March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Curly rose and dawn will you be able to share your fears with the people at the children centre ? I'm certain they want to be there for support and will want to offer all the reassurance they can . It seems really important they hear how your feeling re their involvement so they can treat you accordingly and not do anything that might make you feel more uncomfortable with their involvement . Its brilliant that there is that service in place before you give birth , it gives you so much more control over a plan should you need it later on . At least you can talk it through now and know what your agreeing to and what you would like to see happen should you need extra sport later on .

Sounds to me that you will be just fine :) xxxx
I'm having a review in 3 weeks over how I'm feeling and if I'm still the same a bigger plan will be put in place. But I do feel able to be honest with people about how I'm feeling so if it comes to it I know the support will be there.
I saw my mum go through extreme postnatal depression when she had my sister 13 years ago, it was awful, and to this day they struggle with a bond. ...... back then the support wasn't as person centred as it is today. It's definitely a good thing the support is there. Xxx

Curly rose and dawn will you be able to share your fears with the people at the children centre ? I'm certain they want to be there for support and will want to offer all the reassurance they can . It seems really important they hear how your feeling re their involvement so they can treat you accordingly and not do anything that might make you feel more uncomfortable with their involvement . Its brilliant that there is that service in place before you give birth , it gives you so much more control over a plan should you need it later on . At least you can talk it through now and know what your agreeing to and what you would like to see happen should you need extra sport later on .

Sounds to me that you will be just fine :) xxxx
Yes totally get that.
I also think that it's so hard right now to guess where we will be emotionally when baby comes along.
For me it all feels very hormonal, I'm so emotional and I honestly don't 'do' emotional so it overwhelms me. Equally I don't 'do' tired, god I am doomed. '
I'm fortunate I have good support from hubby but he does struggle when I get overwhelmed with emotions.
My plan for me and baby is to refuse visitors in the first week, it was too much last time. Take to bed for a day or two, cuddle him, establish breastfeeding...... something I failed at with Isaac, and look after ourselves.
I thought with Isaac I was destined to get postnatal depression because of a history of depression, but I didn't thankfully, however with Isaac I felt really bonded to him much more than I feel to this one.... and that's what worries me. Both my children have been planned but the dynamics of going from one to two scares me, how much us it going to change Isaacs life?, we can manage financially so no worries there but for some reason I can't let myself relax into this pregnancy, or see us as a family of 4. I love this baby but feel unconnected, it's so hard to explain.

Hope all goes well today xxxx

Dawn, that's the exact approach the rational part of me tries to take, it's a fear of the unknown thing as much as anything, plus the stigma surrounding children's centres doesn't help. Still, if I really need this support later on I will be in no state to access it myself, so getting in now is my best bet.
Next week have our pre-installation meeting for our new kitchen. Once we have that, we can pay the deposit to get a date for when it will be installed. We've been told to expect 7 weeks, which puts us at 1 March, and the kitchen will take a week, so that is why I don't want to go early (due date is 13 March)!

I'm back at work since yesterday. The students have exams this week and next week, so it's fairly quiet and a nice way to ease back into things- I've just been moderating coursework with a colleague. A lot of my colleagues are on leave this week or working at home. To be honest, it's been a nice break from constantly thinking about pregnancy and baby stuff! I think I'm going to have my last day of work be 26 Feb, but haven't submitted the form yet.

I've been feeling nesting urges too. DH is off work this week so has been working on reorganising things at home to clear out the nursery. We bought paint this past weekend (a light grey), so now we need to strip off the wallpaper and paint it, then get new carpet and then we do more of the fun decorating!
Children's centre appointment was pretty ok, I felt like a bit of a fraud being there (I'm not exactly their usual client, what with being mid 20s, university educated, home owner and in a settled relationship where we both work full time), but the lady I saw suggested that might be a benefit somehow as it proves that anyone can need their support. Anyway, she won't need to see me again unless I need her, but I now have a home visit from another children's centre person who runs groups next week, plus a home visit from a health visitor in two weeks and my usual regular midwife appointments. Does anyone else feel slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of people they have to see? I am exhausted from today and terrified of the home visits, I am convinced they'll negatively judge me based on my home and messy garden, plus now I really need to find some nesting instinct and get my lazy arse to tidy!
Curly, I'm sure they've seen far worse than a messy garden! Don't stress - they're there to help you :flower:
Hi ladies. Hugs all round I think. Like you all, been feeling emotional, I think mostly due to lack of sleep and just generally feeling pretty achey- all causing me to feel irritable and unsettled.

