots of broken sleep. Annoying dreams or just not getting comfy.
I gave had depression in the past and it doesn't feel like that. I think it's most definitely hormonal. Xxx

Dawn, glad to hear that everything went ok at your last MW appt. I have been very emotional too, up and down. Are you getting enough sleep? Insomnia has just been kicking my ass lately and it really takes a toll on my mood. Hopefully you can push through and find some space to recharge yourself. This too will pass dear :hugs:
Dawn I hear ya on the up and down moods . I'm all over the place !! Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment and slightly detached . Feel like time is going by too quickly and needs to slow down and let me catch up !!! So much to do and all I want to do is sit in a somewhat comfortable position on the couch !!!! Have to get my act together . Baby kicking up a storm tonight but had some very uncomfortable braxton hicks this afternoon. Was out car shopping ( mine went to heaven just before Christmas ) and just couldn't cope had to come home . I just want someone to put one outside the door for me !!
Just to let you ladies know that had all checks and scan for baby and he is okay.. I'm feeling some movements now too :)
Dawn I too am emotional and have been more teary all over again. Sleep is not what it used to be either. I am having a lot of trouble being comfortable. I lay on my left my back hurts and hips too, sleep on my right it can make my veins worse and my hips hurt...... just not very comfortable at all. Not looking forward to how uncomfortable things will continue to get.....

Sarah I am glad everything is good with your LO
AMP - so sorry to hear about your grandmother, I hope it is at least peaceful for her soon.

Hugs fir other ladies who need them, I have read and re-read the last few pages and still can't remember who said what, baby brain is in full swing.

I have my first appointment with the children's centre team today, regarding my new found status of 'vulnerable' due to my earlier wobbles and potential for PND. I am dreading it, not least because I've been coping really quite well the last few weeks, and discussing my mental health with professionals tends to cause it to decline as I feel a bit powerless when they are involved. I am trying to remember this isn't about me, but the baby, but that then reminds me that this is a so of supervision to ensure my baby is safe, supervision that I fear the repurcussions of if I 'fail' somehow. I don't know, maybe it'll be ok, I have a Dr's appt (come on omeprazole) and regular MW one to look forward to first at least, busy day!
Yay for omeprazole best thing ever. I have been on it a month and not had heartburn since.

Hope the appointment with the children's centre team goes ok, I'm sure it will. I'm probably heading in a similar direction myself. On one hand I feel slightly threatened that other professionals may get involved, but on the other hand I am reassured that they are watching for signs of something not being quite right with me and will be there for support. I'm kind if feeling for me it's hormonal , so I am hoping it will even out after baby but having support there just in case is probably no bad thing. Xxx

AMP - so sorry to hear about your grandmother, I hope it is at least peaceful for her soon.

Hugs fir other ladies who need them, I have read and re-read the last few pages and still can't remember who said what, baby brain is in full swing.

I have my first appointment with the children's centre team today, regarding my new found status of 'vulnerable' due to my earlier wobbles and potential for PND. I am dreading it, not least because I've been coping really quite well the last few weeks, and discussing my mental health with professionals tends to cause it to decline as I feel a bit powerless when they are involved. I am trying to remember this isn't about me, but the baby, but that then reminds me that this is a so of supervision to ensure my baby is safe, supervision that I fear the repurcussions of if I 'fail' somehow. I don't know, maybe it'll be ok, I have a Dr's appt (come on omeprazole) and regular MW one to look forward to first at least, busy day!
Dawn, that's the exact approach the rational part of me tries to take, it's a fear of the unknown thing as much as anything, plus the stigma surrounding children's centres doesn't help. Still, if I really need this support later on I will be in no state to access it myself, so getting in now is my best bet.

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