March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Yesterday I had my only ultrasound of the pregnancy. For me planning a freebirth the only real concern I have had is the location of my placenta, so I decided that I would rather have a late scan when the placenta location is more likely to be fixed (since 90% of previas diagnosed at 20 weeks aren't a problem at birth and of the other 10% many are simply low lying rather than a true previa).
Anyway I got the all clear :thumbup: Placenta is so far from the cervix she couldn't get both on the screen at the same time. Peep is head down (the GP and MW both said so, but it sure feels like a head in my ribs again so s/he must just have a bony butt :haha:) and weighing in at 5lbs11oz. I hold absolutely no stock in weight estimates from scans, but since it's right on the 49th percentile I can at least be confident Peep will be born a good weight even if it's out significantly either way :p
She did a morphology scan at the same time, and while it's too late for her to see everything they would check for, what she was able to see (which imo are the most important things to know, like organ function) are all perfect :thumbup:
Hope you are ok Sarah. Good suggestions from the ladies here. Must be tough on you I'm sure.

Buttercup, so exciting! Not long at all to wait :)

Dawn, sounds like a good plan, little busy box for Isaac, he'll love it and am sure will be a super big bro.

Bella and AMP and other second time mum's, your ideas for introducing Dd to baby are really lovely too.

Over here heartburn is killing me slowly. I actually Googled 'can you die of heartburn?' At 3am this morning. Not had it bad at all but this week it's making up for 8 months of pretty chilled pregnancy. Any suggestions at all are gratefully received. Short of 'don't eat' I don't know what you do.
Take zantac itis available over the counter and is safe to take . It saved my life last time and now rennin just not cutting it I'm taking it again . One in the am one in the pm 75mg . You can get 150mg too bt only take one a day of those .... Seriously I don't know what I would have done without it
Mama fox I feel for you on the heartburn front. I take omeprazole from Dr not had heartburn since. With Isaac I didn't take anything till very late in the pregnancy but I found sips of cold water helped. Milk helped a bit, but really at that stage medication was the best x x
Yesterday I had my only ultrasound of the pregnancy. For me planning a freebirth the only real concern I have had is the location of my placenta, so I decided that I would rather have a late scan when the placenta location is more likely to be fixed (since 90% of previas diagnosed at 20 weeks aren't a problem at birth and of the other 10% many are simply low lying rather than a true previa).
Anyway I got the all clear :thumbup: Placenta is so far from the cervix she couldn't get both on the screen at the same time. Peep is head down (the GP and MW both said so, but it sure feels like a head in my ribs again so s/he must just have a bony butt :haha:) and weighing in at 5lbs11oz. I hold absolutely no stock in weight estimates from scans, but since it's right on the 49th percentile I can at least be confident Peep will be born a good weight even if it's out significantly either way :p
She did a morphology scan at the same time, and while it's too late for her to see everything they would check for, what she was able to see (which imo are the most important things to know, like organ function) are all perfect :thumbup:

Glad to hear everything is going well and that you are still able to have your free birth :) I'm very interested to hear how it turns out! I am so chicken I couldn't do it. Homebirth with a midwife is one thing, I would love to do it, however my anxiety levels would have me in the hospital either way :haha: maybe next bub we will try for a home water birth. This one I just want to get through without medication :thumbup:
Any names picked?
Heading out in a snow storm for my ultrasound.... for some reason I'm feeling very anxious. FX please :dohh::nope:
Arrrgh, made it there but no ultrasound, just a regular check up. Had my last US 10 weeks ago so I really want one - now I have to wait 2 more weeks :(

Bloodwork OK and thankfully my pressure has gone down a bit, so no bedrest for me :)
Glad everyone is having good appointments! I had my 36 week check up with the midwife today and all was good. She said the baby's head was nice and down.
I have my 2nd growth scan today at 1pm. Cant wait to see how big this little monkey is! I was having lower back pain yesterday and I said to my daughter (whos 3) when she said the baby was coming she said "the 25th" I said are you sure? she replied "2 more weekends" guess how many weekends are between now and the 25th! :shock: Back pain went away, I think I slept twisted funny.
NDH, I'm glad your scan gave you good news, really interested to hear how your free birth goes, it's not something I could ever see myself doing, but I'm interested in those who do!