Think of anyone is nesting it's DH! He's doing my head in :confused:
Every bit of spare time (usually when I want to rest) he starts some task like moving furniture or clearing the attic/utility/anything he can find(!) All things that need doing but not essential and I just have no energy to do it.

Keep telling myself I have 5 weeks of school left, then 4 weeks off before baby is due, so will do it then but ...think that may be unrealistic!

Hope you are all ok. Do think of you often.

Dawn I really like Elijah. Harvey is great too but Elijah is definitely better with Isaac :)

AMP, lots of love to you at this difficult time.
It's strange you ladies mention the children's centre they phoned me today to ask if they can areange an appointment with me.
Yes totally get that.
I also think that it's so hard right now to guess where we will be emotionally when baby comes along.
For me it all feels very hormonal, I'm so emotional and I honestly don't 'do' emotional so it overwhelms me. Equally I don't 'do' tired, god I am doomed. '
I'm fortunate I have good support from hubby but he does struggle when I get overwhelmed with emotions.
My plan for me and baby is to refuse visitors in the first week, it was too much last time. Take to bed for a day or two, cuddle him, establish breastfeeding...... something I failed at with Isaac, and look after ourselves.
I thought with Isaac I was destined to get postnatal depression because of a history of depression, but I didn't thankfully, however with Isaac I felt really bonded to him much more than I feel to this one.... and that's what worries me. Both my children have been planned but the dynamics of going from one to two scares me, how much us it going to change Isaacs life?, we can manage financially so no worries there but for some reason I can't let myself relax into this pregnancy, or see us as a family of 4. I love this baby but feel unconnected, it's so hard to explain.

Hope all goes well today xxxx

Dawn, that's the exact approach the rational part of me tries to take, it's a fear of the unknown thing as much as anything, plus the stigma surrounding children's centres doesn't help. Still, if I really need this support later on I will be in no state to access it myself, so getting in now is my best bet.

Dawn you have just described exactly how I feel !!! Not as connected to LO as first time round . I'm putting it down to it being a totally different dynamic and experience . I've been soo busy with LO almost 2 and work and feeling total exhaustion its all I can do to get to the end of the day . I start to panic when I think about coping with a newborn on top . So I'm not letting myself think about it :haha: just not going there :haha: ....

I know part of my exhaustion is actually being pregnant and EVERYthing Feels harder and needs more effort right now ... But I won't be pregnant when LO arrives so that's one hurdle I won't have to jump over ....

I have faith it will all work out ...billions n billions have had more than one and survived .im sure we will be just fine :hugs:
Dawn and Curly, hope the input you've both received from professionals is useful/constructive for you both. I've opted out of further appointments regarding mental health for the moment. This pregnancy is turning out to be a little more complicated than my other 2 so I feel like I'd rather put mental health on the 'back burner' for now. I had a second gtt yesterday, oh the joys! No phone call today so guessing I passed it again so that's good. Also had to have torch bloods done and have a second growth scan on Thursday. I'm still measuring 5 weeks ahead but baby is staying on a definite growth curve, just a very large one ;)
Wow mama Bat 5 weeks ahead gee, any idea what they plan to do if you keep measuring big? I'm 3 weeks ahead now but growth scans booked In. I passed my gtt the other week. What are torch bloods?

Left wonderin - I'm kind of glad you feel the same way as I do, it helps to know I'm not the only one.

Today I feel like I have been kicked repeatidly between my legs, so achey. It's not spd, at least I don't think so. I have no hip pain or pain In thighs. It hurts to roll over in bed and to drive a bit and im stiff in the morning. It's not agonising thank god, I'm just very aware of it, and it has days it's bad and days it's ok.
Wow mama Bat 5 weeks ahead gee, any idea what they plan to do if you keep measuring big? I'm 3 weeks ahead now but growth scans booked In. I passed my gtt the other week. What are torch bloods

I'm seeing a consultant on 25th and I'm hoping she'll agree to induction on my due date... I went over before being induced with the girls so I feel reasonably sure I'll be late with this one too otherwise. Torch bloods are just to rule out certain infections that can cause high fluid. I've been so naive in my other pregnancies and took it for granted how well I felt, this one has been an eye opener for sure ;)
Wow mama Bat 5 weeks ahead gee, any idea what they plan to do if you keep measuring big? I'm 3 weeks ahead now but growth scans booked In. I passed my gtt the other week. What are torch bloods?

Left wonderin - I'm kind of glad you feel the same way as I do, it helps to know I'm not the only one.

