Thanks ladies. I'm relieved it's not ectopic but in all honesty I am struggling to get excited about this bean. It wasn't really planned but I thought wouldn't mind if I did get pregnant but it turns out I do mind a little!
Don't get me wrong this baby will still be welcomed it's just so different from ttc #2 who was planned and took 18 months with an ectopic in between to conceive.
I'm a primary school teacher in the UK! Only 3 more days and then I break up for the summer holidays and I have my scan in August so I can go back in septet and tell everyone xx
Can I join, just found out im pregnant EDD march 24th, didnt think I would be back here so soon so wohoo
Been TTC for two yrs with no luck was about to start clomid when i got a which sadly ended in an ectopic at 5.5wks and resulted in the loss of my right tube this was in may, had my clomid prescription in hand to start next cycle and got my again absoulutly over the moon, I have a scan on the 29/07 to check it nestled in the right spot so fingers xd
Mind if I join? I got a BFP yesterdsy morning when my 7mo decided it was play time at 2am.
The clinic confirmed. Beta hcg was 208. I was expecting higher but I have a history of low progesterone and hadn't started taking it post peak yet. So makes sense if it was lower. Back on progesterone. 600Mg nightly. I get another hcg test Monday and see my dr for EDD. I think it Will be around 3-22-16 though.
We were not planning this quite yet so we are in shock. I'm staying as positive as I can since my last pregnancy I was worried the entire time and really struggled with bonding with baby before he was born. After has been amazing though. I have a history of infertility so this is quite the unexpected miracle right now!
Don't count your due date by your early scans girls. They oven grow in fits and starts and it can be really hard to get a proper measurement.
With my daughter I had a dating scan which measured at 8+4, had a scan a week later which was spot on at 9+4 but when I went for my proper dating scan at 11+5 by the last two scans I was measuring 12+4 which is what they went with.
I've been trying to find this thread, found it! I got my BFP super duper early a few days ago at 8 dpo, I will feel better when I miss my period early next week. Online calculator says my due date is March 28. I keep taking tests daily to make sure I'm progressing. So far I am
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