Congrats and welcome all the new ladies!
Is anyone else really irritable? I'm finding I have very little patience with my little girl at the moment. I feel awful because she is teething and a bit under the weather these last few days and I'm just awful to be around! My OH has leave from work next week so he can help out and give me a break from her an we have some great days out planned so hopefully things will get easier and I will be nice mummy again!
Yes!!!! I've been crying daily because of little things my DH says/does to set me off, and I admit my patience hasn't been the greatest. I have to keep closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, and reminding myself that my DD is only 2 and right now, the fact that she wants her milk in her straw cup NOT her sippy really isn't the end of the world - if it makes her that happy, then why not.

You are not alone!!!