March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Dawn, I was just reminded that (sorry, TMI) sitting on the toilet - even just to pee - is bad for the pain. I guess the lack of pressure under me in that area?? Wondering if it's the same for you??
Do you also struggle to sit on the floor to play with your daughter? I'm finding that hard now. Isaac likes me to drive round on my hands and knees with his cars, it really hurts after that.
I also find a hot bath temporarily eases it. ..... I need a heated nappy device of some sort, that would be bliss lol.

Yes. Bending over my belly is especially bad when I'm sitting on the floor. I'm not sure if it makes my crotch pain worse/better (I'll pay more attention to it next time), but I do have a hard time getting down there with DD to play (and especially trying to get back on my feet afterward). As for baths... I haven't taken one in ages, but it's good to know that might help! I feel like I just don't have time for a bath though, unfortunately. Constantly so busy!!!! Probably part of my pain issues :dohh:

Bending over my belly is painful to me too though not at the crotch, but usually it feels like I am forcing too much pressure against my belly, and then I end up irritating my uterus and tightening good and hard where I can't move
Girls I'm exactly the same as all the above. Playing on the floor is torture unless I'm on all fours lol...and its only going to get harder!!!!
I'm like an old person when getting up off the floor. Do try a hot bath if you get chance., it provides some relief.
Although the aching is uncomfortable and very annoying I do manage without painkillers. I just hobble round like I'm 100, so I do count myself lucky I guess, it's also the fact that it's not agonisingly painful that makes me think it's not spd. The midwife thought it may be round ligament pain.

Yes. Bending over my belly is especially bad when I'm sitting on the floor. I'm not sure if it makes my crotch pain worse/better (I'll pay more attention to it next time), but I do have a hard time getting down there with DD to play (and especially trying to get back on my feet afterward). As for baths... I haven't taken one in ages, but it's good to know that might help! I feel like I just don't have time for a bath though, unfortunately. Constantly so busy!!!! Probably part of my pain issues :dohh:
That is an amazing idea, I will give it a try xxxx

Dawn get a thick sock and fill it with rice, with enough room to tie the end off really well. Then put it in the microwave for 1 minute or so and it should be nice and hot!
No, that seems fine for me fortunately, but like you say it may be the lack of pressure.
Tmi- but if I touch my groin area it feels so tender, bruised feeling. As for dtd who knows, poor hubby has forgotten what that's all about. ..... its hard to get in the mood when you feel like you have been kicked there.

Dawn, I was just reminded that (sorry, TMI) sitting on the toilet - even just to pee - is bad for the pain. I guess the lack of pressure under me in that area?? Wondering if it's the same for you??
I'm trying not to think about how much worse it's going to get lol.
Although I'm hoping playing on the floor on all fours will at least get baby in a good position x

Girls I'm exactly the same as all the above. Playing on the floor is torture unless I'm on all fours lol...and its only going to get harder!!!!
I also have the bruised feeling in my groin, it really does feel like too much BDing, so glad someone else had that thought too! It seems much worse while I am walking, especially if I do too much. It's not exactly painful, but really uncomfortable at times, forgot to mention it to midwife, but I'm trying to follow some of the spd guidelines just in case.
Mama Bat, do you not want to go late because the baby is consistently measuring big or suspicious of high fluid? Either way GL at your growth scans and hope you get some answers.
Both really, I know I can birth reasonably big babies (girls were both 9 pounders) but i'm nervous about baby potentially getting to 11lbs or more. I also googled polyhydramnios which was a bad move cos i've now managed to scare myself to death :dohh: Just need to keep telling myself that a lot of women have high fluid and it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad.

Oh crikey this talk of finding it hard to sit on the floor/stand back up again, I can so relate! I was working in a nursery for my 2 previous pregnancies so I was doing that a lot, no chance this time! I'm also now at the point where i'm struggling to tie my shoelaces, so slip-on shoes only unless OH can do them for me :haha:
Oh hell I can't get up off the couch or out of bed most days....if I sit on the floor I have to ask for help :rofl:
Definitely feeling the shoe struggle. Luckily OH is there to help me put them on or we're usually running somewhere in and out and I throw on slippers. Hell, I'm pregnant what do I care? OH and I consistently shower together so he can clean my legs and feet.
Not feeling very sturdy anymore either, very wobbly on my feet and moving very slowly especially when walking and have to pee. All normal I know but just a big leap from the way my body was before
Silas- congrats on passing the GTT! It's such a relief to have one less thing to worry about.

I haven't had pain, but getting up and bending over is definitely getting harder. I shaved my legs today and really wondered how many more times I'll be able to do that. Putting on socks and shoes takes ages. I've already warned DH that my wool clogs, that he hates, and that I usually only wear when we're camping or to take out bins might be called into service. To get off the sofa and the bed, I have to do a roll off.

