March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Finally all caught up! Can I be Mama Meerkat?

My due date is March 21 based on LMP. My DH doesn't know yet, and unless I tell him by text he won't know until the 26th of July. It's absolutely killing me not being able to share it with anyone.
FTMs just so you know your first ultrasound will be vaginally! They use a wand and insert it like a tampon. No one told me this and my husband and I had no idea and we were just like WTH! :haha:

Just wanted to prepare you. It does not hurt at all it's just weird

Hopeful one you sound so positive. I really hope you get your rainbow.

Stucki Happy Birthday!!!

Littlelilly are you a teacher? I teach mathematics. I taught 7th the past 4 years and I will teach 6th this year. I'm so excited and have been focusing a lot of energy towards my new classroom. It's funny that you're just about to go on holiday as we are getting ready to go back two weeks from tomorrow.

I'm a teacher too! I teach ESOL to 90+ kids in grades K-5. I just got out on June 19th. I go back late August. So weird how the timing of vacations are different all over!
AF was due today according to FF! YAY!

Officially missed the witch! And I can now feel really pregnant!
I'm a secondary teacher and I've been so thankful that I'm on break. I've been exhausted.

This is a small victory but I'm officially more pregnant than I was during my second miscarriage pregnancy! I can't wait until I'm 11 weeks and farther along than I ever have been before!:happydance:
Wow, lots of teachers. I teach in primary year 3 in the UK and after tmrw have the whole of August off, after which I will be 12 wks which means I can tell people and hopefully be feeling more energetic!

Mama Crab, great PMA, thanks, I think your positive mind set has helped us all.

Yes Mama Lion, I think symptoms fluctuate. Sore boobs some days, and fine others, also 2 whole days of relentless nausea and then none the rest of the wk.

Mama Wolf, yay for officially missing AF!

Congratulations to all the new bfps!
Mama Crab I try to have the same mindset - also a friend who is a foster care have me some advice to love them as long as you have them, by means of giving me permission to fall in love with my babies even when I'm scared to in case I lose them. As a foster carer she never knows if a child will be placed with her a day or a month or a year, but she loves them as much as she can for as long as she has them.

Mama lion, not all first scans are iaginal, it depends where you are. My experience has always been that they try abdominally first, and even at 6+2 with my second they fould get everything they needee that way. The only time I needed a vaginal scan was my mmc in November.

Mama Wolf yay for officially missing Af!

Mama meercat congrata and welcome! Id go crazy not being able to
Tell DH that long! If hrs reachable by text is he not available by phone?
Mama Hen, it is driving me bonkers! He is reachable, but he is doing military training and they are keeping him very busy so our connections tend to be hours apart. If he has time for a call I might spill it earlier, but I don't want to inform him by text.
Mama Crab I try to have the same mindset - also a friend who is a foster care have me some advice to love them as long as you have them, by means of giving me permission to fall in love with my babies even when I'm scared to in case I lose them. As a foster carer she never knows if a child will be placed with her a day or a month or a year, but she loves them as much as she can for as long as she has them.

Mama lion, not all first scans are iaginal, it depends where you are. My experience has always been that they try abdominally first, and even at 6+2 with my second they fould get everything they needee that way. The only time I needed a vaginal scan was my mmc in November.

Mama Wolf yay for officially missing Af!

Mama meercat congrata and welcome! Id go crazy not being able to
Tell DH that long! If hrs reachable by text is he not available by phone?

I love that! It's hard not to love your baby as soon as you know it's there. It was amazing to me how quickly it happened with each one :) xoxo
Congrats and welcome Workinonbaby2 (looks like Mama Frog is taken i'm afraid, is there another animal you'd like instead? :flower:), maybebayb and SunDevil! Can't believe how close we are to the end of March with due dates now, the April group will pop up in no time!
I'm 7 weeks and feeling OK, exhaustion isn't letting up and my appetite has gone really screwy... Yesterday I had cereal for all 3 meals cos that's what I felt like :blush: Hope everyone else is doing OK :)
At least you'll have lots of time to plan a cool announcement Mama Meercat.
Two hours until scan time! I'm quietly shitting myself over it :p
Have to drink the dreaded water soon :dohh:
Is anyone experiencing extreme thirst? Is that even a symptom? Maybe its because it is so miserable hot, I don't know. But I feel miserable. So exhausted, thirsty and nauseous!!

I got my second blood draw for my hcg levels today. I hope I'll get a call from the Dr tomorrow and then she'll schedule my ultrasound.
Silas-I had extreme thirst with dd. I couldn't drink enough and couldn't quench it. It only lasted a week or two.
Finally all caught up! Can I be Mama Meerkat?

My due date is March 21 based on LMP. My DH doesn't know yet, and unless I tell him by text he won't know until the 26th of July. It's absolutely killing me not being able to share it with anyone.

We are due the same day :happydance:

I am hanging out for some morning sickness just so I can feel more pregnant! The last 2 evenings I have had a mild pinching sensation in my right side which i am hoping is just my uterus stretching and nothing else.

Can anyone please tell me how I get the ticker to show how far along I am (the fruit changing thing). Thanks!
Ugh ladies! I was grocery shopping with DH at Walmart and I had this intense wave of nausea and I was so sure I was going to vomit in the canned food aisle!!!! I had to excuse myself to the bathroom and then waited in there for 10 minutes at least before I felt safe enough to go back out.. :dohh:

So happy to have symptoms but its been 4+ years since my last pregnancy - forgot how miserable morning sickness is. :wacko:
Silas-I had extreme thirst with dd. I couldn't drink enough and couldn't quench it. It only lasted a week or two.

Thanks! I hope it only last a couple weeks, its so weird for me. Not even sure how to handle it. Maybe it goes hand in hand with MS. :shrug: Because when I'm feeling the thirstiest I am also feeling pretty nauseous.

I'm eating a bowl of cereal right now and its definitely hitting the spot and I'm feeling a lot better now, thankfully.
Finally all caught up! Can I be Mama Meerkat?

My due date is March 21 based on LMP. My DH doesn't know yet, and unless I tell him by text he won't know until the 26th of July. It's absolutely killing me not being able to share it with anyone.

We are due the same day :happydance:

I am hanging out for some morning sickness just so I can feel more pregnant! The last 2 evenings I have had a mild pinching sensation in my right side which i am hoping is just my uterus stretching and nothing else.

Can anyone please tell me how I get the ticker to show how far along I am (the fruit changing thing). Thanks!

Go to and search for "fruit ticker". Create your ticker, following their instructions, then copy the BBcode and paste in your signature (user cp, edit signature).
Finally all caught up! Can I be Mama Meerkat?

My due date is March 21 based on LMP. My DH doesn't know yet, and unless I tell him by text he won't know until the 26th of July. It's absolutely killing me not being able to share it with anyone.

We are due the same day :happydance:

I am hanging out for some morning sickness just so I can feel more pregnant! The last 2 evenings I have had a mild pinching sensation in my right side which i am hoping is just my uterus stretching and nothing else.

Can anyone please tell me how I get the ticker to show how far along I am (the fruit changing thing). Thanks!

Go to and search for "fruit ticker". Create your ticker, following their instructions, then copy the BBcode and paste in your signature (user cp, edit signature).

Thanks! I think I have it :thumbup:
Scan went well! Measured at 5+4 but there was a heartbeat beating away. Makes me due 14 March but I know I'll have it round 9th/10th as I had with my other two :)

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