Jodie - Congrats!!!!!
Buttercup - Any news???
Bombshell - SCARY! Def ask them to double check that!
AFM, 36 week checkup went pretty well. I'm 3 cm dilated & ob could feel his head! I've had SO MANY BH on Wednesday and Thursday, it was crazy! On Wednesday, I was about to start timing them when they stopped. I just get the feeling this little guy isn't staying in until my due date... we'll see.
What I didn't like to hear was, I was hoping to get out of my doctor when I should stop work. I was hoping to hear 38 weeks or... I don't know, something before my due date. But no... she said she worked right up to her due date and went into labor in the office. And she said that I can do the same. I was like, I did the same last time around, and I'd prefer NOT to give birth after a full day of work, like I did with DD! But she wouldn't give me any sort of suggestion as to when I might go into labor or when I should stop by. I even asked about other women she's seen, and she said "most women work right up to their due date." (which I kinda think is a load of you know what) UGH!!!
I go to a group practice (5 doctors, and 1 midwife. Midwife sees people for checkups, but doesn't actually deliver babies. Whoever is on call will deliver my baby), and this is a doctor I've only met once before, when I was pregnant with DD. I'm hoping A) she isn't on call when I deliver, because I'm not sure how much I like her, and B) when I go back to see the midwife for my appointment next week, maybe she'll give me a better time-frame.
Unfortunately, without a doctor saying I should stop, DH isn't going to go for me stopping earlier than we already discussed. As of now, I'm slated to stop on March 18th (Friday) for a March 21st due date (Monday). Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be just sitting at home for 2 weeks before I give birth, but I just don't want to chance going right into labor after work (or at work) one day.