NDH, glad your ultrasound showed everything to be as it should be and the placenta nice and high. I find the idea of freebirthing fascinating but like CurlyRose I don't think i'd have the nerve to do it myself. I remember watching a programme about a lady who had one over here and she still had minimal contact with an NHS midwife through her pregnancy as she felt like it stopped them intervening more than was necessary which makes sense. The midwife was really funny about anyone else actually delivering baby though as apparently it's illegal over here, like the woman could do it herself but her husband couldn't?!

Aww Lily, hope the heartburn has eased a bit for you. Mine has got worse lately but so far has been manageable with antacids. I'd definitely see your GP though if they're not working for you, may as well get something more effective so you don't have to suffer more than you need to

Curlyrose, hope your anxiety is more manageable now that you're off work and able to rest as you say. Look after yourself

Oh gosh Daisy, sounds like Zodi definitely wants to be a February baby!!

bigbelly, I totally get what you mean re induction i'm a bit apprehensive about coping with the pain whilst being constantly monitored if i'm on the drip so i'm really hoping the cervadil or breaking my waters puts me into labour like it did last time so I can push for intermittent monitoring and be more mobile. Sounds like you're well on the way to being prepared for your little man, what wall art are you having in the nursery?

Silas, i'm not in the group and not sure who else is other than KalonKiki. I'd message her on here in case she hasn't been on this thread recently. Hope you're able to be added back, i've known facebook to play silly buggers and kick people out of groups for no reason before. Caused a bit of hassle on my December 2011 group iirc!
allforthegirl, that all sounds very promising! Fc you won't have too much longer to wait

keepinitreal, that sounds horrendous! Is there anything you can do re chasing her up to get her to rectify things or refunding you? Does she work for a company or herself? I'd be slating her to anyone who would listen, facebook etc at the very least!
AFM, still feels quite surreal that i'll be starting the induction process in a week! With DD1 it took quite a while but with DD2 it was very quick so i'm wondering how things will pan out this time, especially as i'll be a little early rather than late so I know that could make things take longer to get going. Baby is still doing some crazy movements in there so i'm really hoping they haven't moved into a bad position again