I used to be such a good sleeper- I'd go to sleep at say 11:30pm, and then would just sleep solidly until about 7:30-8am! Now I can't get through a night without having to pee once or twice, drink some Gaviscon and drink water all throughout the night, plus I'm usually a stomach sleeper so it's much harder to find a good position.
Fezzle - I am a stomach sleeper too, I still find myself on my stomach but baby doesn't like it lol. I'm kind of adopting a half stomach half side sleep position it seems to work for now. Have you tried omeprazole for heartburn it's great stuff.

Today I have started nesting lol ..... Isaac is in nursery all day today as he receives his 3 year old funded hours now so I decided to start on the kitchen. My goodness I thought I was on top of it *and I am with general cleaning worktops etc* but on closer inspection cupboard doors and skirting boards were awful, lots of bending and up and down, I'm now feeling sore. The cleaning process shall have to be done in stages. Just having lunch then off to fold washing and Tidy Isaacs room.
I am sort of halfway too- I have some squishy pillows that I can lean into so I am somewhere between on my stomach and on my side.

I've been trying to resist omeprazole because my iron levels were borderline low at my last check (28 week appointment) and I know it can interfere with iron absorption. I really don't want to take iron pills again (I did when TTC) as I am also struggling with constipation from time to time. I might have to break down and start it again though, as last night I think I was up 4 times drinking Gaviscon not counting what I had right before I went to sleep, and I don't think I can sleep sitting up at all.
Didn't know omeprazole can interfere with iron absorption. Fortunately my iron levels are Ok. I had iron tablets after having Isaac, was not pleasant.
Heartburn can be horrendous and I guess it's a balance between maintaining those iron levels and your comfort for the next few weeks. I wonder if there is anything else you could take that wouldn't affect iron absorption x

I am sort of halfway too- I have some squishy pillows that I can lean into so I am somewhere between on my stomach and on my side.

I've been trying to resist omeprazole because my iron levels were borderline low at my last check (28 week appointment) and I know it can interfere with iron absorption. I really don't want to take iron pills again (I did when TTC) as I am also struggling with constipation from time to time. I might have to break down and start it again though, as last night I think I was up 4 times drinking Gaviscon not counting what I had right before I went to sleep, and I don't think I can sleep sitting up at all.
I feel for you ladies with the bad heartburn. I have had it previously really bad where my throat was raw from all of the excess acid, and that happened regardless what I took for it. I am thankful this time it is mild, but still there.

I like to sleep half way on my stomach, but I am finding sleeping on my left is pushing on my rib cage and cause some serious pain, though I can sleep on my right and no such pain. So I think I have a rib out.....:sad1: Then I am finding myself waking up on my back most of the time. Which I am waking up A LOT! As sleeping on my back seems to bother my kidneys. I too have been waking up more often the last few days to pee. UGH I was enjoying not having to wake up for another reason.
I know this is off topic ladies but I think we might call little man Charlie Jacob.... What do you ladies think??

Other choices were

Charlie Joseph or Charlie Mark
Sarah, sounds great! Like I said on the other thread, I'm naming my son Jacob, and I already told you I like Charlie... so Charlie Jacob sounds sweet :)

AFM, I'm trying to cram as much natural/unmedicated birth info into my head as I possibly can! I'm kind of driving myself crazy. I went to the library in hopes of getting Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, but they didn't have it. So, I got Natural Hospital Birth instead, but put a hold on the next copy of Ina May's book. In the meantime, I had been reading Hypnobirthing (which I own but never got very far into when I was pregnant with my DD). I also downloaded Birth Without Fear on Hoopla. Basically, bottom line is, I've been reading ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME. Bad idea. I'm really a one-book-at-a-time kinda girl (and since the birth of my daughter, I never have time to read anymore, so it's a struggle to get reading time in). I'm just afraid I won't have time to read them all & I want to cram the info from each of them into my brain before Jacob comes! :haha: It's just hard when the library books have due dates, but I'm the farthest into Hypnobirthing, but the Ina May book is the most important one (in my mind) to read. AHHHHHH! :wacko:
I love Charlie Jacob and Charlie Joseph, beautiful name choices x

I know this is off topic ladies but I think we might call little man Charlie Jacob.... What do you ladies think??

Other choices were

Charlie Joseph or Charlie Mark
Fezzle, vitamin c can boost iron absorption!

AFTG, no heartburn for me but constantly waking up through the night. I just want to enjoy these last bits of a full nights' sleep before Zodi gets here! Just doesn't seem to be in the cards anymore. Good thing OH is wonderful when it's time for me to be "up" at 3 or 4 AM. Are there some stretches you might be able to do for your rib? Sounds painful

Bella, Sounds like a lot of information coming at you! Don't really have much advice on how to tackle a book one at a time, because I'm the kind of lady that will read several different books at once (but probably won't read at all after Zodi's arrival--haha) All I can say it just try to take it all in stride and remember what must be will be!

Sarah, I like Charlie Jacob and Charlie Mark!

AFM did not sleep much better last night but oh well. I have accepted that my days of sleeping through the night are put on hold for the next few months. Which is alright with me because I'm doing it all for this sweet little baby.
Other than nesting, what are you ladies doing to help prepare yourselves for the birth of our little ones?

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