March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

When do you move daisy dreamer? Hope the move goes well and you settle before Zodi arrives.

Today has not been a good day and Isaac gas spent all day doing all the things he knows he shouldn't. We made the trek to mum and tots which is an hour walk now and Isaac deliberately pushed two children over, after the first time he was told off and warned he would be going home if he continued. Well 5 mins later he pushed someone else so we left. Isaac was crying and I was in floods of tears too. I was so cross at him, I don't expect a lot from him but he is nearly 3 years 3 months and does know better. It also doesn't help that we'll meaning people chose to comment that "it will be much harder when I have 2 children", yep, no help at all.
Bella if you have SPD then tons of movement can actually be worse than good. Be careful with your movements. I have had SPD pretty bad with my last and slowly starting to get it back this time. Regular slow movements can be good, but if it hurts still then you may need to rest up more. I had a very hard time walking or pushing a heavy cart or walking up stairs, getting out of bed or rolling in bed (these bothers me now too, wearing silk pants so I slide), taking a big step over something (this bothers me now, wow it can stop me in my tracks). I also started having some achiness in between my legs. I will take what I have now as it isn't even close to what it was last time. I have a good friend that was in a wheel chair with one of her pg.
its good they have spotted the large size now though, hopefully they will keep an eye on it for you.

My consultant seemed happy to talk options, so i will see if i get him again. I am kind of hoping that the fact i am so anxious about another big baby may pursuade them into an earlier induction, fingers crossed.

I am not worried too much as my last started to slow down in growth after a giant growth spurt. And like you they were wrong with my boys weight too. Always thinking they were bigger than they were. I am confident I will be able to delivery naturally regardless.
Dawn 3's are a tough year. I always found them harder than 2. As much as they know better they also know how to push mommy's buttons even more. :hugs: You are doing a great job! I am sure you will rock two LO's just fine. :thumbup:
Dawn, strangers love to judge! I bet you already know that you're going to do fine with two babe's, and that Isaac hopefully is just have a tough day. I worked in a pre-school for a bit and 3 year olds are definitely clever little one's and like to push boundaries.
Never had any problems with any of the two year olds as much

We are moving in like now! Well, right now right now, I am at my mom's house to grab the last of our things from when we were staying here in Dec. Then back up to the new house about 2 hrs drive away when traffic isn't horrendous! The rest of our stuff is at the IL's place which incidentally is 2 doors down (which means they will be as good as strangers because they are so disconnected from this pregnancy and grandbaby) from the new house, so we are able to spread out the moving period for a bit. Since OH is in school 3 days a week pretty much all day and is swamped with homework/work, it's difficult to set aside a whole day to just moving. This situation allows us to work in bits and pieces, so we'll do that!
I'm sure we will get everything at least INTO the house and have some baby things set up by the time Zodi arrives, which is perfectly fine with me as I am just glad to have a house to live in!

FX for your concerns with induction and baby's weight!
Thank you. It's just been a really hard day today, like I'm tethering on crying again. I don't do all this emotion.
I'm honestly not even thinking about the two children element, we all have to adjust to it and although it will take time we will get there, we have too, it's happening regardless.
Isaac does a full day at nursery tommorow and it provides us both with much needed respite from each other.
I think I may stop going mum and tots whilst he is so hard to manage, which is a real shame but it's not worth the frustration. X

Dawn 3's are a tough year. I always found them harder than 2. As much as they know better they also know how to push mommy's buttons even more. :hugs: You are doing a great job! I am sure you will rock two LO's just fine. :thumbup:
Ah busy times for you. I hope the rest of the move goes ok. I sure you will be settled once Zodi arrives.

The ironic thing around Isaac and his behaviour is I worked in a nursery with preschool children for 8 years, never saw deliberately naughty behaviour like I see from Isaac. But then they are so different fir there parents. All my training, degree in childhood studies and management experience goes out the window when it's my child being a little monkey.
Maybe I expect too much from him sometimes, I know that is common when people have worked in a nursery environment.
I think I'm also not considering the changes coming his way and how that may be impacting behaviour. ..... or maybe I'm just making excuses for him. I honestly don't know.
The straw that may break the camels back is daddy is away next week with work so that's 5 whole days and four nights just me and Isaac. ..... hmmmm, that's going to be hard .