Today I feel like I have been kicked repeatidly between my legs, so achey. It's not spd, at least I don't think so. I have no hip pain or pain In thighs. It hurts to roll over in bed and to drive a bit and im stiff in the morning. It's not agonising thank god, I'm just very aware of it, and it has days it's bad and days it's ok.

Sounds like SPD to me. It affects everyone differently. I have known woman that it hurts hips, pubic bone, crotch and between the legs and it can be one symptom, a couple or all. Last go around it hurt me more between the legs than anywhere else and had major problems rolling in bed, oh and walking was bad. This time my hips and back hurt and only get the odd pinches when not careful of my movements. Just remember to keep your knees together when rolling in bed, and getting out of bed. Even in and out of a vehicle. All of these can help tons.
Today I feel like I have been kicked repeatidly between my legs, so achey. It's not spd, at least I don't think so. I have no hip pain or pain In thighs. It hurts to roll over in bed and to drive a bit and im stiff in the morning. It's not agonising thank god, I'm just very aware of it, and it has days it's bad and days it's ok.

YES! I feel this too, and I have for a few weeks, but it's been getting worse lately. I've been researching on Dr. Google (I know, I know... :blush: ) and have come up with either mild SPD or vericose veins. I feel like it's not SPD because as painful as it is, I don't feel the extreme that some women speak of when they have SPD... Like you said, I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch repeatedly, or like I BD'd 50x in a row! It hurts in the whole area, from the top of my pubic bone down and from leg to leg (if that makes sense). I agree with you - some days it's bad, and some days it's not so bad... seems to be worse when I am very active that day, and I seem to feel it more when I sit or lie down in bed.
Congrats to all that have passed their GT, and :hugs: to those that didn't. Mine was just a random and didn't have to drink the orange crap for the first time in all my pg!! I was very grateful!
Dawn, ouch! sounds painful. It could be common achiness or SPD :shrug: maybe bring it up with your MW at your next appt? But as allforthegirl said too, keeping your knees together will help with the pain regardless of what it is! Have done this trick before myself.

Silas :flower: congrats on passing gtt !!

Mama Bat, do you not want to go late because the baby is consistently measuring big or suspicious of high fluid? Either way GL at your growth scans and hope you get some answers.

AFM have been up since 2 AM this morning and have already had one sobbing session. A little embarrassed because FIL heard me (we are staying at their house ATM) when he got up for work. I just told him it was "pregnancy stuff" bothering me, think he understands a little. Getting really tired of only having 5 hours of sleep at a time. Because I can't do anything at 3 AM without waking up hubby with lights. He says it's okay but it's not really because he's got school all day and !!! Just want to sleep through the night while I can before Zodi gets here.
Do you also struggle to sit on the floor to play with your daughter? I'm finding that hard now. Isaac likes me to drive round on my hands and knees with his cars, it really hurts after that.
I also find a hot bath temporarily eases it. ..... I need a heated nappy device of some sort, that would be bliss lol.

YES! I feel this too, and I have for a few weeks, but it's been getting worse lately. I've been researching on Dr. Google (I know, I know... :blush: ) and have come up with either mild SPD or vericose veins. I feel like it's not SPD because as painful as it is, I don't feel the extreme that some women speak of when they have SPD... Like you said, I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch repeatedly, or like I BD'd 50x in a row! It hurts in the whole area, from the top of my pubic bone down and from leg to leg (if that makes sense). I agree with you - some days it's bad, and some days it's not so bad... seems to be worse when I am very active that day, and I seem to feel it more when I sit or lie down in bed.
Do you also struggle to sit on the floor to play with your daughter? I'm finding that hard now. Isaac likes me to drive round on my hands and knees with his cars, it really hurts after that.
I also find a hot bath temporarily eases it. ..... I need a heated nappy device of some sort, that would be bliss lol.

Yes. Bending over my belly is especially bad when I'm sitting on the floor. I'm not sure if it makes my crotch pain worse/better (I'll pay more attention to it next time), but I do have a hard time getting down there with DD to play (and especially trying to get back on my feet afterward). As for baths... I haven't taken one in ages, but it's good to know that might help! I feel like I just don't have time for a bath though, unfortunately. Constantly so busy!!!! Probably part of my pain issues :dohh:
Do you also struggle to sit on the floor to play with your daughter? I'm finding that hard now. Isaac likes me to drive round on my hands and knees with his cars, it really hurts after that.
I also find a hot bath temporarily eases it. ..... I need a heated nappy device of some sort, that would be bliss lol.

Dawn get a thick sock and fill it with rice, with enough room to tie the end off really well. Then put it in the microwave for 1 minute or so and it should be nice and hot!

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