Lily - go and get yourself some medication, ranitidine (zantac) is one option, but omeprazole is like magic, it's so effective. I still get reflux, but it just tastes of sick rather than burning and causing my nose and throat to burn, making me choke and swell up. I still top it up with double action gaviscon ( boots own brand equivalent) which helps stop stuff reflux ing up as much too.

Afm, I'm struggling with huge anxiety, I have sobbed most days and even caught myself saying and feeling that I don't want a baby anymore. I finished work today though, so hoping that helps things to settle more as I might actually be able to get some rest in!
Well just had my 37 week appointment. BP is higher than normal but still in the normal range, measuring 37 cm and Zodi's HB was 130.
They (MW and the student) both did a cervical check and said that it is very ripe about 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated.
Considering I have been in early labor for a few days now I am hoping things start to progress...
Had my growth scan, Dr. said this lil monkey is estimated to be about 7 lbs which is just slightly over the 50th percentile and said he is completely average size and my fluid level is fine. So we are sticking with the induction date of the 29th when I will be 39 weeks + 2 days. Everything good with fetal monitoring.

I cant wait til next Friday when I will be starting my maternity leave! Looking forward to spending quality one on one time with dd before this one arrives!
Glad everyone seems well mostly.

Mama duck - I hope that now your maternity leave has started things begin to feel more settled for you. I have also felt on a few occasions I don't want the baby anymore, it's always a fleeting thought thankfully and passes quickly. It is also often linked to me being so tired and just uncomfortable with the pregnancy. The health visitor asked me the other day if I felt like I had bonded with bump and I couldn't really answer as I wasn't sure. .... its only the last day or so that I can say I feel a bit more bonded to bump. Take care mama duck xxxx

AMP glad all is looking good with you and Yay for a definite induction date. It helps ease the stress when you have a date to work towards. Though i wonder if your daughters prediction is correct. I'm similar in that im really hoping at 38 plus 3 I get a solid induction date either for 39 weeks or 40 but I'm hoping the sweep they will give me at that appointment may start me off, fingers crossed.

Daisy - glad Zodi is doing well. Keep moving if your in slow labour, but balance that with some rest.

Take care all x x
ive finally caught up with everyones news and updates!!

Glad your all doing well and the end is nigh for all of us :baby:

Im going on monday for my last growth scan to see what this little man is up to, 28 weeks he was 2.5lb approx so will be interesting to see as I feel like hes put on 2 stone this last week lol my leg is really troubling me and im back on my crutches so I will also find out if they will induce me at 37-38 or try to let me go as long as concern for the latter is my leg may break and then i will have to go through labour etc which was really difficult with my first not being so mobile and pain relief.. there are pros and cons to both sides of the argument re induction i suppose....The plus side for this pregnancy is that my bp has played actually a little low this time (105-68) which is fab as i was induced at 34 weeks last time due to pre eclampsia with 200 and something over 100 and something!

Im kind of ready, nursery is nearly done just waiting decorator to come next week and do the wall art for me, curtains will hopefully be finished next week, the cot etc are all ready, all his clothes washed and put away, pram at a friends and car seat in the dining room.

aside from the normal ailments HEARTBURN HELL, not sleeping or getting comfortable, being kicked in the bladder and going to the toilet 10 times a night im doing ok haha

hopefully wel all be reading each others easy birth stories very soon!!

h xx
See, I feel very bonded with bump, it's just the thought of the baby afterwards that is terrifying! This is a normal reaction to an impending change for me though, and hopefully one that will settle down now I can catch up on some sleep. Last night I was able to sleep as my body wants to, 11-3 and then 5-7. I suspect that second lot will lengthen over the coming days and there will be a late morning/early afternoon nap too, but while I've been working my alarm is set for 5.30, just as I'm really settling back to sleep. I feel better today already!
I was somehow removed from the Facebook group...can anyone help me with this? I don't know why or how.
I can't find it by searching because it's private so someone will have to invite us to it. I got a new phone but otherwise I have no idea how I am no longer in the group :shrug:

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