Dawn, strangers love to judge! I bet you already know that you're going to do fine with two babe's, and that Isaac hopefully is just have a tough day. I worked in a pre-school for a bit and 3 year olds are definitely clever little one's and like to push boundaries.
Never had any problems with any of the two year olds as much

We are moving in like now! Well, right now right now, I am at my mom's house to grab the last of our things from when we were staying here in Dec. Then back up to the new house about 2 hrs drive away when traffic isn't horrendous! The rest of our stuff is at the IL's place which incidentally is 2 doors down (which means they will be as good as strangers because they are so disconnected from this pregnancy and grandbaby) from the new house, so we are able to spread out the moving period for a bit. Since OH is in school 3 days a week pretty much all day and is swamped with homework/work, it's difficult to set aside a whole day to just moving. This situation allows us to work in bits and pieces, so we'll do that!
I'm sure we will get everything at least INTO the house and have some baby things set up by the time Zodi arrives, which is perfectly fine with me as I am just glad to have a house to live in!

FX for your concerns with induction and baby's weight!
Dawn I seriously think we have alot in common right now only Sean is a year younger .. He is slapping every one right now , including today the old lady that came to say hi to him in his buggy . She got a wallop on her face !!!!!!! I was MORTIFIED !!! Didn't know what to say and to make matters worse when I told him no and not nice . I got one too !!!!
Not sure where He is is learning it !!!

So not a great day here either on the mothering front !! Still deciding to take it one day at a time and not think beyond tommrow ;)
Daisy - Thanks for asking! I teach ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) in grades K-5. I see over 90 kids that I take in groups throughout the day.

As for my midwife appointment, I'm measuring at 30.5 weeks, HB is 140, & Jacob is head-down. I was told that at this point, he most likely will not move from that position. Since my previous labor was 5 hours from start to finish (teeniest little period type cramp to delivery) that this time, I will most likely be about half that amount of time - 2.5 hours! Eek! Good and bad news - quick labor is great.... as long as I get to the hospital on time! I just don't want a car birth! :haha:

And good luck with your move!!! You'll have to share pics of your home once it's set up the way you like :flower:

Bombshell, Glad you're back home & feeling better. Keep us posted on how Thursday goes! As for the nursery - glad to hear I'm not the only one :haha: And as for the crotch pain - I am always moving! I'm wondering if I have to slow down instead. It's def worse when I am VERY (more than usually) active :wacko:

Dawn, I hope things get better with Isaac's behavior. Sometimes they just have bad days, right?? You would think the other parents would be more sympathetic!! :growlmad: I'm sure I would have been in tears too!

AllForTheGirl, I'm really wondering if I do have SPD... my midwife told me a few exercises I can do, and said the same things you're saying about not taking wide steps, keeping my legs together when moving in & out of a car, in & out of bed, up stairs, etc. I'm trying to take it easy, but it's so hard when I have SO much to do to get ready for this baby, and I'm still working full time. Your poor friend! I can't imagine being in a wheelchair! I guess I really have to slow down, because I do NOT want that to happen!!! :nope:
So I was sleeping like crap before the whole thing with my its even worse. Im lucky if I am getting 3 hrs a night:cry: sooooo exhausted.
Sorry to hear that, AMP. Is it thoughts of your grandmother keeping you up, or something else? :hugs:
Sorry to hear that, AMP. Is it thoughts of your grandmother keeping you up, or something else? :hugs:

I was having insomnia before she passed, then the whole week she was on "death watch" I was anticipating an early morning phone call which made the insomnia worse, now that she has passed no matter how tired I am I sleep for maybe 2-3 hours then have to start getting up to pee almost every 1 hr 1/2. Then my throat feels like its on fire (only my throat not my chest, is this still considered heartburn?) and of course no matter which side I lay on within 20 minutes Im uncomfortable again
Left wondering - sounds like it's just been a mad day for our boys today. I got a few slaps in the face from Isaac. It's a lovely little reward for being mummy. I do wonder where they learn smacking etc but then I remember they really are there own little person and sometimes they just respond and often don't think it through first. Isaac is at nursery tomorrow so I get a break thankfully, hopefully we will have a much better Friday and you will have a better tomorrow.

BellaRosa- I think many of the other mins have just not hit this parenting hurdle with there kids so they can't see further than the end if their nose sometimes. I normally make a point of making Isaac apologise but I couldn't today I was too upset and cross.

Amp - I am sorry to hear your not sleeping, I hope on time some decent sleep comes your way. Take care xxx

AFM- just home from tea out with a friend, it was just what I needed to De - stress. Pelvic pain still very apparant, restaurant chairs didn't help that situation much xxxx
AMP, sorry you're not getting much sleep and i'm really sorry to hear about your grandma :hugs:
Dawn :hugs: Take no notice of other people's snippy comments, it sounds to me like you handled the situation really well. I have the same degree and nursery work experience (worked in one til I went on mat leave with DD2) and I feel like my own kids are nothing like any i've looked after lol! Mind you I know DD1 is an angel at nursery as the teacher was singing her praises at parents evening so i'm pretty sure some kids just save all their naughtiness for mummy and daddy :winkwink: I feel like at the moment DD1 is sort of rebelling against being the oldest which is understandable as she's still really young but it's hard going sometimes.

I had a second growth scan last week and baby is still measuring way ahead but is following a curve on the chart (a much larger than average curve but a curve nonetheless!) I have a final growth scan at 36 weeks by which point I will have seen the consultant and will know where I stand with regards to going past my due date (hopefully not!) The braxton hicks are coming on full force these days, forgot how they can take your breath away sometimes!
AMP, yes, that is still heartburn, I don't get much of mine in my chest, but in my throat and nose it was making me cough and gag horribly. Sorry to hear about your crap time with sleep too - I feel your pain there, I get less than 2 consecutive hours every time I sleep at the moment, running on absolutely nothing.

Thanks, i kind of think a lot of Isaacs issues are frustration, i think i need another approach with him, but im not sure what. shall get my thinking cap on.

I really hope they dont let you go overdue, its so hard when they are measuring big, I get the arguments for not inducing people, but equally i think once they have the infomration that indicates big baby they should act on it. I see the consulatant and have another scan at 34 weeks and i reckon they will rescan at 36 weeks and at that point some plan better be made or i shall be getting cross. I dont want a c-section, which the last consultant seemed keen on, i would like to try and do it naturally again but this one is already looking bigger than isaac was and i reckon 10lb 7 may be my limit - so in sum if i want a natural birth they will probably need to think of inducing at 38 weeks.

Dawn :hugs: Take no notice of other people's snippy comments, it sounds to me like you handled the situation really well. I have the same degree and nursery work experience (worked in one til I went on mat leave with DD2) and I feel like my own kids are nothing like any i've looked after lol! Mind you I know DD1 is an angel at nursery as the teacher was singing her praises at parents evening so i'm pretty sure some kids just save all their naughtiness for mummy and daddy :winkwink: I feel like at the moment DD1 is sort of rebelling against being the oldest which is understandable as she's still really young but it's hard going sometimes.

I had a second growth scan last week and baby is still measuring way ahead but is following a curve on the chart (a much larger than average curve but a curve nonetheless!) I have a final growth scan at 36 weeks by which point I will have seen the consultant and will know where I stand with regards to going past my due date (hopefully not!) The braxton hicks are coming on full force these days, forgot how they can take your breath away sometimes!

oh the house is empty, isaac at nursery, nat at work. radio on and time to sort through Isaacs old baby clothes. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

i have no idea where i am storing them but i am more than ready to cooo and ahhhh at them :haha:
So this little guy is estimated to be in the 66% percentile for growth. Dr. not concerned with size at this time but booked me for another growth scan for Feb. 12 (day before I hit 37 weeks). Induction should be scheduled after I hit 39 weeks (which is a Saturday so they said induction on/around Monday Feb. 29th although I'll ask for March 1st to avoid Leap Year!) Picture not so great but Dr. said everything looks good!

I have a feeling this little monkey will come on his own around 38 weeks though and I wont need the induction.
Forgot to attach pic!


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